My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 603: Father, I've laid the groundwork for you

Three days may not sound long or short, but for the people of Imperial City, it’s was an torture.

It felt like a giant guillotine was hanging over their heads, and they had no idea whether it would fall or break in two.

Tianlu Plain, the venue for the competition, was ten miles away from the east gate of Imperial City.

This plain was originally the only place to pass in and out of Imperial City from the Eastern Region. In the past, there was an endless stream of pedestrians on the way.

But now there’s not a soul in sight. Instead, there’s a huge pale blue barrier hanging over Tianlu Plain, stretching for more than ten miles.

This was the domain created by the combined effort of the National Teacher of the Heavenly Tower and the Divine Guardian!

Otherwise, with this level of battle, the heavens and the earth would surely split apart, turning the plain into a wasteland.

To prevent the aftermath of the battle from affecting ordinary people, the Demon Slaying Department has already set up a blockade outside the city gate to prevent people from taking a step into the danger zone.

Despite this, the city walls were still crowded with people.

This battle was of great importance. If humanity loses the bet, the consequences will be unimaginable. Of course, most people wanted to see it with their own eyes.

Emperor Ming himself arrived in front of the Imperial City and sat on a high platform. In addition to the Crown Prince, Anya and other royal relatives, the members of the Prison Department responsible for guarding him were also present, with their faces covered.

The Divine Marquis Army and the Military War Duke Army were all lined up, with Lie Ying and Liu Tianlu in their battle robes, their expressions solemn.

Battle flags fluttered, and the atmosphere was filled with solemnity and killing intent.

On the city wall, the people watching this scene had a rough idea of what was happening.

If the human race were to lose this battle, the Great War would likely break out immediately.

The Asura Clan had been suppressed in the Eastern Territory for too long, and their desire for battle and bloodshed could no longer be contained.

The soldiers were already in position, ready to face such a situation.

On the other side, Deng Mo and the others from the Demon Slaying Department also had serious expressions on their faces.

The Eastern Territory Commander and the divine generals who had been severely injured by the Asura Clan a few days ago were also present.

They had failed to stop the Asura Clan’s advance and naturally felt guilty. At this moment, they only hoped that someone would step forward and win this bet.

But having personally fought the Asura Clan, they knew that the chances of winning this battle were slim.

On the high platform, Anya looked around, her gaze also falling on the side of the Demon Slaying Department, but she did not see the familiar figure dressed in black, feeling somewhat confused and disappointed.

Seeing this, the Crown Prince beside her asked curiously, “Anya, are you looking for Brother Qin?”

Anya’s expression changed slightly when she heard this, but she still seemed calm and composed: “Why would Your Highness say such a thing? Of course I’m not looking for that person.”

“This bet is too important for us. So far, we still don’t know who the National Teacher of the Heavenly Tower has chosen. That is all I wanted to find out.”

The Crown Prince nodded slightly: “Even I am curious. But even though Father sent someone to ask the National Teacher of the Heavenly Tower, he didn’t give a clear answer. Speaking of such important matters, I thought Brother Qin would definitely come, but why haven’t I seen him?”

Anya didn’t answer. Deep down, she had a feeling that this guy would definitely come.

At the place where the Demon Slaying Department members were, Commander Qiu Wuhen of the Eastern Domain was wrapped in bandages and still looked a bit weak. He asked curiously, “Master, do you know who the National Teacher of the Heavenly Tower has chosen?”

Deng Mo shook his head when he heard this: “Master National Teacher hasn’t revealed it. He certainly doesn’t want the Asura Clan to make any preparations in advance.”

At the Imperial City’s walls, the Tushan Fox Clan had also arrived in full force. Naturally, they didn’t want to miss such a lively event.

In the crowd, Su Tianyue spotted the Qin family’s group at the Qin Residence, but Qin Feng and the others were nowhere to be seen, leaving her with a puzzled expression on her face.

