My tree clone can decompose everything

Chapter 81 Promotion

Chapter 81 Promotion

The python was coiled on the shelf with a confused look on its face, and its not-so-smart mind seemed to be telling him that it had been kept as a pet and had become someone else's pet.

The roots continue to search underground. All slightly stronger mutant creatures are concentrated in a certain area. As long as the opponent wants to leave the area, they will be caught by the roots and brought back.

There is a growth process after the mutating factor combines with the earth's creatures, and most of the mutated creatures are in this stage.

This process may be long, and the combination of mutating factors may increase the upper limit of biological growth, but the shortening of growth time is not too serious.

Perhaps it is because the concentration of the mutation factor is not enough, or some key factors are missing.

You can only find out by exploring the other side of the window yourself.

In the Atlantic Ocean, the calm sea surface suddenly became rough, and huge waves of more than ten meters were everywhere.

The undercurrent of the underwater light and shadow is mottled, and there seem to be other colors mixed into the mottled.

These colors spread around the seawater until they reached three or four meters before finally stopping.

These mottled lights and shadows are like a window embedded in the Atlantic Ocean.

The gaps in light and shadow gradually change with the passage of time.

When a gap shrinks, the corresponding gap also expands.

A ship passed over the gap.

"Boom" a huge tail pulled out from the gap.

The gaps in these windows don't look big, but they seem to be infinitely big, but they don't feel big when viewed with human eyes.

The jet-black tail was thirty meters long, and with one tail it split the cruise ship in half and broke off at one third.

It was like a random flick of the tail of a giant beast.

It shook twice and smashed half of the hull into pieces, and then retracted to the other side of the window.

It was like a giant beast walking on the ground, and a window suddenly appeared at its tail to include its tail. As the giant beast moved forward, its tail also separated from the window.

Countless people fell from cruise ships into the deep sea and were swept away by huge waves.

The disaster in the Atlantic spread across the world in the blink of an eye.

Various organizations and countries have once again increased the danger level of the world on the other side of the window by several levels.

Jiuding Branch, Guangshan City.

On a rare clean day, Luo Cheng brought a recliner and placed it in the office.

Yu Xiaoming knocked on the door and walked in with documents in hand.

"Team Luo, something happened in the Atlantic Ocean. For two consecutive days, four giant ships in three locations were unexpectedly silent, and more than 500 people died."

Luo Cheng sat up straight, took the document and read it carefully.

Many people are worried that if this continues, the ocean may become a restricted area for humans in the future.

Even if it is not a restricted area, going to the ocean will become a luxury.

As soon as this rumor came out, the first place to be confused was the world power America.

They can lead the world by having the strongest navy in the world that is invincible.

If the ocean becomes a no-go zone, America's global influence will plummet.

The phone rang, it was Lin Yaohua.

"Forest Bureau, do you have any instructions?"

"Luo Cheng, come to the General Administration for a meeting tomorrow. There will be important announcements. The world is changing so fast that we cannot ignore it."


He hung up the phone and said, "Tomorrow I will go to the General Administration of Education for a meeting and let Team Han take charge of Jiuding's work."


In the morning, a black car drove out of the yard.

Luo Cheng was sitting in the back seat and was learning about the Atlantic Ocean accident through a short video. .

Bodies washed away by the waves were scattered all over the sea. Some became food for fish, and some were fished out by rescue ships.

The giant ship made of steel looked like paper, with countless fragments floating on the sea.

Luo Cheng could imagine the power of this tail.

Even a large mountain can be smashed into pieces with one tail.

Bai Xiaochuan drove with peace of mind in front.

<divclass="contentadv">The car was very fast. We took the expressway directly and arrived in Jiangchuan City in more than two hours.

Luo Cheng looked and saw that there were still two hours left before the meeting.

The black car stopped at the entrance of the General Administration. Luo Cheng walked in and went directly to Lin Yaohua's office.

"Luo Cheng, you are here."

"Forest Bureau, what is the theme of this meeting?"


"Propaganda?" Luo Cheng didn't quite understand.

"Yes, the above agreed to popularize gymnastics, and the research on Mind Hunters has produced some results, but it is not suitable to be made public for the time being.

The purpose of bringing you here is to discuss how to promote gymnastics.

The accident in the Atlantic Ocean is not an accident, and an ocean blockade is not impossible. In times like this, ordinary people always need to have more power to protect themselves. "

Luo Cheng roughly understood what the Forest Bureau meant.

The window tends to increase. As the window increases, the mutation factors will also increase, and the number of variants will also increase.

These mutants can jump out and hurt people at any time. No matter how many people there are in Jiuding, it is impossible to guarantee everyone's safety.

It would be better if people have the power to protect themselves.

"Will the exchange system be promoted to everyone?"

Bureau Lin smiled and said: "Yes, it seems you have also thought that hunting by the whole people is better than relying on one organization, Jiuding.

The increase in mutants can extract more flesh and blood essence. This is a positive cycle process. "

Lin Yaohua looked at his watch and said, "Let's go, people are almost here."

Following Lin Yaohua to the conference room, more than thirty people were already sitting inside.

There are the person in charge and deputy captain of each prefecture-level city, the manager of logistics, and the documents responsible for sorting out the materials.

Luo Cheng found an empty seat and sat down.

Lin Yaohua said: “Thank you all for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend this meeting.

The content of this meeting has three points. First, ideological education and patriotic education cannot be stopped. Only with your stability can this country be stable.

The illegal and criminal behavior of mutants will absolutely not be tolerated. New laws against illegal mutants will appear soon. They can be arrested and imprisoned for a few days to make them honest, and they will be sentenced after the legal provisions are released. "

Speaking of this, Lin Yaohua glanced at the whole room.

"The third thing is about the promotion of gymnastics. You are all in several grades of gymnastics.

Knowing the pros and cons, you can tell beginners more about the tips. "

A meeting lasted for more than two hours before it ended.

There are three main contents: ideological education, strict investigation of mutant crimes, and promotion of gymnastics.

After everyone dispersed, Luo Cheng entered Lin Yaohua's office again.

"Is there anything else? Luo Cheng."

"It's a recruitment matter. Han Yu should have applied with the Forestry Bureau. There may be a window in Guangshan City.

The number of mutants is increasing rapidly. A few days ago, I noticed a powerful aura, but it was nowhere to be found.

The Guangshan branch needs more manpower to handle various upcoming matters. "

Lin Yaohua lit a cigarette and started smoking.

“There may indeed be a window in Guangshan City, but now every department is short of excellent talents.

I will coordinate with you as soon as possible and ask them to report as soon as possible. "

"Thank you Forest Bureau."

"Don't say thank you or not, it's all your job.

If you put more effort into this promotion, your strength has been recognized by many people. As long as you show part of your strength, you will definitely attract the attention of many people. "

The third update is a bit late, the coding is slow

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