My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 606: The Sword Qi Spanning Thirty Thousand Mile

This battle was indeed a narrow victory, with both sides suffering serious injuries.

Qin Feng looked at his father’s injuries. His internal organs were damaged, his ribs were broken, and his qi was in disarray, but fortunately, there was no immediate danger to his life.

After using Righteous Qi to regulate his father’s meridians, Qin Feng administered the medicine he had prepared in advance.

Father Qin’s intense pain gradually subsided, and he heaved a sigh of relief.

Sensing the concern of the others, Father Qin casually waved his hand and said, “I’m fine now. But that person really lives up to being the strongest among the four war kings of the Asura Clan.” 

“He even forced me to use seventy percent of my power. If I had known that he would be so difficult to deal with, I would have gone all out from the beginning.”

The National Teacher of the Heavenly Tower glanced sideways, while Liu Jianli and Cang Feilan also cast subtle glances before withdrawing their gazes.

Even after using that Divine Technique… Do you believe your own words? Qin Feng raised an eyebrow, but didn’t reveal it.

Anyone with a bit of insight wouldn’t expose a man’s pretentious moment. That’s common sense.

“Right, right, right,” Qin Feng replied perfunctorily.

Father Qin continued, “That guy’s offensive aura still lingers in my body, and it’ll take at least another ten days to half a month for my injuries to fully heal. When you go back, don’t forget to cover for me, and don’t let your second mother find out about this.”

Qin Feng looked curious, “Can’t you be more careful yourself, Dad?”

“Especially because of your Second Mother…” Father Qin looked at his two daughters-in-law and hesitated to speak further.

Being a man himself, Qin Feng suddenly understood. Considering the Second Mother’s age, she must be at a stage like a wolf or a tiger.

And considering Father’s current condition, he definitely couldn’t perform in bed, but if he didn’t do anything, knowing Second Mother’s personality, she would inevitably start thinking about this and that.

Qin Feng raised an eyebrow, nodded and said, “Don’t worry, Father, I’ll take care of it.”

After a pause, Father Qin cleared his throat and said, “Also, the song you sang earlier was quite good. When you come back, remember to teach me when you have time.”


In the first battle with Tianji Luo, the momentum on the human side was naturally strong.

Even though some time had passed since the battle ended, the words ‘Humans will win’ and ‘Lord Ghost Head is invincible’ still echoed in their ears.

Emperor Ming and the others frowned slightly, but they hadn’t let their guard down completely.

After all, ever since the wager had been made, it was destined that every battle would be like walking on thin ice for the Human Clan!

Losing was simply not an option!

“I wonder who the Asura Clan will send to fight next,” Deng Mo said in a deep voice.

The three divine generals from the eastern region glanced at the Asura Clan, their eyes fixed on the Mad King and the Slaying King.

The battle between the second-tier experts had already ended, and Evil King Bimala had no chance to make a move.

Therefore, only Saito Yinluo and Ziyu Luo could participate in the battle, and each of them possessed their own unique abilities, making them formidable opponents.

“What do you think?” The mad king glanced to the side.

Ziyu Luo, with her remarkable appearance and sturdy physique, stood with her arms crossed over her chest, as if she was suppressing something within.

The previous battle had inflamed her blood, and Northern Ghost Head’s formidable presence was like a poison that intoxicated her.

That was the way of the Asura clan – women worshipped strength, and in the presence of a strong individual, they felt an instinctive urge.

It was their mission to mate with strong individuals and produce powerful offspring.

Of course, the same was true for male Asuras.

Moreover, because of the powerful bloodline within the Asura Clan, no matter what race they mated with, their offspring would inherit the characteristics of the Asura Clan.

Perhaps this was the reason why every Asura was born a powerful warrior, endowed with astonishing talents.

“I’m really excited now,” Ziyu Luo said, shaking with excitement.

The mad king withdrew his gaze and said, “As you wish.”

Ziyu Luo took out the sharp bone blade from her waist and waved her hands, releasing a fierce energy. Two slashes shot into the sky, while one fell onto a nearby mountain.

In an instant, it seemed as if the sky was ripped apart, and the mountain was sliced in half, the smooth cut sending shivers down one’s spine.

The tremendous commotion drew countless glances. The cheering crowd suddenly found their throats constricted, unable to utter a sound.

They had almost forgotten – they had only won one battle, not the whole victory.

There were still two fights left in this unbeatable duel!

And it seemed that the opponent for this battle would be the one with the most outstanding appearance.

Beautiful and powerful, the terrifying slash made the guillotine hanging above the human race’s heads seem to fall even further.

Martial God Ning Zhan saw Ziyu Luo break through the barrier and reach out to his chest.If a slash that penetrated his bones had gone deeper, it would have killed him.

All thanks to Ziyu Luo!

The Slaying King’s impressive start dampened Father Qin’s momentum, even if it was an unintentional move on former’s part.

Faltering before the battle had even begun was already a sign of weakness.

This isn’t good, I have to create a momentum for my wife… Seeing this, Qin Feng gathered his righteous energy in his chest and shouted loudly, “The sword energy stretches across thirty thousand miles, and the light of one sword chills nineteen continents!”

The poetic verse carried an inexplicable power, accompanied by the clear sound of a sword ringing.

The ethereal sword light transformed into a bridge that stretched towards the lofty barrier of heaven.

With majestic verses running through their minds, everyone couldn’t help but shiver involuntarily.

The sword spans three thousand miles, and reaches nineteen continents in a single stroke. Who could possess such extraordinary swordsmanship? 

Liu Jianli, dressed in white, muttered repeatedly. She had always tried to fuse her profound understanding with the way of the sword, but whenever she was close to succeeding, there would always be an insurmountable barrier blocking her path.

However, when Qin Feng shouted out the poem just now, countless cracks seemed to appear on that barrier.


The Clear Sword Heart trembled with excitement, and the barrier that had been standing in its way shattered.

At that moment, Liu Jianli had a revelation.

On the city wall, Lan Ningshuang, who had been watching, suddenly opened the scabbard behind her.

The Purple Thunder Divine Sword and the Cold Water Sword flew out, their sword lights flowing like water and their sword chants resounding like thunder.

At the same time, thousands of swords were summoned within the Imperial City and flew into the sky.

The harmonious sword cries were like rushing rivers flowing into the sea!

The scene of thousands of swords bowing down was truly breathtaking!

Qin Feng’s expression was stunned. If he knew that his wife was so amazing, why would he need to strengthen her? In comparison, he felt that his own scope was too narrow.

But how could he know about Liu Jianli’s transformation just because of that one poem?

The National Teacher of the Heavenly Tower showed a satisfied expression, thinking that perhaps there was a sixth realm beyond the realm of the Sword God.

“Husband, I am going.” Liu Jianli’s vermilion lips parted slightly, accompanied by a faint smile.

In an instant, the splendour of heaven and earth faded.

All the crowd could see was a figure in white stepping into the boundary with sword light.

“The candidate for the second match is Liu Jianli!”

A stone stirred up a thousand ripples.

In front of the Divine Marquis Army, Liu Tianlu was filled with emotion when he saw this scene.

His memory suddenly drifted back to the day his daughter returned from the Myriad Sword Sect with damaged meridians and lifeless eyes.

Who would have thought that she would once again reach the pinnacle of swordsmanship and attract the attention of thousands of people?

“This kid from the Qin family…” Liu Tianlu, who usually wore a stern expression, smiled slightly, feeling immensely pleased.

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