My Wife is the Villain King Shark

Chapter 19

Chapter 19: 019

In the end, Ji Xuanbing was still hidden by Jiang Chaosheng, and he was still hiding in the bucket prepared for him as he did when he came.

The little shark could only curl up in the big wooden barrel, but this narrow space made him feel more than enough, because Ji Xuanbing felt that he was about to melt from ice into a pool of water. If it was outside, it would definitely soften into fish cakes. Yes, there is no sunshine yet, it is just right to accommodate him now.

The way back was a little boring, the blue-haired merman waved his jade finger, and the water in the bucket turned into two azure little people, one like him and the other like Jiang Chaosheng.

Ji Xuanbing tapped his fingertips, and the little man with long legs like Jiang Chaosheng on the left kissed the little merman on the right with a beautiful fish tail. The two little water men collided with force, and instantly merged into one, it was like It is written in the book, pinching two little water men, you have me, and I have you.

The water droplets fall, and a new villain is created, and then repeats the previous action over and over again, once, twice… Hundreds of thousands of times, the little water man even transformed into the background. What to kiss on the wall, kiss on the beach, kiss on the kitchen counter…

Hee hee hee! Ji Xuanbing let out a foolish laugh in the bucket, and the sound of the lost boat was loud enough to cover his laughter, otherwise this stupid mermaid would be discovered for this strange reason.

Jiang Chaosheng has achieved remarkable results in fishing. In just a short period of time, he brought back several large buckets of sea fish, which is more than that of many rich and experienced fishermen who came back from a trip to sea.

However, there was an incident of expensive sea fish jumping off the boat before, and the fact that he was very good at fishing didn’t attract anyone’s attention, King An! Luck is good, when people are reincarnated, they are better than 90% of the people in the world.

“My lord, the master asked me to ask, are you satisfied?” When Jiang Chaosheng returned to the house, he saw a dark-skinned young man waiting at his door.

Jiang Chaosheng remembered when he saw this face. He agreed to the little merman yesterday, and by the way, before going out, he handed over the renovation of the cistern to the master architect Curly Er. The latter was very grumpy at the time: “It’s such a trivial matter, you still have to ask me to arrange for someone to come out.”

He was very busy every day, and basically stayed at the construction site of Qiongzhou New City every day. How could he have time to do such trivial things as building fish ponds.

Jiang Chaosheng only restrained his smile and stared blankly at the other party: “This king is willing to stay in the house alone for the sake of the new city, but Mr. Juan is unwilling to be satisfied with such a small change. No weight. Or, it’s not that you don’t want it, it’s simply that you can’t build it well.”

If it is the former, it means that the curler is too hearty, and he has no respect for him from the bottom of his heart. A person who cannot cooperate with him must be sent away even if he has the ability to complete the work. If the latter, it means that the curling ability is not good.

In fact, Qiongzhou New City has been built very quickly, but the structure is not obvious. Curly-ear knew that he and the layman couldn’t tell where his building was so powerful, and his tanned face was flushed with anger.

Curly Er is a real doer, and he is proud of his talents. Being so provoked by Jiang Chaosheng, he specially drew a picture and arranged for his two proud disciples to supervise the work with a stinky face: “It’s just a small pond, it’s enough for them to build it for you.”

Jiang Chaosheng only responded with a smile: “The king will wait and see.”

He pulled his memory back from the scene when he left yesterday, opened the gate of the yard, and found that the cistern had been doubled according to his requirements. Not only the cistern, but also the messy places in the yard had been transformed.

A closer look shows that the things are all those things, one is not much, one is not much, but the furnishings have undergone slight changes, and it seems that it has changed from a rustic country courtyard to a very beautiful villa. I can’t say what’s good, just how to look harmonious and beautiful.

Back then, the ponds built by the soldiers under Louzhan were very rough, but now the fish ponds are more refined than just one grade. All the masonry on the edge was replaced, the details were polished clean, and the chic non-slip steps were built with polished colored shells and stones.

The stinky pool water and moss duckweed have been cleaned up and replaced with clear and clean sea water. The pool is still smaller than the sea, so the surrounding of the new pool is specially covered with blue tiles to take advantage of sunlight. The reflection turned the small fish pond into a clear and pure blue like the sea.

More importantly, the roll ear also uses the drop between the water inlet and the water outlet to turn the water in the fish pond into flowing living water. Although it is not like a big river, it is not so easy to get the water in the pool compared to before. Stinks and looks sparkling and more alive.

Jiang Chaosheng gave up the three big wooden barrels after his birth: “This is the fish that this king caught today, and I will send it to Mr. Juan as a reward for changing the pond. Remember to say that this king is very satisfied. Make the pool bigger.”

He only had two wooden barrels left, so he backed away and pushed the big barrel cart to the pool with a wooden cart: “Look, do you like the new pool?”

As soon as the door was closed, a little shark immediately lifted the lid and jumped into it. He tumbled several times in the newly renovated seawater pool and praised happily: “It’s the breath of seawater, the water is alive, I like it very much.”

Jiang Chaosheng said that he wanted to raise marine fish, so some seabed crops and even some small fish and shrimp were transplanted in the pond.

Ji Xuanbing looked obedient and well-behaved, but in fact, he was very domineering. With a slap of his hand, the sea water in the entire pool vacated, and fell down again, without a drop of water splashing outside the pool.

