My Vampire

Chapter 74: To Japan

I waited for Yuki and the others in the room. The operation simply involved making a small incision in the cornea, through which the lens is inserted. It was easy. Safer than LASIK. Rick’s skill is probably the best in the world. He has performed an extraordinary number of surgeries. He is considered a great doctor in the field of ophthalmology. *Oh, it looks like it’s over*.

Yuki opens the door and walks in.

“It’s amazing, isn’t it? I don’t feel a thing. And I look better than before,” she says happily.

“From where I'm looking, you don’t look like Yuki Kashiwagi.”

Holding a mirror, he showed Yuki her face.

She said, “Wow! It’s really amazing!I’m a totally different person.”

She stared hard in the mirror..

Kazuya, seeing her like that said, “I hope you dye your hair regularly. The color of your eyes is also lovely. It suits you well.”

“Hey. Is it really this easy to change the color of your eyes? I didn’t know eye color could be changed so easily.”

She looked at me curiously.

“We’re vampires. We’re very good at recovery. Besides, it’s as easy as changing colors.”

“Heh, I see!"

Then Rick walked in.

"What do you think? Pretty good, huh?"

“Truly, You’re a renowned doctor."

He said with a smug look on his face, “So? You’re going to live in Japan from now on. I’m going back to Doctors Without Borders. Marc. You’ll have to give a bunch of lectures again. The relief supplies would really help.”

“I’m on it. I’ll get them to you in various countries. Besides there are places that agree with my lectures and send them to me on a regular basis.”

“You are doing well among humans. I’m not worried, but I’m worried about Tyler. I don’t think that old man is going to be satisfied with the way things are in present.”

He said, looking out the hotel window, “I'm sure the old man will use his power to force the hunters and followers who have been freed from the spell of the drug into submission."

“…….will he though?”

"I understand how you feel. But my hunch is right. Be careful. You're going to Japan tomorrow, right? See you later, Marc. Call me anytime."

“I’m really grateful to you, Rick. If you hadn’t pushed me to go to Japan, I never would have met Yuki. Plus, I’m having way too much fun enjoying my otaku life!”

“I see! Good, good, good!”

We turned to each other and laughed.


The next day, we returned to Japan and I went to greet the hospital director. They all knew about Yuki and comforted me. I felt a little guilty, but Yuki Kashiwagi had passed away. The funeral seemed to have been a grand affair. Naturally, Yuki's clinic was closed and the Administrative staff and nurses had been assigned to the Kashiwagi Group's hospital."

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