My Wife Has Been Blackened

Chapter 727

Chapter 727 – Landslide

Chapter 727 Landslide

Chang Changsheng’s words made Sanbao stunned.

“I have no relatives, Sister Sanbao, you are someone who really cares about me.” Changsheng smiled, took a spoon, and put it in his mouth.

He actually eats by himself. I just like how everyone cares about him.

Sanbao looked at him and suddenly smiled. She didn’t know whether he was a qualified judge. But he is a qualified younger brother.

Already have a loving brother.

“Oh, look, how the mountains around our village have become much shorter…”

“Hey, why are the tops of the mountain gone!” Everyone ran out from under the canopy, standing in the rain and looking out with their feet on their feet. Many people didn’t even wear raincoats.

“Even the trees are gone, do you see that there were several tall and thick trees in the back of our mountain, they are gone!” Someone shouted, suddenly, everyone seemed to react, their faces pale !

“It’s a landslide! The landslides around our village have landslides!” A villager collapsed on the ground completely limp.

“Oh my god, my god, the surrounding mountains are all sliding down, our village, our home!”

“The home is gone, the village is gone, why are the mountains landslides, how did this happen! Our village has been in existence for hundreds of years, and we have never seen any wind and rain…” The faces of the villagers were pale, and everyone was full of fear at the moment looking into the distance.

Even if you don’t need to get close, you can guess that the entire village has long been covered by rocks mixed with rainwater. The rocks that slid down with the rainwater have already buried everyone in it.

“Don’t talk about family, if we don’t spend the whole night tonight, I’m afraid we’ll all die here!” The village chief said tremblingly, almost unable to stand still.

If Sanbao hadn’t run out today, if Xie Daiqi hadn’t brought the news today, I’m afraid the whole village would have died today, in their sleep.

The entire village will die!

Everyone was stunned in the rain, their hearts were full of rejoicing, fortunately there was Xie Daiqi, fortunately they were willing to listen to him, fortunately they left the village!

Completely regained a life!

“Dai Qi, I have never thanked anyone in my life. Uncle, I really owe you this time. Our whole village owes you.” The village chief held Xie Daiqi’s hand tremblingly. .

His hands are cold but his heart is extremely hot, pulling Xie Daiqi to tears.

Everyone came to Xie Daiqi, some people were grateful for others admitting their mistakes, and almost refused to leave the village and refused to come out with them.

Some people even wanted to kneel down, Xie Daiqi hurriedly helped them up in shock, but there were too many people, and they couldn’t help one after another, so they had no choice but to jump to the side to avoid it.

Sanbao quietly pulled Changsheng over to accept the ceremony, and then hid aside.

Papa can’t bear it, but Changsheng can bear it.

After a while, Sanbao brought over a freshly baked chicken leg, the skin was browned and tender, and it was dripping with oil.

Roasted sizzling, a fragrant and strong taste. Handed it to Changsheng, Changsheng’s eyes lit up, he grabbed it and gnawed it, and sat in the tent with Sanbao.

“Obviously you only need to lure everyone in the village out to find me, so why did you mention the landslide? Even the chickens, ducks and sheep were taken away…” Sanbao was actually a little surprised.

She knew that these people still didn’t hold enough weight in Changsheng’s heart, so she ran out by herself, hoping that everyone would look for her outside and not stay in the village to sleep.

But unexpectedly, Chang Sheng said it directly, and all the livestock in the village were taken away.

Changsheng’s chubby little face froze, his eyeballs moved, but he didn’t say much.

When Sanbao was thirsty and went to get water to drink, Changsheng secretly said: “The meat is delicious…”

Otherwise, can you have a leisurely way to roast chicken drumsticks and kebabs? Think beautifully…

He is not stupid.

Chang Sheng has a proud face, it’s really nice to be a human being, and he can eat a lot of delicious things.

It’s just that the teeth grow too slowly, and it takes a lot of effort to eat a lot of things!

Sighed angrily, no matter how awesome a person is, it’s because his teeth are not fully grown…

The people in the village are very good at entertaining themselves. In addition, only the village and houses have been lost, and everyone is alive and safe. This is the greatest comfort.

Besides, the property was also brought out.

“Tomorrow I will take two people to choose a few good places to resettle. Although there are houses in the city, where is the land and where is the home? .” The village chief over there and the others made a decision after discussion.

When you move to the city, everyone will be in different places. Many old people and family-loving people are unwilling to leave, and they don’t want to live a high-pressure life in the city.

They now have money to earn and live an easy life. They are already very satisfied and happy.

At worst, find a good place to start over.

Xie Daiqi nodded when he heard this. Many people in the city live in a house of 100 square meters and pay off the monthly mortgage. In fact, they are not as happy as they are here.

The folk customs are simple and honest, everyone is generous and cheerful, and there is no need for conspiracy. Every household has surplus food and deposits. When they are free, they go up to the mountains to herd sheep, look for wild mushrooms and hunt pheasants, and go down to the water to catch some fish and shrimp. The days are actually relaxed and comfortable.

There is no need to live that kind of intrigue life.

“Okay, but I can find someone for the engineering team.” Xie Daiqi spoke.

“That’s good, but it will definitely take a lot of time to build a house. The location here is good. You can temporarily use it as a foothold to build some simple wooden houses. For the time being, there is a place to shelter from the wind and rain. The old, weak, women and children can go to the town first. I’m staying here, and there are a few wives who are about to give birth, so don’t be careless.” The village chief ordered them one by one, and everyone discussed the details before returning to their tents.

Fortunately, someone brought a lot of hammocks, just tie the hanging nets to both ends of the tree. The children were so excited to see the moon through the transparent canopy.

“I really don’t know how to feel sad…” Zhou Yanci joked with a smile, but that’s okay~

Being optimistic and positive is easier.

“Changsheng, have you seen it? Everyone is living very hard and working hard. They are all building a home of their own~” Zhou Yanci said casually.

“Sometimes the things we destroy at will may be their life’s work.” Zhou Yanci didn’t refer to anything in particular, but she knew that Changsheng knew everything.

“But more people are destroyed by difficulties and can’t get up again, and this life will be ruined. Hey~” Yanyan hugged Changsheng in his arms.

Perhaps, everything God has let me experience is to learn the heart of great love and wait for his arrival.

If she had immortality a few years earlier, she might have destroyed the world without responding.

This road has a long way to go.

(end of this chapter)

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