But all the small fish and shrimps that were swimming around flew out of the pool, and it started to rain, which wasted the painstaking efforts of curling ears to create an ecological balance: “Chaosheng, these fish and shrimps have another one. Let’s eat all the fish in the big wooden barrel.” Even the mindless little fish and shrimp can’t occupy his pool!

He is already a little merman who has set his name, and he can call his benefactor’s name generously, and he is not afraid that this affectionate name will burn his tongue.

Jiang Chaosheng would not be dissatisfied with such trivial matters: “Yes.”

“It’s all going to be fried!” Ji Xuanbing remembered that when they met and fell in love, it seemed to be related to fried fish. This is a special thing of love!

“Okay.” You can’t eat more fried food, but today is a special day, and the other party can eat fried food all the way.

“Chaosheng, you are so kind to me.” Ji Xuanbing’s eyes were more sparkling than sea water.

It’s just that the pool was changed, and it didn’t take much effort. How could it be considered good, but it is precisely because the little merman is always so satisfied that he is particularly cute and cute, making Jiang Chaosheng want to be better to him. : “How can this be calculated, the pond is so small, and the food is not as rich as the sea.”

In fact, there is not a lot of food in the human world, but the sharks grew up eating sea fish, and their tastes will not easily change from childhood to adulthood. With him, it was obvious that Ji Xuanbing accommodated him a lot. For food, clothing, housing and transportation, the merman does not wear clothes, let’s not mention this, the place where he lives has changed from the sea to a small pool, and it is even more inconvenient to walk.

“How can it be the same! I chose not to go to the sea myself.” Ji Xuanbing has his own reasons, “No matter how big the pond is, there will be no vast sea. A little cage, but I am voluntary, the place where Chaosheng lives is my home, you are willing to do these troublesome things for me, how can you call me bad?!”

Ji Xuanbing is not a really weak and pitiful little mermaid. If Jiang Chaosheng thinks differently from him and is a big villain who knocks on his bones and **** marrow, he turns his head and floods the house. What he wanted was that his benefactor liked him, not that he wanted people to bully him. It’s good to be nice to him, even the benefactor can’t talk nonsense.

“Chaosheng Chaosheng.” The merman happily swims back and forth in the new pool a few times, and calls Jiang Chaosheng’s name again.

Jiang Chaosheng’s voice contained a hint of helplessness: “What’s wrong?”

“Compared with yesterday, I prefer Chaosheng.” Ji Xuanbing spread out his arms and moved gracefully like a swan.

“From left-hand to right-hand, my love for Chaosheng has increased so much.”

Ji Xuanbing looked at Jiang Chaosheng eagerly: “How about you, Chaosheng, do you like me a little more?” This time he compared his little finger, “I’m not greedy, as long as I increase the little finger cover so much, I’ll be very satisfied.”

Jiang Chaosheng looked at this little merman with bright eyes, he bent down, and said as the other party wished: “Yes, it is indeed a little more than the little finger, probably as much as the thumb.”

“I’m so happy.” Ji Xuanbing said so, but disappointment was clearly written in his eyes.

Jiang Chaosheng couldn’t help pinching his mouth into a duck’s mouth: “I’d be happy if I said a little bit. Duplicity, what a greedy guy.”

Now this little mermaid’s tail has betrayed itself, and the water splash is so high that it splashes everywhere, where is it a little happy.

Ji Xuanbing, whose mouth was pinched, argued hard: “My sister has swallowed her heart, but she has a little bit of squeak.”

Jiang Chaosheng let go of his hand and dropped a soft kiss.

The little merman who was so dizzy by the kiss immediately lost his way, and he didn’t know the east, west, north, south, and south, let alone care about the trivial matters.

He thought softly, anyway, as long as the benefactor likes him more every day, Ji Xuanbing doesn’t care. After all, his mind and love for his benefactor are as much as the boundless sea.


It was only half a month after his first low-key outing to the sea. Jiang Chaosheng went out to sea again, but this time, he was not roaming in the near sea, but sailing far away.

According to information from people familiar with the matter, this King An also took one-third of Qiongzhou New City’s troops and the ship with the largest transportation volume, which was the Jade Emperor that carried him.

There are rumors going around nowadays, people are turbulent for a while, and there are different opinions. One of the most widely spread sayings is: “King An is going back to Beijing, leaving Qiongzhou New City behind!”

Qiongzhou is poor, although the current life is much better than before, but everyone knows that the prosperous Kyoto must be tens of millions of times better than Qiongzhou New City.

This kind of argument was quickly suppressed: “What nonsense, the city is not still under construction, and King An is not a fool, and he spends his money to do white work for others, don’t think that the city owner is not there, you can be lazy and continue to work! ”

Also, although Lou Zhan has left, the curling ears are still there. It is said that this person was arranged by the third prince. And because the people’s hearts were floating before, the originally strict curling ears were even more fierce.

Everyone was exhausted just from working every day, and they were not in the mood to care about the rumors of the city lord.

But half a month after Jiang Chaosheng left the sea, the Jade Emperor, which had left, came back. This time, the peach-colored news about the superiors swept the young city like a sea storm.

Because the young and beautiful new city lord not only brought back the treasure that the pirates had kept, but also brought back a stunning beauty who was imprisoned by the pirates!


The author has something to say:

Pirate beaten by “vicious” stunning beauty: I’m not, I’m not!

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