My Wife Has Been Blackened

Chapter 98

Chapter 98 – One Can Do More Than One (One More)

Chapter 98 One can do more than one (one more)

Early the next morning, all the girls in the palace election were released.

Every family sent someone to guard the gate of the palace, but the Xie family did not, because according to the usual practice, the queen would send someone to send Xie Keyan back.

Queen, thank you so much.

Almost always love her and pet her. Even the prince sometimes eats it.

Presumably because he is the eldest son and the prince, the queen seldom hugged him when he was a child. Even when she fell down when she was a child, the queen just looked at him indifferently and stood up.

Once he secretly rode His Majesty’s red and brown horse, broke his leg and caused a high fever.

In a daze, he cried and looked for his mother, asking her to hug her.

At that time, he was five years old, and the queen only stood in front of the couch to let him recuperate. His father taught him to be extremely strict, and sometimes when he saw his mother, he would only feel her love and responsibility, and was afraid that he would grow crooked and be unable to inherit the grand ceremony.

Every time the father praised the mother for never pampering the emperor’s children, the mother smiled faintly.

The crown prince suppressed the annoyance in his heart, seeing that as usual, the queen mother sent someone to send her out from the palace, and he couldn’t tell what he felt.

In the palace.

“This time, the Xie family is definitely going to produce a princess. Yesterday, I heard that the Fang family felt that they had lost face, and asked the empress to preside over the marriage between the prince and Miss Fang.” The maids lowered their voices and discussed secretly.

“That’s for sure. These days the crown prince has been in and out of the imperial study frequently, probably because His Majesty is planning to bestow a marriage. Look, Miss Xie has been to the imperial study several times during this period, right?” Two young maids Talking while walking, everyone didn’t know that the queen had been standing behind her for a long time.

“Bold, do you still want to talk nonsense? You can talk about Miss Xie!” The nanny scolded angrily, and the two maids turned pale. Seeing the empress standing behind him with livid face, they knelt tremblingly beg for mercy.

“Pull out their tongues.” The queen left with a pale face.

But there is some suspicion in my heart, is the emperor so courageous? To hang out with Ke’er in the imperial study?

The queen felt a little uneasy. But all the beautiful women were released from the palace, and they also went down immediately, and she had no room for change, so she didn’t think about it.

Here, after Zhou Yanci left the palace, he went straight to Zhou Mansion.

“It’s going to rain soon, put away your clothes.” Before entering the door, she casually said to the maidservant.

The servant girl was taken aback? What’s raining in this clear sky? Immediately responded and ignored.

Unexpectedly, when I turned around, there was a loud thunder, and it rained cats and dogs…

The clothes I just washed are drenched…

Zhou Yanci didn’t have time to pay attention to it, so he hurried in the door.

“Third brother, did Yang Shi have any visions when she was pregnant with me? Is there any difference?” Zhou Yanci took a sip of tea, and there was a guess in his heart that he really didn’t want to admit.

“What kind of vision could there be? If the vision had been driven out of the village long ago. It’s been three years of drought, and it rained on the day you were born. If it wasn’t for that rain, you would…” Zhou Laosan paused, his eyes rolled Turning around, Dang even trembled with a laugh and stopped talking.

When he said this, Zhou Yanci understood a little bit.

My heart sank, I was very bored.

“Girl, girl, it’s terrible.” Xiao Xi ran in hurriedly, even Zisu’s face was covered with sweat, and it was rare that he didn’t scold Xiao Xi.

“Girl, you didn’t come out with Ms. Fang, did you? It’s terrible, that girl is very courageous. Now Master Fang has retired and returned home. If he hadn’t left early, he might have to beheaded.” Xiaoxi said The heart is open, but the eyes are starry.

