My tree clone can decompose everything

Chapter 79 Assimilation of 3-Body Body

Chapter 79 Trinity Assimilation

As his strength increased, Luo Cheng's senses became more and more acute. This feeling and the sudden pressure were absolutely unmistakable.

[The first assimilation after starting evolution]

[It is detected that the human body has opened the spiritual vortex and begun to assimilate the body and spirit]

[Search for creatures within the activity range, capture enough assimilated creatures, and start extracting the spirit of the creatures]

[The decomposition tree of all things has reached the fourth level, and the trinity assimilation of the body, spirit, and mutation factors can be carried out. The assimilation will start after ten seconds. Please prepare for the human form]

【Twelve, one】


My brain was roaring, as if a big bell was exploding in my mind.

Countless spirits turned into invisible spiritual torrents and merged into the spiritual whirlpool.

The Dantian swells, and countless warm currents rush in from all parts of the body, slowly blending into the rotating cyclone.

The fleshy metal ions blended into the flesh and blood of his body, strengthening his limbs, bones, and skin.

This time I felt no pain, but endless fulfillment.

In the past, my body was like a sack, which looked quite big but had nothing inside. Now it is full.

The assimilation lasted for half an hour before gradually ending.

Luo Cheng felt that his body had completed a transformation from the inside out.

Both the mental and physical vortexes became more condensed.

If the vortex used to be likened to cotton, now it has become compressed cotton.

[Make a strong alloy battle axe]

What we have to deal with this time may be big guys. The previous alloy knives were a bit too small. If heavy weapons don't work, people will need to go up and fight.

Alloy tomahawks are better than knives.

[Titanium ions were detected within the activity range and the synthesis of titanium-iron-copper ion alloy began]

[Alloy synthesis is completed, start extracting alloy battle ax]

A ball of silver-white metal was extracted from the root cup and gradually formed the outline of an axe.

Within five minutes, a heavy alloy battle ax was formed.

The huge ax blade is like a wheel, and the long ax handle has dense anti-slip textures.

The entire ax is as tall as Luo Cheng.

I grabbed the handle of the ax and lifted it up easily.

It weighs more than a thousand kilograms, and it swings twice suddenly, making a whistling sound.

Luo Cheng couldn't help but smile. This was the weapon he was good at. The alloy knife was too mini and didn't match him.

I looked at the sky. The bright moon was high and the stars were dotted. It was already ten o'clock in the evening.

Luo Cheng looked at the ax and walked out of the house. He planned to go to Lanjiang to have a look.

Being the person in charge of Jiuding is just one of them. Luo Cheng wants to fight against stronger creatures. Even creatures that are evenly matched with him can give him some practical experience.

The previous battles were basically crushing, which made him feel as lonely as snow.

The mighty river flows endlessly.

The river was calm, with no waves visible under the moonlight. Occasionally, one or two fishing boats passed by.

There was a desolate wind in the air.

The heavy feeling in his heart had disappeared.

The reason why Luo Cheng appeared before was probably because the other party had just crossed over and had not yet adapted to the conditions of this world.

Luo Cheng sat cross-legged on the embankment and closed his eyes to meditate.

Thirty kilometers downstream, a fishing boat sailed slowly on the river.

The huge trawl behind has caught a lot of fish, and the heavy burden has slowed down the fishing boat.

"Brother Wang, this is another good harvest night. This net must be more than a ton, almost two tons. Taking advantage of the abundance of fish, there is no reason to get more nets tonight."

"Haha, Xiao Li is right. Thank you for your hard work these past two days. The Lanjiang River has produced a lot of big fish these days.

When tonight is over, I will send you a thousand red envelope as a reward for your hard work these two days, salary will be calculated separately. "

<divclass="contentadv">"Thank you, Brother Wang."

The moving fishing boat suddenly stopped.

The two stopped talking.

"It seems to have caught something."

"Brother Wang, do you need to find someone to go down and take a look?"

"Okay, you can wake up Xiao Liu and Xiao Zhang. They are good at water. Let's put on their diving suits and go down to have a look."

More than ten minutes later, two young men in their twenties walked out rubbing their eyes.

The two of them put on their diving suits and were about to get off when the boat started moving forward again, and this time there was no effort like before, but it was very fast. It was as if the trawl behind it had been emptied.

The four of them looked at each other.

"You two should go down quickly to see if the trawl net is stuck." Lao Wang said anxiously.

If the trawl net leaks, he will suffer huge losses. Not only will he lose more than one ton and nearly two tons of fish, but the fishing net will be repaired if it is torn. The trip tonight will be basically in vain and he will have to pay for gas.

"Okay, Brother Wang, let's go down and have a look."

The two put on respirators, sank into the river, turned on the underwater flashlight and looked into the trawl net.

I was immediately stunned. This was not a trawl net. The bottom was completely gone. It was as if the fishing boat was moving forward with a huge net hoop, and big and small fish were wandering around in the hoop at will.

The two of them looked at each other and looked at each other in confusion, which meant that they couldn't talk in the water, otherwise they would have to say: Damn it, this is so unscientific.

There is at most one hole in the net, but when the entire net is gone, this is not hanging the net, it is catching a whale and crawling out of the net.

The light of the flashlight moved with the movement of the two people.

A young man seemed to notice something under the water and looked downwards.

What a big night pearl, this is the first thought that comes to mind.

The second thought was, why is the luminous pearl black? Could it be a black gemstone?

The third thought is, these are eyeballs.

Before the fourth thought emerged, a bloody mouth swallowed the young man completely.

Another young man was still looking for the cause of this consequence, but when he turned around, his companion disappeared.

Below, a huge black shadow wandered silently, and the young man suddenly felt that he could stand still in the water without swimming, just like on land.

Looking towards the feet, it was dark, like a stone with some kind of texture, and it was as hard as stone when touched with my hand.

When did the Blue River become so shallow?

Just when the young man was surprised, the land under his feet suddenly jumped hundreds of meters, and the young man fell into the water.

A huge creature caught his eye.

The young man's liver and gallbladder were shattered. He had never seen such a terrifying creature in his life.


The huge tail swung and hit the young man's body, as if he was being run over by a big truck.

Completely unconscious, the seven orifices were like a faucet with the valve opened, spraying water continuously. The monster didn't care about this ant-like creature and disappeared into the dark river in the blink of an eye.

The first ray of setting sun from the sky shines down, giving the river a layer of golden color.

Luo Cheng opened his eyes and looked towards both sides of the Blue River.

The quiet Lanjiang became lively again.

There are people who fish and go sightseeing, but there are few people who swim.

The big fish in Lanjiang seem to be out in force these days, catching big fish weighing dozens of kilograms every now and then.

Being hit by this kind of fish is not a minor blow. You will have to go to the hospital for at least a week.

Luo Cheng knew that this was caused by the mutation factor floating from the window.

Sure enough, there is a window in Guangshan City, otherwise there wouldn't be so many mutated creatures.

Something happened today. The first update is late, the second update is probably around nine o'clock, and the third update is around ten o'clock.

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