My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 582: The Arrival of the Western Region Group

After talking to Bing Mian for a while, Qin Feng and Liu Jianli finally understood the situation.

“I didn’t expect Emperor Ming to care so much about me, even sending Master Bing to protect me…”

Qin Feng was quite moved. After Zhan Qingfeng mentioned the Prison Department to him, he made an extra effort to learn more about it.

To be called Lord Bing in the Prison Department was to be among its elite.

The strength of this Lord Bing was probably comparable to the Twelve Divine Generals of the Demon Slaying Department!

Qin Feng looked at Liu Jianli curiously and asked, “But wife, why did you come back so early today?”

Liu Jianli subtly avoided eye contact and calmly replied, “I finished my cultivation today and wanted to come back early to also guide you and Ningshuang in your practice.”

Bing Mian cast a sidelong glance at Liu Jianli when he heard this, but didn’t expose Liu Jianli.

By Emperor Ming’s order, he had actually been secretly protecting Qin Feng for a while.

However, when Qin Feng left the Qin Mansion during the day, he noticed Liu Jianli following closely behind him, so he deliberately kept his distance to avoid being discovered by her.

High level Divine Martial Warriors have incredible control over their own Qi, blood and breath, beyond the comprehension of ordinary humans. As long as they wished to hide, even warriors of the same realm would find it extremely difficult to detect them.

It wasn’t until late in the evening that he saw Qin Feng practicing his extreme intent technique there. His mind moved slightly and he revealed a trace of his Qi. Only then did he reveal his whereabouts, and then the scene that had just unfolded.

“So that’s it,” Qin Feng nodded, not doubting his wife’s words. “By the way, Lord Bing Mian, it’s almost time for dinner. If you don’t mind, why don’t you join us for dinner?”

Bing Mian shook his head. “I appreciate the gesture, but it’s unnecessary.”

Seeing the other party about to leave, Qin Feng suddenly thought of something. Although there were people from the prison department secretly guarding him, it was not entirely a good thing.

Just like when Physician Qian and his wife were having intimate moments, they were also guarding the roof and never left.

It sounded professional, but to put it more bluntly, it was clearly eavesdropping!

If this happened to someone else, it might be amusing, but if it happened to him… Qin Feng shook his head violently, not daring to imagine this scene.

After all, he didn’t have any weird fetishes!

Besides, with his father and two wives at home, why would he need prison guards?

He was about to call the other party to stop, and said with a dry smile, “Um, Lord Bing Mian, I’ve been thinking about this. With my two wives guarding my safety at home, there’s really no need for you to worry, Lord Bing Mian.”

Without hesitation, Bing Mian refused, shaking his head. “By the Emperor’s decree, I must remain nearby. Rest assured, I will lurk in the shadows and make sure you remain unaware.”

The more you say that, the less reassured I am… Qin Feng’s expression froze as he wanted to say more, but he saw the other’s figure hesitate.

“As for your residence… forget it. You are right. I’ll be patrolling nearby and won’t be staying at the Qin residence.” With that, Bing Mian’s figure flickered and disappeared into the darkness of the night.

In the main hall, Father Qin withdrew the aura around him and silently criticised, “These people from the prison department are all short sighted as ever.”


The next day, as dawn broke with a hint of fish belly white in the sky, a group of people and horses marched mightily from the west towards the Imperial City.

They were, of course, Prince Chu’s entourage from the western region. After several days of continuous travel, they finally reached their destination.

The demon slayers guarding the city naturally showed the utmost respect when they saw Prince Chu. However, when they saw the group of Fox Clan women in the procession, especially Su Tianyue with her nine tails, their eyes widened in astonishment.

“Lord Prince Chu, who are they?”

Prince Chu didn’t offer much explanation. Instead, he handed over a letter and said, “Deliver this letter to His Majesty. We will wait here for an answer.”

The demon hunter guarding the city didn’t dare to delay. He mounted his horse and rode quickly towards the Demon Slaying Department. After all, his status didn’t allow him to enter the palace directly and meet the emperor. He had to report to Chief Deng first.

Upon hearing the news, Deng Mo was also a little taken aback. The Imperial City was protected by a defensive barrier, making it difficult for demons to enter. Unless they had a pass issued by the Demon Slaying Department, they couldn’t bypass the barrier and safely enter the city.

“Tushan Fox Clan, why would they come to the Imperial City?” Even with Deng Mo’s experience, it was difficult to guess what those foxes were thinking.

However, during the disaster in the western region, the Tushan Fox Clan also contributed their efforts. Although Deng Mo was ruthless in killing demons and ghosts, he was not narrow-minded.

As for those foxes who were famous but not very notorious, he didn’t have much dislike for them.

“Forget it, just inform Ding Mian from the prison department. He will deliver this letter to His Majesty.”


In the Imperial Study Room, Emperor Ming looked at the white scroll on the table and looked at the words “Deceptive Poison Sect”, he was lost in his own thoughts.

At that moment, Eunuch Li arrived with a letter, “Your Majesty, Prince Chu has arrived outside the Imperial City, but he is accompanied by those foxes from the Tushan Fox Clan.”

“This is a letter from Prince Chu, please read it, Your Majesty.”

“Tushan Fox Clan?” Emperor Ming raised an eyebrow.

Although humans and demons and ghosts were usually at odds with each other, not all demons and ghosts were enemies of humans.

During the disaster in the western regions, both the White Tiger Clan and the Tushan Fox Clan had obviously helped the humans.

As the ruler of a country, he naturally had to think further than most humans, gathering allies wherever possible and striking against common enemies. This tactic of forming alliances was an essential skill.

The Tushan Fox Clan was obviously one of the allies that could be gathered.

Their existence dated back even further than the Great Qian, and their background was naturally far beyond imagination. They might know secrets that surpassed the historical records of the Great Qian since ancient times.

When he took the letter and opened it, Emperor Ming, who had seen many strange things, showed a strange expression, and the fear in his heart faded a little.

Eunuch Li observed his expression and asked, “Your Majesty, is there anything improper in the contents of the letter?”

Emperor Ming didn’t answer but handed over the blank paper, “See for yourself.”

Taking the letter, Eunuch Li quickly scanned it and couldn’t help but be astonished, “The Tushan Fox Clan, they actually want to open a brothel here to earn money and support their household? This… this…”

Of course, no one would really believe such a reason, including Prince Chu at first.

So when Prince Chu arrived outside the Imperial City, he didn’t bring his people directly into the city, but reported the matter first, leaving everything to the Emperor to decide.

Emperor Ming tapped lightly on the desk, pondered for a while, then suddenly chuckled, “To open a brothel in the capital in front of the National Teacher of the Heavenly Tower and the Divine Guardian, the Fox Clan Chief, is indeed quite interesting. Approved!”

The imperial seal touched the red ink stamped on the white paper, and the matter was confirmed.

Eunuch Li took the white paper and was about to leave when Emperor Ming spoke again, “Take this matter to the Crown Prince. If he truly has insight, he will know what to do.”

“Your servant obeys.”

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