My Wife is Obviously a Queen But She is Too Virtuous

Chapter 10 - Lin Yao broke out

   “Kobayashi? Kobayashi! Huh!”

   Hong Sanshi raised his hand and shook it in front of Lin Yao, finally bringing her back to her senses.

   “Huh? Oh, what’s the matter with Teacher Hong?”

   Seeing her beautiful peach blossom eyes stared up at the boss, Hong Sanshi couldn’t help smiling, “What are you looking at, there is no handsome guy in front of me?”

   “No, no, I didn’t watch anything, that… Teacher Hong, I think we still have to go separately, lest we get caught up in a net.”

   Lin Yao quickly waved her hand to deny, and made suggestions.

   In fact, she is in a mess at the moment and wants to be alone.

   finally found “him” on the roof that night, excited, excited, nervous, afraid…All kinds of emotions flooded Lin Yao’s heart for a while.

   She thought about the situation of meeting again many times, romantic, thrilling, and tortuous, but when she really saw him again, Lin Yao didn’t know what to do.

   directly chased him and told him, I was the **** the roof that night?

   What if he doesn’t remember it?

   Or does he not care at all?

   If you tell him that he has been thinking of him since that night, would it scare him?

   After all, the two have met once, and they don’t even know the other’s name. You can’t forget it. Who will believe it?

   What if he thinks he is greedy for his body and thinks I am a female pervert?

   And I’m currently recording a show. If I suddenly do something like that to a man, Sister Yan might go crazy.

How to do?

How to do……

   “What you said makes sense, then we will leave separately.”

   Here, Hong Sanshi has agreed with Lin Yao’s suggestion, jumped out of the flower platform, and walked in the other direction.

   “Teacher Hong!”

   Lin Yao stopped him suddenly.


   “Did you not take the pen and paper when you were doing the task? Are you still with you now?”

   Lin Yao asked Hong Sanshi.

   “Oh, it’s still there.” Hong Sanshi took out a blank note and a ballpoint pen from his trouser pocket.

   This is a prop for the mission in the Hilton Hotel. After finishing the mission, Hong Sanshi put it in his pocket.

   “Can you lend me?” Lin Yao folded her hands in a pleading form, her cheeks were a little red somehow.

   “Of course, yes.” Hong Sanshi readily handed Lin Yao the pen and paper.

   “Thank you, Teacher Hong, come on, take care!” Lin Yao took the pen and paper, turned around and ran away, so fast that the cameraman who was following her could not keep up.

   “Oh, catch up.” The cameraman was startled and ran towards Lin Yao, carrying the camera.

   “Huh? How do you feel that Kobayashi suddenly changed.”

   Hong Sanshi silently looked at Lin Yao’s suddenly surging figure, muttering to himself:

   “Maybe I finally discovered my handsome and elegant, so I am embarrassed for a while, haha, it must be so.”

   Lin Yao panted and ran to a stool in a park square and sat down. Looking back, the cameraman hadn’t followed up yet.

   She spread a strip of white paper on the stool and took a pen to write down her mobile phone number on the paper.

   The reason why Lin Yao suddenly speeds up is to get rid of the cameraman and staff, quietly write down her contact information on the note, and then find a way to quietly pass it to him.

   Well, his name is Fang Xiaole. Yesterday he rescued Teacher Hong who accidentally fell into the water.

   Lin Yao has heard about yesterday from Director Li.

   Teacher Hong said his name when he saw him just now, so it must be correct.

   Sure enough, he is such a handsome, powerful and brave man.

   I feel really safe…

   Oh, by the way, it’s not enough to just write the phone number, but also leave a secret code that only the two of us can understand.

   A smile appeared at the corner of Lin Yao’s mouth. Of course, this code is—


   However, as soon as Lin Yao wrote the first three strokes of the word “House”, he heard footsteps coming from behind.

   The cameraman caught up.

   Lin Yao glanced at the small note one last time: “Shi 138xxxxxxxx.”

   But it was too late to finish writing, so I had to put the note away quickly.

   “Sorry, you are tired, I wanted to hide it alone.”

   Seeing the two cameramen carrying such heavy equipment and being forced to run so fast because of their actions, Lin Yao felt a little sorry.

   The cameraman panted and waved his hand, indicating that it’s okay, thinking that the eldest sister, you only know that, after walking so many wrong ways with you in the past two days, my foot is almost broken.

   Lin Yao blinked her eyes and had a plan in her heart.

   She deliberately walked to the camera and said seriously: “Forget it, I don’t think hiding is the way to go, it’s better to face it bravely.”

   After saying this, Lin Yao strode towards the other side of the lake and walked in the direction where Fang Xiaole had just disappeared.

   The two cameramen looked at each other and couldn’t help being a little surprised. Lin Yao was basically sleepwalking for the past two days. Why was she suddenly so active?

   Lin Yao crossed the bridge and just walked less than fifty meters, suddenly two burly shadows appeared in front of her eyes.

   are two men in black!

   But there is no Fang Xiaole in it.

   The two men in black saw Lin Yao and immediately chased them.

   Lin Yao turned around and ran.

   If caught, she will be out. UU reading Mo Jie is guarding outside the recording scene, so there is no chance to give the note to Fang Xiaole.

   must not be caught!

   Thinking of this, Lin Yao’s slender body seemed to have infinite power, and the two men in black couldn’t catch up with her for a while.

   “My God, Lin Yao actually ran so fast?!”

   happened to be two male guests coming over, seeing Lin Yao’s swift speed, almost dropped his jaw.

   If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, they would have never imagined that Lin Yao, known as “the goddess of gentleness” and “the talented singer”, would be so vigorous.

   The two men in black are also a bit dazed. Although they know that they need to properly release the water, if they are so easily escaped by a charming girl, where do they put their dignity as a hunk?

   The two also speeded up, and they soon narrowed the distance with Lin Yao.

   “Yeah!” Lin Yao looked back and was shocked. She clenched her silver teeth and ran forward desperately.

   “Wow, can she still speed up?! Teacher Hong, I think Sister Lin Yao runs faster than you.”

   At this time Hong Sanshi also came, and the young male guest named Wang Yi exclaimed again and said to Hong Sanshi jokingly.

  Wang Yi is a very popular little fresh meat. He also participated in the first two seasons of “Super Challenge” and is familiar with Hong Sanshi.

   “What else to watch? Kobayashi is helping us attract firepower, so he hides it quickly and drags it to the end of the time.”

   Hong Sanshi smiled and cursed, Wang Yi said: “Yes, it turns out that Sister Lin Yao chose to sacrifice herself for the team to complete the task. We can’t live up to her! Oops!”

  Wang Yi suddenly pointed to the front, and Lin Yao, who was about to flee from the chase of the two men in black, appeared in front of Lin Yao!

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