My Twin Sister Was Taken as a Miko and I Was Thrown Away but I’m Probably the Miko

Chapter 223

Girl, one on the mountain.

The winged ones – we were to head to Mr. Biller’s settlement first.

Once we reach the settlement, we will head to the God of Mr. Billers. This time, Griffon, who will be with me all the way to the settlement, is a couple of Lilha and Kamiha. I wondered if we could leave Lumiha, our daughter, and open the village for both of us, but Lumiha herself told me, “Lulululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululululu

Raymer told me time and again to “grunt (not to be impotent)”. They’re all worried about me.

“It’s okay,” I laughed to all of them.

We’re going to go to the gods of Mr. Billers, but they’re not the enemy. Some parts of you don’t know what you’re thinking, but you’re never the one you have to defeat as clearly as the demons of a plant you’ve defeated before.

… If I can act when there are people with wings against whom I have to defeat them? I don’t have a feeling about that, so I think it’s okay, but I sometimes think about it.

Apart from Lilha and Kamiha, a few young elves are supposed to go with them from the beastmen, including Mr. Oshacio, Gaius and the elves. With regard to the people of the ethnic group, Phyto has not come because he showed difficulty in taking the people of other ethnic groups as well as the possibility that he might still be out of control in the ethnic group when he goes.

Including me, seven + two griffons. And the number of people with wings who picked me up as a guide.

Though Mr. Lang wanted me to take him more, he’s still only a few people because he hasn’t returned to explore.

It seems difficult to fly this many people to the boulder and take them to the settlement, almost on foot to the top of the mountain. Though they can repeat the flight and shorten the road to the settlement if only the winged ones. It’s easy to get off, but they say it’s hard to get up. Though they can come and go, they care more about me than I think, considering they’ve bothered to get to and from the village because I care until such a distance back and forth.

Why does God for them say he wants to see me?

And does that lead to why they feel they can’t leave me alone?

Though I thought about it, I advanced my legs.

More than in the past, fatigue can advance the feet of what it feels like because it moves the body and uses the magic of physical enhancement.

This is my first time climbing a mountain, so I feel kind of fresh. Mountain roads are easy, but well organized. We’re walking down that road.

“It’s a mountain of magic.”


“Yeah. I like this mountain. But I don’t think it’s all natural.”

“What do you mean?

That’s where I’m having a conversation with Frene.

The Billers don’t seem to have as good an ear as the Beastmen, and they don’t seem to hear me talking a little behind them.

“Originally, I think this mountain magic has a very clean stream… Something too beautiful for that. See, that plant demon would have messed up the magic around there. Maybe something is doing the opposite.”

Frene says so and sees the other spirits on the elf’s shoulder. Those spirits are also listening to this one and are snorting at it.

Can the spirits feel something like that? It’s a little hard around there for me. I think it’s the boulder spirits who are good at feeling that kind of magical flow in nature.

Nevertheless, the demons of that plant disrupted their magic and made it impossible for the Spirit Tree to grow on that spot.

On the contrary, something is cleaning up the magic around here.

“I hope something of that isn’t the enemy. Because it’s harder to fix than to disrupt magic. I think I can do anything to disrupt the magic of the land, if I tell you so, with enough magic and time to disrupt the magic of it. I think I can disrupt it over time, too. But I can’t make it clean like this.”

Frene goes on saying that.

“Anyway, if it’s just for a moment to interfere with the magic of nature like this and fix it, it’s always hard to do it. Besides, poorly handed it upsets the magic power in reverse…… Thinking about it, I don’t think I want to turn this magic thing around on the enemy.”

interference in the magic of nature. That’s enough to say that the Spirit can’t. It’s easy to mess up, but it’s hard to fix. Frene affirmed that he did not want to turn the opponent who was making it into an enemy.

Is that what Mr. Biller calls God? Or…, is it something else?

I don’t know exactly as it stands, but I hope something of it isn’t bad for us. That’s what I thought.

– Girl, one on the mountain.

(The Divine Son girl is moving to go to God of those with wings. converse with the covenant spirits in it)

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