“Miss, Miss Fang abducted the little prince and ran away when she came out of the palace. I heard that people are searching all over the city now. Mrs. Fang has already taken the blame and resigned on the grounds that she is too old to teach her daughter. If it weren’t for the protection of the court officials, I’m afraid I won’t be able to get out of the gate of the Golden Luan Hall.” Zisu’s complexion was a little dark, Miss Fang was saved by her own lady, so don’t get involved here.

Zhou Yanci’s eyes widened with surprise.

“I guess she ran among the show girls. Now it is widely rumored that Miss Fang is unwilling to be resigned by the prince, and she wants to make up for the kidnapping of the little prince.” But the little prince is only six years old?

“She’s not like that.” Zhou Yanci said with a strange expression, his mouth moving.

That guy, this time, I’m afraid he’s really going to do something big.

If he can’t catch it, Da Yue will be in big trouble.

“Right now, the capital is conducting a thorough investigation. The girl entered the palace with her, and someone will probably come to question her.” Zi Su made some mental preparations for her, but Zhou Yanci didn’t care.

The two of them have nothing to do with each other. If it is the only connection, I am afraid that it is her kindness to dig her grave and save her.

I’m afraid that the one who lost the prince will blame her.

“Now the whole Fang family has moved, and they have all run away.” Zisu sighed, the world really is impermanent. The Fang family collapses as soon as they say it, but the young lady of the Fang family is exceptionally capable.

Zhou Yanci shook his head, these guys are all good at making things happen, if they find themselves, I’m afraid they can do something earth-shattering.

“By the way, is there Zhen Zhu among the beautiful girls released this time?” Zhou Yanci remembered this, the emperor should not be so unlucky, right?

“Yes, yes, it’s still a big hit in this draft. I heard that His Majesty has summoned her several times, and there are rumors in the palace that His Majesty has favored her long ago. Then Miss Zhen’s entry into the palace is a matter of absolute certainty.” Zi Su lowered his voice and whispered in her ear.

Zhou Yanci haha, favored? Then you haven’t seen her real face.

She estimates that she can let you do two sets of three-year college entrance examination and five-year simulations in bed.

Who makes people have high IQs? You can’t see mental retardation.

“But that girl, I heard that she had a stepmother, she suffered a lot of setbacks when she was a child. This time she entered the palace to replace her younger sister.” What Zisu didn’t finish was that when the girl went back, she slapped her replacement sister in the face. swell.

Master Zhen dare not fart.

“This general election is really full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. One is more powerful than the other. If they all enter the palace, it will be so lively. Your Majesty will be so happy.” Xiao Xi is very innocent, thinking that His Majesty has enjoyed all the benefits of Qi. blessing.

“Happiness is joy, and it seems that it is not the master of An Sheng.” Zisu said seriously.

Thunder rumbled outside, Xie Keyan came out of the palace, and was helped back to the room.

Mrs. Xiao from the Xie family is waiting in the room with a group of aunts.

Xie Keyan didn’t pay any attention, and went straight back to the house. It didn’t take long for someone to carry water into the house to freshen up.

“The eldest girl in our family is very capable. Look, this weak willow Fufeng looks just like a nobleman in the palace.” Aunt Wu smiled coquettishly, covering her throat when she saw Lord Xie Hou come in.

Aunt Yuan smiled and said nothing. Recently, her laughter like a silver bell has become rough like a copper bell. She just wants to calm down and raise her voice.

Aunt Cheng is pregnant, and Lord Hou will definitely spoil her again.

Aunt Yuan looked confident.

Sure enough, Marquis Xie said he would come to her room for dinner not long after. This made Aunt Yuan very happy, enjoying the envy and jealousy of everyone.

Hmph, Lord Hou loves my charming voice very much.

Yesterday, I was planning to come back at night to update, but I bumped into a silly fork on the highway. When the traffic police came and waited until eleven o’clock, the baby was crying and fussing in the car. It’s past twelve o’clock when I come back from the processing… I will make up the update and the monthly pass this afternoon… okay?

(end of this chapter)

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