My Wife Has Been Blackened

Chapter 856

Chapter 856 – I Don’T Forgive You

Chapter 856 I don’t forgive you

Xie Daiqi had a nightmare.

Successfully scared out of nightmare by Yanyan…

Woke up sweating profusely in the morning, and looked at my daughter-in-law with a horrified expression.

“Honey, let’s put off publishing the book, right? I thought about it, the children in our family may not be suitable for other people’s education, right?”

Yanyan glanced at him, and handed him a stack of manuscripts.

“What are you thinking, this is written by Sanbao for me. She said that the students in the class are not efficient, but she didn’t find the right way. Many children are separated from their parents. This is all written by her…” Yan Yan picked Raise your eyebrows, what am I doing writing a book, as long as I can teach children.

Xie Daiqi…

“It’s true. Children and parents should be born with the closest relationship, but many people are unfamiliar with this, and some are very hostile. That is the biggest mistake.” Sanbao hugged An’an, such a small group, In the future, we must protect him well.

She observed carefully for a long time, and now An An is really an ordinary person. I hope that he will be healthy and happy in this life, and live out this life in peace.

There are them in making achievements and in everything. He just needs to appreciate life well.

“Mom, I’ll go to school to fill out the application later, so take care of your younger brother.” Zhou Yanci is already confinement, but most of the time it is the family who are taking care of the child.

One is that everyone understands her hard work, and the other is that everyone is still reluctant to part with An An. His appearance is completely grown according to his growth.

People don’t say that he looks like Changsheng, he is him, and Changsheng is Changsheng. He cannot live in the shadow of what he was before.

Some words are spoken out, and they are also afraid of causing disasters. Everyone is already afraid.

Xie Daiqi now puts photos and test papers of the three children in his pocket when he goes out, alas, he used to prepare his own photos…

The glorious past is gone forever…

Today, Xie’s family had a visitor.

Quite a bit different.

The moment he opened the door, Zhou Yanci slammed it shut again. After stabilizing his emotions, he opened up again, and Bai Yi was still standing at the door.

It’s just that now he is not full of hostility, and his whole body is somewhat peaceful. But Xie Daiqi still couldn’t forget the lives of those innocent people in his hands.

“What are you doing here?” Zhou Yanci was a little cold.

She is willing to let go of her eternal hatred, but that doesn’t mean she can accept him and sit down and chat with him calmly.

Bai Yi was carrying a bag of fruit, including apples, bananas and peaches. In fact, he originally wanted to give Koshi shares. But I feel that the Xie family is probably not such an ordinary person.

“I’ll take a look at An’an. If you don’t do anything, just take a look and leave…” Bai Yi rubbed his hands, feeling a little embarrassed.

You must know that he once said harsh words to Xie Daiqi, who would slap himself if he came to the door… Unexpectedly, it came true so soon.

Xie Daiqi came out of the house, holding An An in his arms, there was a moment of silence in the air, he was very uncomfortable seeing him standing at the door, his black hair was gone, and the arrogance on his face was gone, now, with his whole body full of decadence, It’s not like him at all.

After thinking about it, he let him in.

Bai Yi sat down in silence for a while. Although he has aged a bit, his back is still straight.

Xie Daiqi looked at him, and through him saw how he used to be a brother. If they hadn’t gone around so many times, maybe they would be very good brothers.

“I’m sorry to bother you. It’s been a long time since An An was born and I haven’t come to see it…” Bai Yi lowered his eyes, and Xie Daiqi carried the child to him, but he didn’t give it to him, but just hugged him in front of him.

He is still on guard against him.

“It’s so good, it looks so good. It’s very similar to him… It’s a trace of his soul. I’m relieved to be back.” Bai Yi pursed her lips.

He is not very kind, but after Changsheng returned to his right position, he must still have hatred for himself in his heart.

If a trace of his soul can come back, and the friendship of this life is lost, he and his child can naturally be let go.

An An seemed to feel something and looked up at him, but soon fell asleep again. He is now a child.

“The pregnant period is almost three years old, isn’t it? Are you going to kindergarten?” Xie Daiqi asked, he had seen the child once, how should I put it, it was hard to believe that he would be a child in white.

Bai Yi’s eyes were a little hot: “No, I don’t plan to let him go to school. Seeing more of the world is better than reading.”

Zhou Yanci frowned slightly, and was about to speak, when Xie Daiqi shook his head slightly, and then stopped.

Bai Yi hummed, and seemed to sigh while sitting there.

“I’m sorry.” With a slight sorry, the two people on the opposite side raised their heads.

“Forgive you, I can’t do it, you can go.” Yanyan sighed. Because of longevity, she will never forgive him. However, I don’t want to hate him anymore.

Bai Yi stood up and said nothing more, but it seemed that he had aged a lot during this time.

“All the aura on him has dissipated, and he is now an ordinary person.” Xie Daiqi glanced at him and said calmly.

And after this life, there will be no next life. There is a price to pay for everything you do.

“He is still so stubborn, how can the child not go to school?” Yan Yan was still a little melancholy.

“It’s only now that he understands what it means to be a parent. It’s not that he doesn’t let his child go to school. It’s that this child is different and can’t adapt to ordinary life. This blame can only be carried by him.” Xie Daiqi knew that A Yin was paying for his crimes. Yes, the white clothes were exhausted, probably for repayment.

It’s just that this child was implicated by him.

Probably, it was really to cure him.

“Give this to the child.” Yan Yan took out the red vermilion fruit, which was the one she ate before.

When An An came out, the bead was in his hand, but it had become dull and colorless, and it had no effect.

If it wasn’t for everyone’s mouths being sealed on the day of birth, I’m afraid there would be another uproar. However, the doctor also explained that this phenomenon also exists, but it is only a rare case.

Xie Daiqi nodded, that child is a good person, so it is good to give him.

During this period of time, Baiyi brought the child to live here, and it is okay to send it over after dinner in the evening.

Xie Daiqi stood by the window silently until Yanyan went upstairs with the child in his arms.

Standing there, thinking a lot, Bai Yi has no afterlife, and I don’t know how long I can be with my child in this life.

All of this is also his own choice.

Xie Daiqi sighed heavily. It is undeniable that this former brother still holds a certain place in his heart. Love it and hate it, that’s about it.

The children signed up for school quickly, and their affairs were always resolved by themselves, with little parental involvement.

But to satisfy the status of parents.

also asked symbolically, meaning.

(end of this chapter)

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