My Wife is the Villain King Shark

Chapter 16

Chapter 16: 016

“Emperor, you smelled it, did my tail stink?” Ji Xuanbing looked at Jiang Chaosheng expectantly, expecting his benefactor to say that there was no odor, it was his nose that had a problem.

Jiang Chaosheng has a keen sense of smell. When Ji Xuanbing approached, he did smell a faint odor. It was not very strong, but it was hard to ignore. He has always been an honest person: “It’s a little stinky.”

“Wow!” Engong wouldn’t lie to himself, he said it all, indicating that his tail was really smelly, and the green eyes of the merman lost all luster all of a sudden, as if the fine pearls had turned cloudy. Clear dead fish.

“It stinks, but if you don’t wash it, it’s fine. Why are you so nervous?”

Ji Xuanbing covered his chest: “I have washed it, and I have washed it many times, and the more I wash it, the more stinky it gets!”

He had washed it a long time ago, but he felt the stench was like his body, and he was going to faint from the stench.

“Only dead fish and rotten fish will rot and stink. I’m stinky. It must have been completely broken, and I’m about to die.” Ji Xuanbing looked sad, grabbed Jiang Chaosheng’s hand and pressed it on his chest, “I feel My heart hurts, it’s stuffy, and it’s terribly uncomfortable.”

He looked at Jiang Chaosheng pitifully: “Engong, for the sake of my dying, give me a kiss.”

Jiang Chaosheng was greatly shocked. This little merman was thinking about something. If he hadn’t seen how sad and pitiful the other party was, he would have thought that the other party had deliberately made himself smelly and came to ask for a kiss. But this method is too bad, no one likes a smelly kiss.

This time there is no waiting for him to say yes or no. Ji Xuanbing rejected the proposal by himself, and said dejectedly: “Forget it, I’m not pretty anymore, and the benefactor will not like the little stinky fish, so it’s better not to stink the benefactor.”

He turned his back and walked out heartbroken, his tail winding a clear water mark on the ground, also exuding a faint stench.

There were water marks on the floor tiles, but the bed was very dry, unlike the previous day when Ji Xuanbing climbed up, the sheets were soaked through, and Jiang Chaosheng changed it directly afterward.

Jiang Chaosheng realized one thing, this merman should be afraid of making his bed stink, so he was very anxious, but he still chose to stay on the ground.

The floor in the room was full of rolling blue pearls. Wherever Ji Xuanbing went, the pearls fell, and it was like it was raining pearls.

No matter how hard-hearted Jiang Chaosheng is, he can’t watch the play with a smile at this time: “Wait a minute.”

Ji Xuanbing immediately stopped his tail and turned to look at him.

Jiang Chaosheng bent down: “How did you get the wound on your tail?”

He didn’t notice it when the little shark was still, but Jiang Chaosheng realized it when he moved. He didn’t take it seriously at first, but now his demeanor became serious.

“Yes…washed, washed off.” Ji Xuanbing stopped tears now, but there was still a suppressed cry in his voice, and the twitching when he spoke was more distressing than before.

After he washed off the scales, he didn’t dare to wash it at all. The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, so he came to Jiang Chaosheng. If he was going to die, before he died, he still wanted to sleep with the benefactor, and he would die after giving birth to cubs.

But when Jiang Chaosheng woke up, Ji Xuanbing began to struggle again. Forget it, the benefactor would not like to mate with the rotten fish. If it left a psychological shadow on the benefactor, it would be the revenge of the kindness.

Jiang Chaosheng looked down at Ji Xuanbing, bent down, and directly reached out and hugged the merman: “Let me take a closer look.”

He carefully looked at the fish tail of the shark, the scales were all good, still shiny, and there was no sign of decay. The place where the scales fell off was a little obvious, but it was not the kind of rotten wound, as if it had been pulled out by someone forcibly. .

Ji Xuanbing couldn’t help burying his face in Jiang Chaosheng’s arms, his eyelashes stained with damp moisture: “Eunuch, am I going to die?”

Jiang Chaosheng read it carefully, and his tone was firm: “You’re fine.”

“Really?” Ji Xuanbing got the reply he wanted, but his tone was disbelieving.

The little shark looked at his slender waist, but it was quite heavy to hold, but Jiang Chaosheng didn’t let him go, and carried Ji Xuanbing all the way to the yard.

He stood by the cistern and observed carefully, and soon found the culprit. The water in the cistern, like the merman, had a faint stench. The water in the cistern is different from the sea and river water. It is stagnant water, not flowing water. He has not had anyone change the water these days. Upon closer inspection, some dark green moss has grown in the water, and floating apples are spreading. .

