My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 52: Conflict

Chapter 52: Conflict

Under the eyes of the crowd, Qin Feng approached Peng Qing and asked, “What’s going on?”

In a low voice, Peng Qing explained the details of the situation to Qin Feng, while cautiously looking around.

It turned out that this morning, someone had leaked the information that Moonlit Pavilion was only serving drinks to customers on the third floor, and not on the other two floors.

Normally, with Peng’s skills, he could have easily resolved this matter by doing small favors for the common people and providing some free dishes, and the issue would have been overlooked.

However, unexpectedly, just as Peng was about to handle the situation, someone in the crowd expressed his dissatisfaction. It spread like wildfire, and more and more people joined in, making the situation increasingly uncontrollable.

After listening to the story, Qin Feng looked around. He couldn’t believe that this could have escalated so quickly without someone pushing it behind the scenes.

But who could it be?

After circling around, he fixed his eyes on the man who had been the most aggressive earlier.

Perhaps it was because of Qin Feng’s strong presence and aristocratic appearance, the man he was staring at didn’t seem as arrogant as before. Instead, he appeared to be somewhat apprehensive, as if he had something to hide.

Narrowing his eyes, Qin Feng looked at the pouch hanging from the man’s waist, his expression deep with meaning.

“Brother, there’s no grudge between us and Moonlit Pavilion. Why are you stirring up trouble here?” Qin Feng approached the man with a condescending manner, causing him to break out in a cold sweat.

The man hesitated, but when he touched the pouch at his waist, his expression changed. Gritting his teeth, he said, “I don’t understand what you’re talking about. Is Moonlit Pavilion discriminating by offering drinks only to the wealthy and not allowing us common people, Speak?”

The people around them started whispering again upon hearing his words.

Qin Feng patted the man’s shoulder and said with a smile, “Brother, let it go. How much did that person behind you offer you? I’ll give you double. Let’s put an end to this.”

The man was shocked and quickly replied, “What are you talking about? I don’t understand! I have things to do and I won’t waste my time with your nonsense!”

After saying that, he tried to walk away, but Qin Feng grabbed his shoulder.

“What are you trying to do? I was simply telling the truth. You can’t resort to violence!” the man protested nervously.

“Look at how badly we treated you, it’s our restaurant’s negligence. As the owner, I naturally have to compensate our guests.” Qin Feng smiled and used his skilled hands to instantly cut a slit in the bag hanging from the man’s waist.

“I don’t have time for this. Let me go!” Feeling guilty, the man didn’t dare to linger and managed to free himself from Qin Feng’s grasp. As he tried to escape, the silver coins fell out of the cut and scattered all over the ground.

A quick glance revealed at least a dozen or more taels of silver! The crowd immediately went wild. The man dressed like an ordinary commoner couldn’t possibly be carrying that much money. After all, a dozen or more taels of silver was equivalent to several years of income for an average household!

Considering Qin Feng’s previous words, the answer was now abundantly clear.

In a panic, the man hastily picked up the money scattered on the ground and tried to flee. But when he looked up, he saw a woman in blue standing in front of him, her arms wrapped around a sword, coldly looking at him and blocking his way. The man was instantly terrified and sat on the ground paralyzed.

Qin Feng’s tone was meaningful, “Carrying so many silver coins is quite impressive. I wonder what way you found to make so much money. How about showing it to me?”

As he approached step by step, the man was drenched in sweat, and his mental defenses were about to collapse.

However, at that moment, footsteps were heard from the stairs of the Moonlit pavilion. A man sneered, “Qin Family’s Eldest Young Master is truly impressive. From where his silver coins come from? It’s his matter. What does it have to do with you? Do you really think so highly of yourself?”

Everyone turned their heads in the direction of the voice. It was a young man in yellow robes, accompanied by two guards who appeared to be martial artists, though their expressions seemed stiff.

“Ye Luoting,” Qin Feng recognized the man’s appearance and spoke slowly. The whole situation suddenly became clear to him. It seemed that the plots of the city lord’s mansion were at work again.

These people really had nothing better to do.

In the past, considering the social niceties, Qin Feng might have pretended to be polite and greeted Ye Luoting. But things had escalated to this point, and both sides had already lost face. Qin Feng had no interest in sparing Ye Luoting’s feelings. He hadn’t pointed at the man’s nose and called him a bitch, which was already quite restrained.

“Bitch… I mean, Young Master Ye, long time no see,” Qin Feng almost accidentally blurted out the insult, covering his face to feign embarrassment.

Unfortunately, Ye Luoting heard the word and immediately roared, “Did you just call me Bitch?”

Qin Feng hastily explained, “You said it yourself, I didn’t say that. Everyone here can vouch for me.”

The people looked at each other, but no one dared to point fingers. One was the son of the city lord, and the other was obviously a nobleman. It was not wise to offend either side.

Unable to restrain herself, Lan Ninhshuang chuckled. But when she realized the inappropriate situation, she quickly composed herself and returned to her previous expression.

However, this laughter only fueled Ye Luoting’s anger. Men had their pride, especially in front of a beautiful woman.

“I am the son of the City Lord of Jinyang City. You dare to insult me in front of everyone. How dare you! Guards, take him back to the city lord’s mansion and wait for further punishment!”

Jinyang City was small, and its official institutions were not well established. Therefore, the city lord’s mansion had considerable power, so Ye Luoting was used to being arrogant and overbearing.

The two guards with stiff expressions heard the order and moved immediately. Their palms were like sharp claws, slicing through the air as they grabbed Qin Feng’s shoulder blades.

Of course, Lan Ninhshuang wouldn’t let them succeed. She moved quickly, her long sword swaying, intending to make them wary of attacking with a sharpened blade.

However, instead of dodging, the two guards tried to catch the blade with their flesh!

Lan Ninhshuang frowned, her wrist flicked, and the sword trembled, releasing a sword qi to push the guards away. But to her astonishment, the guards were unharmed!

How was that possible?fr(e)ewebnov(e)

Lan Ninhshuang looked surprised. It took the strength of a fifth-tier cultivator, to accomplish such a feat. But judging from the abilities of these guards, they were at most stronger than ordinary seventh-rank martial artists, but still far from that level.

Perhaps they were practicing some form of body refining martial arts?

Seeing this, Ye Luoting’s eyes lit up with excitement. When he had come here this morning, his father had assigned these two men to accompany him. He didn’t expect the two people who had been resurrected from the dead to be so powerful now.

In the past, it was impossible for these two martial artists to directly block an sword qi.

Filled with confidence, he shouted, “What are you waiting for? Since he dares to resist, break his limbs and drag him back to the city lord’s mansion! Anyone who dares to interfere will suffer the same fate!”

As he spoke, the two guards moved again. Lan Ninhshuang protected Qin Feng with her sword, her expression vigilant.

Just then, two black giant hands emerged from the shadows beneath the people’s feet, tightly gripping the two guards.

“Hundred Ghosts fifth rank, Puppet Shadows technique!”

“Finally here.” Qin Feng raised an eyebrow, turned his head, and saw Si Zheng, who carried a large gourd on his back, slowly walking toward them.

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