My tree clone can decompose everything

Chapter 134 Currency

Chapter 134 Currency

"Luo Cheng, do you think it's still necessary for me to go to college? The monsters have crossed over. What's the point of going to college instead of finding a job?

I can't even stay in school now, it's so boring. "Zheng Xiao said with emotion.

Luo Cheng was practicing at the scrap station this morning when Zheng Xiao came over in a taxi.

"It's better for you, Cheng Zi, you will be quite a real martial artist in the future."

Luo Cheng was not puzzled for a moment.

"You are a true martial emperor, don't talk nonsense."

Zheng Xiao pointed to the eight-armed giant beast and the big python in the yard and said: "You and the two generals Turtle and Snake are ready, don't you want to be the real Emperor Wu.

The main purpose of Emperor Zhenwu is to conquer demons. Aren't you doing the same job as Emperor Zhenwu now? "

Luo Cheng smiled and said: "You are also a flatterer, please say more of this in the future."

"Brother, I don't mean to flatter you. Isn't this guy the eight-armed giant beast that you fought with before? He's their cub, right?"

"Well, I took care of his parents. The little one was just an egg at first, so I raised him."

Luo Cheng walked to the edge of the pool and stretched out his hand. The eight-armed giant beast cub lowered its head and slowly rubbed Luo Cheng's palm.

He turned over and jumped up, riding the little guy on the water.

"Brother, I really envy you now. This is life."

"Then practice hard. Now you have condensed the cyclone. The next step is to condense the spiritual cyclone. Work hard, young man."

Zheng Xiao is one of his few friends. The flesh essence and spiritual essence extracted from the low-level mutated creatures in Guangshan City are of no use to him at all. Even after purification, the effect is almost useless.

He has stored a lot, and occasionally takes out a few pills to give to a few friends.

The external view is that he condensed it with the flesh and blood of mutated creatures, and the output is not much.

Luo Cheng tried his own condensation, but it was not as good as Xiaoshu's.

Zheng Xiao stayed in Luocheng for a few hours and then left. He was confused and wanted to hear the opinions of his friends.

However, Luo Cheng can't give any advice, and changes may occur at any time.

When the earth merges into the nameless world, we still don’t know what this world will become.

The most he could do was give a few words of comfort.

At this stage, there will be no major chaos in Youluocheng, Guangshan City.

Xiaoshu regularly cleans up mutated creatures that are out of reach from surrounding counties. The local police will contact Jiuding.

There are no powerful creatures yet.

Not every area connected by the window is occupied by strong people.

Most of them are uninhabited areas or areas where weak creatures live.

Open light curtain

【Decompose the tree of all things】

Root coverage range: 40 kilometers

Abilities: [Decomposition] [Extraction] [Evolution] [Assimilation] [Purification] [Purification] [Slavery Order (Three enslavement orders can be extracted from the decomposition tree of all things, and the enslavement order can enslave living things)]

Nutrients: seventy-six thousand four hundred and thirty-six [Absorb sunlight, rain and dew, decompose and absorb all things to obtain nutrients, extract, evolve, purify and consume nutrients simultaneously]

[Decomposition ability: Level 5]

Mode: [Smart Mode]

With less than 30,000 nutrients left to continue upgrading, Luo Cheng changed his perspective and continued fishing at the bottom of the lake.

A small tree with certain intelligence can do this by itself.

However, Luocheng felt that it was very interesting, and it was considered a different kind of fishing. What he usually fished was fish, but now he was fishing for an eight-armed giant beast.

A large boat was driving slowly on the lake, and several humanoid creatures with blue skin and blue drop-shaped crystals on their eyebrows were counting the eight-armed giant beasts on the boat.

An obscure wave came from one of the mouths.

It seems to be the local language but mixed with some kind of mental fluctuation.

The roots of the small tree swayed in the water like water plants, and they could clearly feel the words of several people.

<divclass="contentadv">Yes, perceived rather than heard.

The other party's language is mixed with mental fluctuations, and you can understand the meaning even if you don't understand the words.

Luo Cheng understood as soon as he thought about it. The Nameless World merged with countless worlds, and the languages ​​in each world were incomprehensible. There were even multiple languages ​​in one world, so a way of communication was naturally needed.

"Are there a few eight-armed beasts missing? Are there wild monsters coming in to hunt?"

"Check the quantity and report back to your Excellency."

The two counted the number of eight-armed beasts.

"There are five missing in total. This is a big loss. I hope you won't be angry."

Luo Cheng opened his eyes. Fishing was still continuing. A few more small trees would level up.

If possible, Luo Cheng would not mind conducting cross-border trade with the other party.

The fire spirit could easily cross the border here. Luo Cheng had a guess in his mind that the owner of the eight-armed beast would not be too strong, otherwise the fire spirit would not be able to cross the border here.

When Luo Cheng came underground, Huo Ling still looked like he was dying and leaned against the wall with his eyes closed to meditate.

But the aura is stronger than before.

"Luo Cheng, what's the matter? If nothing happened, you wouldn't come here."


Luo Cheng suddenly took a step forward and punched out, causing black fireworks to bloom underground.

It took more than ten seconds for Huo Ling to revive angrily.

"Luo Cheng, don't bully others too much. Prisoners also have dignity."

"What kind of dignity does a prisoner need? When you are a prisoner, you must be mentally prepared to be a prisoner.

I am just correcting your misunderstanding and letting you know who is the master and who is the culprit here.

Be more polite when you talk to me next time. "

Huo Ling was speechless because he was beaten. He was inferior to others and could only endure it even if he was wronged.

"Okay, I guess what you said makes sense, what do you want?"

"Tell me about the lake on the other side of the window."

"It seems that you have been to the other side. The two realms are gradually merging, and the suppression of the nameless realm is gradually weakening, and it has little impact on a strong person like you.

The owner of the lake is a breeder who makes a living by raising eight-armed beasts and giant crocodiles. He is a strong man who understands the law.

But his strength is not very strong, he is about the same as me. "

This was similar to Luo Cheng's estimate, but Luo Cheng didn't believe Huo Ling would tell the matter so straightforwardly. He wished he could die in the Nameless World and be free.

"I hope you didn't tell lies or some hidden dangers. Next, I will look for cross-border businessmen to identify the lake farmers. If you miss anything, maybe this will be the last time you talk to me in your life."

Huo Ling was as black as coal and even showed an ugly expression. It was really hard for him.

Luo Cheng smiled and said, "It seems you didn't tell the truth."

"I just missed it. This tribe is called the Blue Water Tribe. It is a huge ethnic group, but it is not as large as you humans. There are more than seven billion.

But there are tens of millions of people, many of them strong, and their main business is breeding. "

Luo Cheng was immediately interested. Strong men who understood the law relied on breeding to make a living. This was completely different from what he had thought before.

"What is the currency of the nameless world? Or do you prefer bartering?"

Huo Ling glanced at Luo Cheng and said, "The Wuming Realm is different from the Earth. The Earth relies on national credit, but the Wuming Realm relies on strength.

Many creatures even live as long as tens of thousands of years. Perhaps a country has perished after a long period of retreat.

Our transactions use law crystals and essences of various levels or certain treasures as anchor currencies. "

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