My Wife is Obviously a Queen But She is Too Virtuous

Chapter 983 - The first inspection

“Husband, I want to go home.”

As soon as Lin Yao walked into the obstetric inspection center, she saw people waiting inside.

There are pregnant women who are six or seven months pregnant and have a high belly. They all support their lower waist with their hands to relieve the pressure of the belly on the waist.

There are also those who are about the same as Lin Yao, who have just been pregnant for three months and have not shown their stomachs. They are also the first time to come for a birth check, with curiosity and tension on their faces.

The difference is that these short-term pregnant women are accompanied by men, and many of those pregnant women with big belly are alone, and their faces are not dissatisfied and depressed, but they have a kind of ease and familiarity that they are used to.

Fang Xiaole thought, this is probably a stage where couples who have just become pregnant are at a stage of anxiety and adjustment. Pregnant women need to be accompanied, and pregnant women’s husbands also need to accompany their wives to relieve their anxiety.

Those who have big belly obviously have gone through multiple checkups, and are used to or numb to the hospital checkups, so pregnant women are very relaxed, and not every husband of pregnant women comes to accompany them in person.

This kind of contrast is very interesting, and it also shows the mentality of pregnant couples with different pregnancy periods.

And now Lin Yao and herself belong to the uneasy period of novices who are still in Xinshou Village.

No, Lin Yao was empty as soon as he came in, leaning on Fang Xiaole softly, shouting like a child who was afraid of injections to go home.

“Miss Lin, the dean has already ordered it. Director Zhou is waiting for you specially. I’ll take you and Fang’s guide.”

At this time, a nurse came forward to lead the way.

Fang Xiaole asked strangely: “How did your dean know that we are coming over today?”

He and Lin Yao didn’t want to be too conspicuous or special.

Lin Yao is a pregnant woman, and the other pregnant women are also pregnant women. No one is superior to others. It’s good for everyone to line up according to the rules.

So he just made an appointment online in advance to get the number, as for the hospital, he didn’t tell anyone.

“We can see the information of your appointment. After knowing the information, the dean will tell us to make arrangements for Miss Lin.”

The little nurse had big eyes and was able to speak well. While talking with a smile, she led the two forward. Seeing that Lin Yao seemed to hesitate, she continued:

“Miss Lin, don’t worry, this doesn’t count as going through the back door, because you have had fetal instability before.

To be on the safe side, we will arrange for Director Zhou to be personally responsible for pregnant women like you.

Now Director Zhou has someone building a file, you still have to line up for a while in the past. “

When the little nurse said so, Lin Yao and Fang Xiaole were relieved, knowing that they did not take up too much medical resources.

However, Lin Yao was still a little nervous. Her little hands got into Fang Xiaole’s palm tightly, and Fang Xiaole could feel that her hands were all sweaty.

Fang Xiaole squeezed her hand slightly, and Lin Yao turned her head to the side. Only eyes were exposed on her face wearing a mask, but the pitifulness and helplessness in those eyes was about to overflow.

“Ms. Lin, don’t be nervous. We are here to create a file today and do another NT and blood test. Usually, 99% of the fetuses in these two tests are fine. This NT test is actually… “

The little nurse probably met a lot, knowing that pregnant women like Lin Yao who came to do a birth check for the first time would inevitably be nervous, so she spoke with comfort.

“It is the translucent thickness of the fetus’s neck. If the NT value is greater than 2.5 cm, the fetus is likely to be…”

Lin Yao took the little nurse’s words, hesitated for a moment, and said the last two words:


After saying these two words, Fang Xiaole obviously felt that Lin Yao’s small hand drill in his palm was tightening.

“Wow, Miss Lin is really amazing, she even understands these things!”

The little nurse was surprised, and Chao Lin Yao gave a thumbs up.

Lin Yao was bored at home during this time. Although she was accompanied by her husband, mother and mother-in-law, she was still very worried in her heart.

Sometimes when a person is lying in bed, he will quietly use his mobile phone to search various precautions for pregnant women and common knowledge about pregnancy check-ups.

Now she has basically backtracked on the “Thirteen Passes of Obstetric Inspection”.

It also has a basic understanding of each inspection.

But precisely because of this, her heart became even more nervous.

Because the more you understand these common medical knowledge, the more you know that pregnant women and fetuses actually face a lot of risks during pregnancy.

Down syndrome, high blood pressure in pregnant women, diabetes in pregnant women, etc., although the incidence of these is very low, once encountered, it will be a disaster for a pregnant woman and fetus.

Lin Yao became more frightened as she watched, but in order not to worry her husband, mother and mother-in-law, she could only hide this tension in her heart.

And now, when it came to the end, the poor pregnant mother couldn’t hold it anymore.

Listening to the little nurse’s praise, she just forced a smile politely, but her face became paler.

“Don’t be afraid, I will be with you.”

Fang Xiaole himself was a little nervous, but still smiled gently at Lin Yao.

Seeing her husband’s calmness, Lin Yao finally settled down a bit, and the three of them quickly came to the consultation room of the director of the obstetric examination center.

As the little nurse said, there was already a pregnant woman inside. There was a nice lounge outside the consultation room, and there were three waiting pregnant women sitting on chairs, accompanied by her husband or elders.

Seeing Lin Yao and the three of them coming in, one of the pregnant women was taken aback for a moment, and stood up with a little excitement.

“Wow! You, are you Lin Yao?”

When other people heard her, they all looked at Lin Yao. Another pregnant woman also recognized Lin Yao and said with excitement:

“Wow Lin Yao?!”

Lin Yao obviously did not expect that she had grown so fat, and she could be recognized even when she was wearing a mask. She took off the mask and slightly bent over to the two of them politely:


“My god, it’s Lin Yao!”

The first pregnant woman to recognize her was very young, and rushed over with a stride, and said excitedly to Lin Yao:

“I’m from Sioux City. I heard that you kept the baby in Jiangrong Maternity and Child Health Hospital, so I made a special trip here for a checkup. Wow, Lin Yao, you are so beautiful! You look so beautiful when you are pregnant, mine. Damn!”

Another pregnant woman also excitedly said: “I am also me, I am Wusu’s!”

The little nurse smiled and introduced: “Ms. Lin, thanks to you, our hospital’s business is much better than before. Many of your fans have come to our hospital from other places to do prenatal checkups.”

Lin Yao was stunned when he heard that, Fang Xiaole remembered that when Lin Yao was hospitalized, the dean, deputy dean, and director of obstetrics and gynecology specially came to visit the ward, and planned to arrange for Lin Yao some expert consultation.

At that time, they probably had the idea of ​​using Lin Yao to make their hospital famous.

Unexpectedly, it is actually so effective?

If Mo Yan were here, he would definitely ask for an endorsement fee.

“Lin May I take a photo with you?”

It was confirmed that this was really Lin Yao, and the others were also excited. The people who were looking at their mobile phones all gathered around and wanted to take a group photo.

Lin Yao’s character will naturally not refuse.



Soon, the little nurse took a group photo of everyone.

At this time, the pregnant woman in the consultation room came out, and Director Zhou called Lin Yao’s name.

“Miss Lin, I am so envious of you, the twins, come on!”

“Lin Yao, come on!”

Several pregnant women next to her saw that she was a little nervous, and they all cheered for her.

Lin Yao smiled at them, hugged Fang Xiaole’s arm, took a deep breath, and walked into the consultation room softly and timidly.

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