My tree clone can decompose everything

Chapter 32 Give you a decent way to die

Chapter 32 Give you a decent way to die

Luo Cheng leaned on the chair and calmed down the complicated emotions and moods in his heart.

He was just a senior in high school. Even though he knew that the world was not as beautiful as he imagined, he still felt uneasy after hearing the driver's words.

After five minutes of contemplation, a second sphere formed by roots emerged from the ground and appeared in the room.

The roots spread out layer by layer, revealing another driver with a frightened expression.

"Your companions have confessed everything. I hope to hear you say it again. Don't try to hide it, otherwise you will suffer the greatest pain in your life."

The roots wrapped around the middle-aged man's body like a python, and the roots on his legs, waist and neck slowly tightened.

The heart of the middle-aged man was beating wildly, and cold sweat kept breaking out on his forehead.

"I said everything, don't kill me, we used to work for Haihong Group and Zhang Biao, they are the masterminds.

This time it was also Zhang Biao's instigation. You can kill Zhang Biao. With your ability, you can make Zhang Biao disappear from the world without anyone noticing. "

The other driver told the same story as the previous one, that he relied on the Haihong Group to make a living.

"Please let me go, I told you everything."

"Where is Zhang Biao now?"

"He is in the hospital, the city hospital. He should be discharged in the next two days. He has a house in the city. I will tell you the address.

But he probably won’t go home, but will go back to the demolition company, because there are many people there, and many boys listen to him. I will tell you the address now. His home is Building 3, Building 5, Blue Home, No. 38 Zhongting Road. Zero two. "

Luo Cheng wrote down the address of Zhang Biao's home.

"I am a kind person, but my kindness will only be to the same kind people. You go and keep company with your companions.

The crime is so serious that it deserves to be pierced by thousands of arrows. "

Luo Cheng's words were like judgment. The middle-aged man wanted to shout, but the roots sealed his mouth faster.

Countless roots came out, like sharp swords, flying through the air and piercing the opponent's body.

Pull the other person into the ground.

The second time, but my heart no longer had the complicated emotions of the first time.

Luo Cheng leaned on his chair, wrapped a root around a bottle of ice-cold Coke from the refrigerator, unscrewed the cap and brought it over.

Luo Cheng took the bottle and drank it in one gulp.

I suddenly felt more comfortable.

The huge sphere emerged from the ground again.

Revealing the tightly tied gunman inside.

Luo Cheng took the gunman's pistol and observed it carefully. He had asked Xiaoshu to make a pistol before, but unfortunately it was just a model. This was a real pistol.

As long as you break it down and let Xiaoshu make the parts, you can produce pistols in batches.

Luo Cheng pointed the pistol at himself and pulled the trigger.

An amalgam instantly appeared in the center of my hand.


A bullet came out of the barrel quickly, passed through a short space, and hit the amalgam.

The speed went from extremely fast to extremely slow, and the visual change surprised Luo Cheng.

It was like a fast galloping horse crashing into a swamp and then slowly sinking.

Luo Cheng turned his palms and held the bullet in his palm. He spread his palms and the bullet fell to the ground with a metallic sound.

The gunman was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat. He had experienced many dangers in his life and met many powerful people.

But it was the first time in his life that he had seen someone receiving bullets with his bare hands, and it was also the first time that he had seen someone who could control countless roots.

"The gun is good, but not very powerful. Where did the pistol come from?"


"Where did you buy it? Don't let me ask you a second question."

Thick roots gradually tightened around the gunman's waist.

The gunman's face suddenly became congested and turned red, and the blood vessels on his forehead popped out, making it difficult to breathe.

"I don't know whether the waist was broken first or the blood vessels burst first. Do you need to test it?"

The gunman struggled wildly.

"You devil, you are not a human at all. It is impossible for a human to control so many tree roots.

Don’t kill me, I’ll tell you all, the country bans guns, but secretly there are many gray areas where people are speculating on this.

As long as you pay a high price, you can buy it. Many of them are made by small workshops using machine tools and are not complicated. "

Luo Cheng nodded. Nowadays, various parts and production principles of firearms can be found online.

As long as there are drawings, many excellent workers can do it.

"Are you also hired by Zhang Biao?"

"Yes, Zhang Biao asked me to kill you. If the big truck fails, let me kill you. Zhang Biao knew that you were in good physical condition and could possibly escape the impact of the truck, but he didn't expect that you would be better able to catch the bullet. Manipulate tree roots.”

"It's probably not the first time you've done something like this. You've killed so many people before."

The gunman muttered: "Those two drivers won't let you kill them, will they? If I tell them, I will die too."

Luo Cheng had no intention of hiding the other party, nor did he intend to let the other party go.

It didn't matter how many people the gunman had killed. Luo Cheng wanted to know how many crimes the gunman had committed, and hoped to judge him for the people he killed.

If the other party doesn't say anything, then just skip the trial process and leave it to Xiaoshu.

“The two of them have gone underground to repent to the people they hurt.

Since you were caught by me today, don't even think about going back alive. No one who has seen my secret will be alive.

But since you confessed your sins, at least you can die a little more happily, otherwise I don't mind letting you experience what it means to be cut in half, and to be strangled by the roots. "

The gunman shuddered for a moment, unable to even think about the miserable scene of being cut in half.

“I say it all, I have thought about this day since I killed the first person, and those who kill will always kill.

I am not a killer of Haihong Group, Zhang Biao paid me to come here, and I have been operating abroad.

Because shootings in the country are a big deal, I won't take the job lightly.

Zhang Biao told me about your situation, and said that the corpse could be disposed of without anyone noticing, so I promised him to come back.

I just didn’t expect to meet you, maybe this is because God thinks I have done too many sins. "

"You have killed several people in the country."

"Three of them are gangsters on the street. They all have lives on their hands. They all deserve to die because they found me because of their hatred for the employer. No ordinary person would find a gunman for this kind of thing, and they have no channels."

Luo Cheng nodded.

"Seeing that you didn't kill innocent people indiscriminately, I can give you a decent way to die."

The other party looked at Luo Cheng, as if there was no decent way to die, he only wanted to be decent and not die.

"Shua" sounded through the air, and the roots were like sharp swords, instantly piercing through the gunman's chest, piercing through the back, and piercing through the heart.

The gunman stared at Luo Cheng, his breath gone, as if to say: This is a bullshit decent way to die.

Luo Cheng shook his head: "I don't like the way you look at me after you die. Go underground and keep company with your companions."

The roots dragged the opponent's body and sank into the ground.

The three of them were all solved, and there was only one Zhang Biao left. After Zhang Biao asked about the sins of the others, he would find a way to solve them one by one.

This group of people concealed their crimes very well and made reasonable use of the rules of a peaceful society.

When facing ordinary people, these people never talk about the law, only fists and force.

Luo Cheng was not prepared to talk to them about the law, but also about fists and force.

These are his rules.

If his fist is strong enough, then he should stand at the pinnacle of power to judge these guilty people.

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