My Vampire

Chapter 60: To Italy

"Hey, Marc. You said you were going to Italy now, but then that means the real enemy is there. Right?”

"Yes. I don’t really want to meet him. I don’t want them to be who I think it is.”

We arrived at the airport where Mikey was waiting for us. From there, we took a private jet to Italy.

As soon as we arrived, Mikey sniffed Yuki's scent and grinned.

"Well… It seems like you’ve become his dependent. I can smell Marc’s scent on you."

"Yes! please take care of me”

She put her hand on her chest and bowed lightly. It was a greeting to a founder as a dependent. Kazuya must have taught her that.

“Oh! Pleased to meet you too!”

My older brother smiled. Kamil and Liza smiled too.

*Come on! We are now going to Italy! The Church headquarters. That’s where we’re going. I am sure they must be restless. They don’t think we’re coming in*.

The hunters are after us. Even now.


“What! They’re heading this way?!”

The person making the call was clearly upset.

"Absolutely! Useless hunters. Even though I prepared the tools for them..."

Saying that, he tapped his fingers on the desk in irritation.

"Our opponent is a founder, and with all the brothers coming together, we don’t stand a chance. Now what? I guess I’d better talk to him. After all, he is a founder, too."

And then he made a call somewhere.

“00-sama. They are coming this way. What are we going to do? The hunters are more useless than I thought… I’m sorry.”

“.......I see....... They're coming this way. Well, that's okay. It's been a while since I've seen them. Let's look forward to it.”

On the other end of the phone, a man was laughing.

"I can’t wait to see the expressions on those brothers’ faces when they see me!”

"00-sama. Then may I continue?"

The person making the call was in a cold sweat.

“....... What are you scared of? You have me. Let those foolish humans scatter their lives in war. After that, we’ll build our own world!”

“00-sama… am I going to be okay?”

“Of course. Humans are stubborn, you know. I will leave you in charge of the remaining humans, and you can do with them as you like!”

The person holding the phone patted his chest in relief.

“I must not offend him.....”

He muttered to himself, putting down the phone."

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