The water stinks, and the merman soaked in the water all day, and naturally it stinks.

“What did you wash your tail with before?”

Ji Xuanbing put his arms around Jiang Chaosheng’s neck and said in a somber tone, “It’s the pool water.”

This is the reason for the next ten achievements, but Jiang Chaosheng didn’t take the opportunity to say that the little merman would go back to the sea. He was afraid that if he said it, the other party thought that he was going to abandon him all the time and dislike him.

According to the two days of getting along, his inference is justified. It is still necessary to let the little merman soak in the sea, but before that, the problem of Ji Xuanbing’s stinking tail must be solved, so that reason can return to the little merman’s mind.

He put the merman in the well, shook a bucket of well water, and poured it on Ji Xuanbing: “It’s the pool water that stinks, it doesn’t matter to you, just wash it.”

Ji Xuanbing poured several wells of cool water, flicked the water droplets on his tail, and lowered his head to sniff, as if it was not so stinky, but he pushed the scales away: “It still stinks!”

He is not the stink from the outside, but from the inside. It’s the stench that stinks the pool, not the water that stinks himself: “I don’t blame… I don’t blame the pond of the benefactor.”

The small flame that just lit up in Ji Xuanbing’s eyes was completely extinguished.

“Don’t talk nonsense.” After soaking in the pool for a long time, the smell must not dissipate so easily. He was worried that Ji Xuanbing was in a hurry and couldn’t think about it like he was now. Without looking at him or not paying attention, this idiot mermaid brushed off his scales. A mermaid stinks might not be a problem, but if all the scales are gone, it will definitely die.

He took the long-handled brush for washing clothes: “Sit down and don’t move around, I’ll brush it for you.”

Ji Xuanbing hesitated, and was patted by Jiang Chaosheng again, “Do you listen to what I said?”

Ji Xuanbing naturally wanted to listen to Engong’s words. He sat on the pool, and Jiang Chaosheng brought a large bucket over, which was filled with odorless water. He poured some amber liquid into it, and the aroma quickly disappeared in the water. spread.

“Grandpa, what is this?”

“It’s some fragrances that are harmless to the human body.” Jiang Chaosheng originally planned to use soap horn liquid, which has strong decontamination ability, but was afraid of Ji Xuanbing’s allergy. This fragrance is naturally extracted, mild and harmless, and should have little effect.

Jiang Chaosheng took some and smeared it on the place where Ji Xuanbing’s scales fell off.

“Do you feel uncomfortable, tingling?”

Ji Xuanbing shook his head: “No.”

He indulged in the gentleness of the benefactor, and did not feel the slightest discomfort.

Jiang Chaosheng breathed a sigh of relief, and dipped the diluted and fragrant water to brush Ji Xuanbing’s scales, piece by piece, focused and gentle.

The sun came out, and the sun shone on Jiang Chaosheng’s body. Every drop of water on his body shone with colorful light. Ji Xuanbing stared at it blankly, unable to think of other sad things for a while.

The odor dissipated lightly. Jiang Chaosheng used up a large bucket of water, put down the brush, and loosened his muscles. After sitting for so long, his joints creaked.

“Smell it again.”

After Jiang Chaosheng finished speaking, Ji Xuanbing sniffed left and sniffed again, his face full of surprise: “Really, it doesn’t stink anymore, it still smells a little fragrant, as fragrant as Engong!”

Nonsense, where does he smell. However, seeing the smiling little merman, Jiang Chaosheng couldn’t help but raise the corner of his mouth, “Fool.”


“It’s nothing, don’t go into the pool first, wait until I change the water.”

Although I found the reason, but just in case, I still have to observe it to prevent the little merman from really having a problem.

Jiang Chaosheng said: “I will go to sea by boat tomorrow, you go with me, you can’t stay away from the sea for a long time.” In any case, there is nothing wrong with the mermen from the sea who have more bubbles in the sea.


As soon as he heard Ji Xuanbing’s tone, Jiang Chaosheng knew what the little merman was thinking.

“You haven’t finished reporting your favors, and you didn’t say that you will be released to the sea, just let the wind out.” Raising a puppy also needs to be walked frequently.

“Really?” Mr. Engong said that he would lose himself, and Ji Xuanbing was skeptical on this issue.

Jiang Chaosheng sighed, bent down, and kissed Ji Xuanbing’s pretty face: “Be obedient.”

Ji Xuanbing: It’s not the kiss he stole to beg, it’s the kiss he took the initiative to! !

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