My Vampire

Chapter 66: First bloodsucking

During the night, Yuki was rummaging around opening and closing the refrigerator, fumbling with something. Then I heard the sound of water running from the faucet.

“What's wrong? Yuki.”

I called out to her from behind. Yuki turned around and with pain in her voice said, "I’m so thirsty, no matter how much water I drink, it doesn’t help!”

*Oh, this is... This is*....

“Yuki. Drinking water won’t quench your thirst.”

"Well then, what should I do?”

I explained to Yuki who looked troubled,

“Yuki. Even if you drink water……you have to drink blood to quench your thirst. You haven’t been taught how to suck blood yet, have you? Kazuya told you all about it though, didn’t he?”

“it's just … drinking blood … I’m not really comfortable …”

“Hmm. This place is owned by Mikey’s dependents, so they should have blood. I’ll have them bring some for you.”

I ordered 'Blood' from room service. Soon after, 'it' was delivered to our room.

"Yuki. Isn’t it beautiful like this?”

The blood in the engraved glass looked like wine.

“Yuki, it’s your first time drinking. It’s thin blood for beginners. It doesn’t look like blood, and it’s chilled so it doesn’t have a fishy smell, so even you can drink it. Come on.”

I said and handed it to her. No, no, no, hold the glass in your hand.

“Now, go ahead and gulp it down all at once!"

I said with a smile. Yuki brought the glass up to her mouth. Then she drank it all at once.


She seemed surprised. It was a symptom that manifested itself when her blood was depleted, so it would seep through the body.

"Tastes better than you think, doesn’t it?”

“I want more……”

She said sweetly.

"Then why don’t you drink my blood? It’s also good practice for sucking blood.”

"...I can drink your blood?”

"It's fine. It's why some people have the power and ability of the master."


“We, purebloods, can manipulate the thoughts of others. I can put them in a sort of hypnotic state.”

"That’s a great thing, but…if it’s abused…”

“Yes. If it is misused, the world will become a terrible place. But more importantly, Yuki. Which artery would you like?”

I asked, bringing my face close to hers.

“…the carotid artery is too difficult for me….the cranial artery…May I?”

I put my arm out in front of Yuki.

"You know where it is?”


Yuki's mouth opened and she bit down on my arm. Yuki. You're good at this, you are a doctor after all.

"Oh right. At the end, lick it off with your tongue, and that will stop the bleeding."

She lets go of my arm.

“Yuki. You’re good at this. We all end up drenched in blood our first time.”

"Your blood has a strange smell, Marc. But it’s delicious.” Yuki added.

“It’s purebred blood. It’s special. That’s why some people can recognize us founders by smell. Like Leonardo.”"

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