At that moment, the people on the city walls began to stir, and even the soldiers outside the city and the members of the Demon Slaying Department became fully alert.

The Asura Clan had arrived!

Even though they were nearly ten miles apart, everyone could feel the immense pressure they brought with them.

Several gigantic, extremely ferocious beasts moved like moving mountains, each step making the earth tremble.

Strength King Tianji Luo on the head of one of the ferocious beasts showed a ferocious smile when he saw the barrier above his head and naturally realised that this was the battlefield for the slaughter.

Without thinking, he jumped suddenly and disappeared into the barrier, followed by a deafening roar that echoed through the sky.

“Why do we need three battles to deal with a mere human race? Who dares to come out and die!”

The roar alone made the commoners tremble in fear!

Qiu Wuhen frowned, the formidable strength of the opponent in the Eastern Domain was still fresh in his mind, the wounds on his body still throbbing faintly.

“I thought this person would make a move in the third battle, but I didn’t expect the Asura Clan to send their strongest right away.”

Beside him, the Martial God Ning Zhan’s face was also unsightly. “It looks like the Asura Clan doesn’t want to waste any time and wants to decide the outcome in one battle. I wonder who the National Teacher has arranged to deal with such a strong enemy.”

Everyone waited anxiously, but there were no other figures inside the barrier except for Tianji Luo.

“What’s going on? Could it be that the person the National Teacher sent is a coward?”

“The National Teacher of the Heavenly Tower hasn’t shown up yet. Could it be that the human race is going to lose without a fight?”

“We should have guessed earlier. The Asura Clan’s notorious reputation precedes them. Wanting three victories in three battles is just a pipe dream!”

The defeat of the Eastern Domain’s Demon Slaying Department had long planted seeds of fear in their hearts. Now, in the face of a formidable enemy, these seeds began to take root and sprout.

Feelings of unease, fear and despair spread like a plague in the hearts of the people.

At that moment, a resounding song suddenly resounded over the Imperial City:

“Evil spirits and demons, all shall be spat upon!”

“With courage and bravery, we will defeat demons all over the land!”

“That voice… it sounds like Master Qin…” Everyone was stunned, searching for the source of the sound. The void shimmered, and a group of people stepped forward and descended beyond the boundary.

“National Teacher has come out, along with Master Qin’s family. This song is indeed sung by Master Qin!”

“Oh, who is that person dressed in black with a white mask?” The people murmured, their previous fear and unease disturbed by the song.

“In the mortal realm, rivers may flow, but a distinction must be made between purity and impurity. Life and death have always been turbulent in the rivers and lakes”.

The song continued, and the figure in black with a white mask suddenly traversed the air, gradually disappearing into the Boundary.

Emperor Ming suddenly stood up, his eyes shining. “So the National Teacher is sending him into battle.”

At the Nine Bend River, the Divine Guardian showed a relieved expression and flicked his fishing rod.

Deng Mo’s eyes widened, as did those of Qiu Wuhen and the others, who all wore expressions of astonishment as this person bore a striking resemblance to someone they remembered.

“Upholding the righteous path, accomplishing great deeds!” Qin Feng sang loudly.

As the song ended, within the boundary, Tianji Luo and Father Qin were already looking at each other from a distance.

The former’s expression became solemn as he could sense the pressure emanating from the other’s aura.

At that moment, the Martial God Ning Zhan finally remembered and exclaimed, “He is Lord Northern Ghost Head!”

As soon as these words were uttered, it was like a terrifying storm that immediately sent a wave of excitement through the hearts of the crowd.

This black-robed, pale-faced individual turned out to be the legendary Commander Northern Ghost Head, who had been missing for nearly twenty years!

Excited cheers and shouts erupted thunderously.

Qin Feng saw the human race regaining momentum, a smile on his face, and thought to himself, “Father, I’ve laid the groundwork for what needs to be done. I will leave it to you to show off to the rest of the people.”

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