My Wife Has Been Blackened

Chapter 747

Chapter 747 – Confusion

Chapter 747 Chaos

“It is reported that one of the largest non-profit organizations in China has been established. It does not ask for anything in return and gives back to the society. And the concept insists on doing everything to the extreme.”

“We will devote our lives to public welfare. The president of our group is a great benevolent person. He was ordered by a master. He is the destiny of a benevolent person in ten generations.”

“He has already issued a certificate. Twenty percent of all branches of our company are used for company operations, and 80% are used for public welfare!”

“We are serious about doing public welfare. We firmly believe that no one in this world can compare to us!” The spokesperson looked at the flashing light in front of him, almost bleeding in his heart.

I really want to be poor! I would rather be poor! I also want to be funded, I want to go to a welfare home, and I also want that kind of extreme charity beneficiary!

The spokesperson accepted the filming with a smile on his face, but screamed wildly in his heart. Have you ever seen poor people who can’t even afford food to become well-off in one go? And then funded to become a local tyrant? !

He also wants to get something for nothing!

“May I ask how your team is doing? Your company is ranked in the world, and the total revenue reached a new height last year. If it is used for funding, many people will definitely benefit. Are there any specific rules and regulations? ?” The reporter was full of joy.

Who doesn’t have a relative with a poor family these days, and when he receives the news, he must pass it on immediately.

I saw that the spokesperson’s face froze and twisted strangely.

Then it quickly returned to nature, with a bit of mystery.

Mr. Ke said, “All his money is taken from the people and used for the people. Since he doesn’t care about money and power now, he will give back to the public. Anyone whose total income does not meet the city’s minimum standard can apply.” After the man finished speaking, everyone at the scene froze for a moment.

I thought it was just for orphanages and poverty-stricken mountainous areas, but now, even cities can enjoy it!

However, if this is the case, wouldn’t those who have connections in the city be cut off? You can also find a relationship to hide your income…

After the spokesperson finished speaking, the corner of his mouth curled up and he left.

Everyone was shocked and excited when the news came out.

Some people even spontaneously prayed for Mr. Ke, praying for him to get the gift of God and make him the darling of God. Bless him to get what he asks for in this life.

At this time, Chang Sheng had a dark face, looking around with inexplicable eyes.

“Aren’t these people really crazy? They started fighting for some rice and pots!”

“What are you talking about? I just went shopping for vegetables. On the way, several people were fighting to pick up some old vegetables. They said they applied for some kind of city subsidy, and people from the company are going to investigate.”

“The problem is, before those people, I often saw them dancing in the park wearing flowery skirts. When I passed by to work every day, I could hear them show off their sons and daughters with high diplomas. They picked up and dropped off the bus every day. Take it seriously. Every time I see me chasing the bus with my breakfast, I don’t want to die.” Several young people murmured.

“My mother also called a few days ago to say that she wanted to apply, and I scolded me back. She said that the company is very generous, and the annual salary next door is hundreds of thousands of people who have applied for it. It is said that the number of applicants is lower than the salary of many people. It’s tall.” A young man had a bitter face.

Just as he was talking, the phone rang a piercing ringtone.

The girl looked at the phone and said, “My mother, my mother.” She hurriedly booed and answered the phone with a dry cough.

“Hey mom, um, I’m not busy, tell me? Are you short of money? Tell me how much, and I’ll transfer it to you right away. I’m eating out.” The girl is very filial, earning five dollars a month. six thousand,

Although it is barely enough in the imperial capital, after all, I have just started working for two years, and my parents also have a retirement salary. It is enough to save some money for my parents.

“Salary? Don’t you know my salary? It’s usually more than 5,000, and sometimes I have a bonus of 6,000 to 7,000. It’s not like this salary around. It will be fine after two years of qualifications.” The girl was very confident. His diploma is good, and the company has a lot of background, so why worry about not being promoted after two years now.

I only heard a roar from the other end of the phone.

“What kind of promotion! Now we have met great luck! Mr. Ke is a good man, a good man! I specially invited him back from their company to pray for him. Let me tell you, don’t worry about the salary increase, go to the company to resign and start a new job.” A poverty subsidy. Let me tell you, do you know how much the next door applied for? Twelve thousand a month! One hundred and fifty thousand a year! My God, one hundred and fifty thousand! Twice your salary!”

“You still have to fight for a promotion and salary increase. Hurry up and apply. You should give money and give money through relationships. You don’t have enough poverty subsidies for a year! The family fund is simply to help us poor and lower-middle peasants.” ! Let me tell you…” Barabara on the other end of the phone, the young girl’s expression drooped suddenly, and the smile on her face faded a bit.

“If I knew there was such a good opportunity now, why would you study? It’s not a waste of so much money! Really, tell your brother not to learn any skills, go back and find a relationship, and see if you can use the money. Take it down…” The phone hung up after finishing speaking.

“Hey, hello?! Hey! Mom, are you crazy! There are some serious classes that you can’t attend, so why apply for a subsidy? How can there be such a thing!” The young girl blushed angrily.

Hearing that my mother wants my younger brother to stop learning technology and come back to eat subsidies, I feel bad all over.

“What kind of public welfare is this? Is it killing people? Even if you want to help people, you should help them. It looks like it is corrupting people’s hearts… Rich people really have so much money that they have no place to burn it! Such money can still reach the poor hand?” The girl scolded angrily at the people next to her.

I don’t know that I just finished speaking. Then I saw a few aunts rushing over with livid faces, and they opened their mouths left and right at the young man.

The slap was crisp and loud and merciless.

“You are a dead girl who is not ashamed to slander Mr. Ke. I’m afraid you have eaten a bear’s heart and leopard courage! What are you? Mr. Ke is kind-hearted and helps us poor people. I won’t allow you to say that about him!”

“That’s right, your mother won’t discipline you, I’ll discipline you! Damn girl, I won’t tear your mouth apart and make you cheap!” A few fat old ladies surrounded the young girl and attacked her. The friend couldn’t stop his face from being scratched.

Crying for help, the people around sniffed at the reason, even a bit hostile.

Even the superficial justice is gone, as if the whole environment has changed overnight.

Two young girls cried and called for help. When they got to the police station, they realized that there had been countless troubles caused by the fund.

Some people even insult and beat each other, and the source is still the fund!

(end of this chapter)

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