My Vampire

Chapter 56: Dud

I had Kamil’s people take me home.

"Isn’t it tiring dealing with Kamil?”

I asked Kamil's dependent.

“No. Not at all. I’ve been with him for a long time and I can’t tell you how much his cheerfulness soothes me. Besides, he is very adorable. And of course, his beauty is beyond reproach!”

He said firmly. It’s a common ancestor thing. I was a fool to even ask.

“.......I see. You can love him to your heart’s content then.”

I was dropped off in front of the medical team’s tent.


Yuki came flying in with a smile on her face.

“Kazuya told me you were coming home! I'm so happy!”

She exclaimed and hugged me.

“I’m sorry for worrying you. But I’ll be leaving again in a little while.”

“You mean you’re leaving the country?”

“Yes. I’m going to Italy this time.”

“... you're taking me with you, aren't you?"


“I’ll stay by your side, I won’t leave you!”

Tears welled up in her eyes as she said that. Children happily ran around us. Kazuya saw this and shouted loudly.

Kazuya had found something and was trying to tell the children.

“It’s an unexploded bomb! Get away from there!”

The children got startled by his voice and ran away. But just then, another small child approached the bomb. Kazuya and I ran towards the kid. Yuki also came running! 


“Yuki! **Go back**!”

My voice is drowned out by the blast.

Kazuya was badly injured while protecting the child. I covered Yuki, but her human body was weak against the blast.


I watched as her figure got burnt by the blast.

“…….Yuki ….”

Kazuya’s wounds were already recovering, and so were mine.

“Why, why did this happen to you!?”

“… Marc … the child?”

“It’s okay. The kid’s fine. Kazuya covered them. Yuki, I’m so sorry. I couldn’t protect you…I've hurt you so badly…”


She lost consciousness after saying that.

“I’m sorry, Marc-sama. It was my carelessness.”

Kazuya said to me as he got down on his knees.

“I didn’t expect to find unexploded bombs in this urban area…a dud…why is it here? This place is outside the combat zone…”

I could see that man's face in my mind. "To defeat the monster..." There was a hunter in this medical team. No way, Did he put it here on purpose?

Kazuya says, “I’m just guessing, but I think these duds were placed here intentionally.”

I was not concerned about that! Only Yuki! I carried her in my arms and proceeded to enter the building with the medical team to treat her.......

“... Dr. Marc... we can’t do any further treatment in this facility..."

The other doctor called out to me.

“Would you like me to call for a helicopter?"

"They won't make it in time."

Yuki gently opened her eyes.

“… Marc. Please…”

I brought my face close to hers."

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