My tree clone can decompose everything

Chapter 370 The Wangui Tribe’s Idea

Chapter 370 The idea of ​​millions of ghosts

Xiaoshu's smart clones began to grow again, this time directly growing to one million.

The role of smart clones is greatly reduced, and only in the beginning, the role of smart clones is great.

It can be implanted into the warship. When it comes to the operating system, the warship can be commanded using a small tree without human control.

As Luo Cheng became stronger and stronger, there were basically no warships left that he could use.

When super galactic warriors fight, battleships are too fragile and are simply targets.

But now, Luo Chengyou saw another way to use smart clones.

It is he who created these lives.

Do it when you think of it.

Luo Cheng immediately issued an order to have Xiaoshu implant an intelligent clone into the huge sphere floating in the magma.

Smart Fensen is, to put it bluntly, more like a bunch of smart data.

The sphere is fused with a mechanical heart and is not a pure flesh and blood body. It can naturally accommodate the intelligent clone that receives Xiaoshu.

From Luo Cheng's perspective, the mechanical heart is more like a smart chip with mechanical laws.

But the ability of this chip is very powerful. It can assimilate metal and allow individuals who give mechanical life to understand the rules.

The countless roots of the small tree instantly penetrated into the sphere and began to create intelligent clones.

In this way, it would be much easier for Luo Cheng to control the huge sphere through the small tree.

Previously, Luo Cheng's consciousness needed to be transferred to the sphere through the small tree, and then the condition of the sphere was sensed and adjusted.

Now that there is an intelligent clone, the changes in the sphere are transmitted to Luo Cheng's brain through the small tree at all times.

Luo Cheng can also fine-tune the sphere according to these changes anytime and anywhere.

In this way, the growth of the sphere accelerated a lot.

In the black night sky, streaks of light streaked across the sky.

Landing all over the Dark City.

The three figures returned directly to the central tower of the Dark City.

On top of the tower, four figures sat cross-legged.

Except for Luo Cheng, the other three people looked very similar to Luo Cheng.

Luo Cheng opened his eyes and said, "You three are back. Let me introduce three people to you."

As soon as Roy saw the three Roses, who had the same aura as the three of them, he had already guessed the identity of the other party.

He smiled and said, "It turns out he is my brother. I am Roy, so I am the eldest brother of the six of us.

If you don’t understand something in the future, you can ask questions. The six of us can share memories with each other and make progress together on the path of cultivation. "

Luo Chengdao: "You three just don't teach the three of them bad. Let's introduce the daily conditions of the Dark City."

With the help of six clones, Luo Cheng can relax a lot.

Whether it's security issues in the Dark City or various chores, the clones can handle them well.

Although he occasionally complained, Luo Cheng turned a blind eye.

As a clone, you have to have the consciousness of being a clone.

Ten years passed in the blink of an eye. In the underground space, the huge ball was smelted many times by the small tree.

It has gradually begun to develop towards humanoid outlines.

Over the years, because Xiaoshu implanted an intelligent clone in the sphere, the sphere itself was not even born.

Rather, it is like a mechanical life, faithfully executing the command data transmitted by Xiaoshu.

Constantly adjust its own development direction.

Luo Cheng learned about the current changes in the sphere through Xiaoshu, and felt that it could be purified for the first time.

[The first purification of the sphere]

【Start purification】

<divclass="contentadv">After many times of smelting and the growth of the sphere, it has now begun to take on a humanoid outline and is slowly developing in the direction of a human.

After years of development of the many super-galaxy essence substances surrounding the sphere, most of the essence in the essence began to gather towards the interior as it was smelted again and again.

A little adds up to a lot, and begins to transform from quantitative change to qualitative change.

Two purifications are the greatest aid to transformation.

Luo Cheng stared closely at the circular outline.

As the purification proceeds, countless impurities are decomposed and absorbed by the saplings and converted into nutrients.

The huge sphere further shrunk, and the depravity of human nature gradually became clear, and a human form that was 70-80% similar to Luo Cheng appeared.

Feeling the powerful aura exuding from this body, he has touched the edge of a cosmic-level powerhouse.

Although it was only preliminary and only physical, it was already more powerful than Luo Cheng's current strength.

It has even faintly surpassed several super-galactic Dzogchen experts that Luo Cheng saw at the Ten Thousand Races Conference.

A cosmic powerhouse and a super-galaxy are two completely different concepts. Even if you are just getting involved in the universe for the first time, it is still one level stronger than the super-galaxy Dzogchen.

Luo Cheng didn't know if he was truly a powerful person in the universe.

Regardless of whether it counts or not, he is quite satisfied. After all, there is still a second purification.

This body can be further enhanced and transformed into a true cosmic powerhouse.

But this cannot be done in a short time.

This body needs a process of cultivation, maybe five years, maybe ten years.

Luo Cheng was not in a hurry, he had plenty of time. Xiaoshu refined the outline of the human form for the first time, and Luo Cheng finally let go of his worries.

On the other side of the underground space, there is also a sea of ​​magma, with countless black spheres floating in it.

This is the latest batch of ghosts created by Luo Cheng after years of smelting, secondary purification, and fusion of his own blood.

However, the intelligence of these ghosts was taken away by Luo Cheng before they were born, and Xiaoshu's intelligent clones were directly implanted in the black sphere.

Although there are only a million of these intelligent clones, they are actually infinite. They can be remade after they die. The little tree only loses a part of the copied program and part of its nutrients.

As long as there are enough nutrients, it can be produced continuously.

Millions of ghosts seem to be a lot. In the ghost world, the number of ghosts in a slightly larger city is tens of millions.

One million is a small number, but if Luo Cheng could train all these million ghosts into strong men.

Only one tenth will advance to a large galaxy, one percent will advance to a super galaxy, and one thousandth will advance to the universe.

Luo Cheng has the final say over the ghost clan from now on.

It seems like a fantasy, but from Luo Cheng's point of view, there is still a chance.

The nameless world is huge, and Xiaoshu has the ability to travel to other worlds. Sooner or later, he will be able to gather enough supplementary materials to cultivate strong people.

Luo Cheng walked out of the underground space, and a ray of light quickly streaked across the night sky.

The six clones looked up at the same time.

It’s Wanshan from Wanshan City. It’s been more than a hundred years since we last met.

"Senior Wanshan, I haven't seen you in a hundred years, and your style is even better than before."

Wan Shan said: "City Lord Luo, I haven't seen you for a hundred years. Your aura is much stronger than before. The Dark City is now unknown to everyone in the unknown world.

I came here this time to inform City Lord Luo about something important. "

Seeing Wan Shan's seriousness, Luo Cheng said: "I don't know what the important matter is."

"A huge window appeared at the border of the human race, and on the other side of the window was a powerful ethnic group.

They have the same ability as the Winged Clan and can create endless killing machines, even more so than the Winged Clan.

The situation is not very urgent now, and our human race can still handle it, but the Zerg race seems to have a deep foundation, and now there are super-galaxy level Zerg races.

After discussion with several powerful people in the universe, let us notify all forces as soon as possible, and at the same time, we hope that all major forces will provide support to the border. "

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