My Trillion-Dollar Assets is Exposed by My Wife’s Bragging!

Chapter 400 - 400: Nothing at All

Chapter 400: Chapter 400: Nothing at All

Translator: 549690339

He held a bottle of wine in one hand and gripped his wife tightly in the other, vowing to keep her safe no matter what.

After a while, they finally reached a dead end and noticed a strangely placed sofa.

It was against a wall.

The group stood there unsure of what to do next, baffled by the situation that exceeded their wildest imagination.

After a while, Price finally broke the silence that had engulfed the room.

“Do you think the trigger might be here?”

After his suggestion, everyone thought it sounded reasonable since they had thoroughly searched the house without finding anything unusual.

Except for this unsearched area.

Therefore, the place they were looking for might be right here.

They both nodded and echoed in agreement.

“That’s possible indeed. Let’s move the sofa. Perhaps there might be something important hidden underneath.”

As soon as Yigol finished these words, Price instantly agreed, which reflected his own thoughts as well.

Besides, they had already wasted much time and couldn’t afford to stand idle anymore.

If possible, they wanted to leave this place as fast as possible.

That’s why Suri walked cautiously to the side while the two men lifted the sofa and moved it aside.

When they finally lifted the sofa, they found to their surprise that there was no floor underneath.

This revelation brought a spark of excitement in their eyes.

No wonder the placement of the sofa seemed so odd. It was strategically positioned against the wall to conceal the secret underneath.

The puzzle finally made sense to everyone.

Upon seeing this, Suri couldn’t contain her excitement and said,

“We’ve found the exit! Let’s hurry down.”

Upon hearing this, they nodded in agreement without hesitation. They promptly moved the sofa aside, squatted to scrutinize what was underneath.

But it was pitch black, blurring their vision.

Even with a flashlight, they could merely see a foggy figure up ahead.

“Should we really dare to go down?”

Price squatted on the side without making any move. After a while, he finally voiced his concerns.

Initially, when they found the triggers, they went straight ahead, aware of how precious time was.

Besides, they had no food left. If they died of starvation, it wouldn’t be worth it.

Now, he was hesitant.

For he had heard some faint movements. He felt that inanimate objects couldn’t possibly make that noise. There had to be someone else.

Despite not voicing his doubts, Suri and Yigol, who had been with him for quite some time, could sense his concerns.

They understood what Price was worried about.

Honestly, they shared his concerns. They were unsure whether they could trust any stranger in this unfamiliar environment.

If the stranger were benevolent, that would be ideal. But if they were unwilling to help, what then?

After a while, Yigol finally took a deep breath.

“I will go first.”

He felt they couldn’t keep stagnant, someone had to take the plunge.

But to his surprise, the moment he finished talking, Suri and Price immediately shook their heads, rejecting his proposal.

If Yigol encountered any danger alone, Suri would surely worry, and Price would blame himself.

They didn’t want Yigol to risk it alone.

In the current scenario, they needed to be extra cautious. If anything went wrong, nobody would take the responsibility.

“No, what will we do if something happens to you when you go alone?”

Suri gently furrowed her brows, pulling Yigol back, not wanting him to risk it alone.

Price on the side also nodded in agreement, he too shared the same concern.

“Let’s not rush into it, we should think it through…”

But he paused abruptly, leaving his sentence unfinished.

Although left unspoken, they understood the significance behind his unsaid words.

After a while, as if struck by a sudden realization, Suri suggested,

“Why don’t we all go down together? We can keep the same formation as before, but this time let my husband lead.”

She suggested this because she knew they couldn’t stay put and had to move forward.

Not only that, she understood Price’s fear and figured if her husband was in front, it might assuage Price’s worries.

Deep down, she was somewhat anxious, fearing unexpected people appearing out of nowhere since no one had been in this place for so long. That thought terrified them all.

While his wife had already voiced her concerns, naturally Yigol couldn’t refuse. He readily agreed.

“Of course, there’s no problem, let’s go down now.”

After saying that, without any hesitation, he swiftly moved towards the darkness, Suri treaded cautiously behind him and Price brought up the rear.

Eventually, they reached the bottom and to their surprise, it was an empty room.

The emptiness raised more questions than before. Initially, they speculated it would resemble the other parts of the house, but this was indeed a big surprise for them.

“My God, there’s nothing here, not even a coffee table and chairs!”

Even Suri couldn’t help but exclaim at the sight.

The rest of them shared her astonishment.

They had never encountered a room like this before.

At least the previous rooms had some objects to inspect.

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