My Wife is the Villain King Shark

Chapter 3

Chapter 3:

The island was very calm that night. The big guy boiled the stranded big white fish into fish soup.

By the morning of the next day, there was only the sound of the ebb and flow of the waves except for the loud “Ou Ou” chirping of seagulls. Jiang Chaosheng opened the window, and from a distance, he saw the soldiers start beating with their bare arms. At the junction of the sea and the sky, the morning sun is rising, the tide is very gentle, and there are local children who are barefoot picking up Shanghai goods on the beach at low tide.

The project of repairing the house went very fast. After all, the original house was made of good wood with a solid material, and the aesthetics was also online. Jiang Chaosheng only asked Lou Zhan’s people to build a large bluestone wall for him outside the house, which was broken. The place has all been repaired, and the most important thing, don’t forget to give him two small boats that can sail offshore.

He brought more than 20 people and was not idle. Some of them were responsible for cooking for the soldiers who did manual work, and some were responsible for pulling weeds, cleaning the house, and moving the servants’ belongings into the repaired and cleaned cabins.

Jiang Chaosheng told the servants early in the morning: “These houses outside will be your residences in the future, and may be your private property in the future.”

Lou Zhan’s soldiers were very capable. Hundreds of good players joined the battle, and the ding bang rang for two or three days. The original shabby house that looked like a haunted house was completely new, and all the rotten wood was replaced. The fence was successfully built, and according to Jiang Chaosheng’s requirements, a cistern and a septic tank were built, and a few trees were transplanted.

Jiang Chaosheng’s commander arranged the newly-made bamboo and wood furniture, tried the new boat, turned around inside and out, nodded with satisfaction, and then couldn’t wait to send the people away together.

“This time back to Kyoto, General, don’t forget me, the little King An.” The handsome young man had a melancholy face, and he said goodbye on the shore with great reluctance.

Seeing his reluctance to part, the soldiers would have wanted to stay for a few more days if it wasn’t for the old mother, wife and children in the distance. Lou Zhan forbearance pursed his lips. He had a thousand words to say, but in the end he just turned it into one sentence: “See you in the future.” When he parted, he took out a dagger that was as sharp as mud and gave it to Jiang Chaosheng for self-defense.

When the Jade Emperor drove away from sight, Jiang Chaosheng’s face was filled with reluctance. This group of people was too good to eat. If he stayed for a few more days, his food storage would not be enough, and he could be considered successful in sending people away.

Without outsiders, Jiang Chaosheng set new rules for those bookboys and servants: “From now on, you will live in this room outside, come in and do whatever work you want. You can’t enter the mansion without my permission, and go out immediately after you finish your work.”

Although Jiang Chao was born with the memory of the original owner, it was like watching flowers on a horse, without a particularly deep sense of substitution. After all, he is not Jiang Chaosheng, he does not like to be served by others, and he is not willing to let people invade his personal space.

The others were silent, only the little book boy who was close to him blinked his eyes: “Tingzhu used to serve by His Highness, do you want to live out too?”

“Listen, I only said all the rules of this king once, and I remembered them all clearly.” Jiang Chaosheng restrained his smile, and his voice took on a sense of oppression. He will not underestimate these seemingly docile servants. If they are too lenient, they will only be bullied by slaves.

Jiang Chaosheng glanced at Tingzhu coldly: “From today onwards, you are no longer the king’s book boy, and you will work with Jiang Da in the future.” Jiang Da is also a servant of an aristocratic family. He has always been taciturn. Take good hands.

“Your Highness…” Tingzhu wasn’t very happy. Jiang Da was a rough man with a tough temper. He worked with Jiang Da. Within a few days, his thin skin and tender flesh would be destroyed.

The youth’s black pupils suffocated, and he felt oppressed immediately: “The thing in the cabin that day, this king remembered that I didn’t punish you heavily in the past, it doesn’t mean that I can tolerate you a second time.”

Tingzhu didn’t expect that King An had woken up at that time, but he didn’t care about himself these days, he suddenly felt his eyes scrutinize like thunder, panic in his heart, his knees softened, and he fell to his knees uncontrollably: ” Listen to the bamboo and know it’s wrong.”

Jiang Chaosheng didn’t let him get up. After the little book boy ran out, he never came back to find his real master. Although people do not kill themselves for their own sake, and they are the most important in times of danger, but after the other party runs away, they can pretend that nothing happened, and still act like a spoiled child, which is really cunning.

Jiang Chaosheng reassigned the work of 28 servants. A few female relatives were responsible for the lighter kitchen and cleaning work, and the remaining strong laborers were ready to be arranged at any time—farming, fishing, and any physical work.

“From today onwards, I hope you will remember one thing clearly. After arriving at the fief, I will no longer be the eleventh prince of Lan Kingdom, but the King An of Qiongzhou. I will no longer care about the past, after today. If you live a good life, you will have to eat and drink spicy food. But if someone is restless and guards himself, he acts against the yin and yin, and even colludes with outsiders to murder this king…”

Jiang Chaosheng unscrewed the folding fan in his hand and casually swept the rhizomes of the blooming flowers at his hand: “It’s just like this flower.” His movements looked agile and elegant, as if the breeze was blowing, and the delicate petals of the flower only trembled slightly. a bit.

Tingzhu, who was looking at the flowers intently, thought to himself, what does the lord mean, if they make a mistake, he will brush their cheeks so gently?

The servants just blinked, and the flowers fell in a row, leaving only a row of bare branches in the huge flower bush, which were uniform and uniform in height. Tingzhu, who likes to be lazy the most, shivered, and silently hid from Jiang Da, who is reliable and reliable, trying to reduce his sense of existence. He felt that An Wang looked at him a few more times, and his head would be as vulnerable as these delicate flowers.

The local residents who were secretly watching the lively from a distance also shivered and shrank their unobstructed necks. The new owner of Qiongzhou didn’t seem to be easy to provoke.

After beating the servants, Jiang Chaosheng put away the folding fan: “Everyone has worked hard these days, go back and rest for a day, and you can’t be lazy from tomorrow.”

The young man smiled, his face was handsome and compassionate like a bodhisattva, but no one dared to overestimate King An’s tolerance: “Listen to the bamboo, it’s a pity that the flowers are dried and sealed.”

This is his forgiveness. The latter hurriedly got up and patted his sore knees. This time, he didn’t dare to act coquettishly and idiotically, and answered crisply, “Yes!”

It’s okay, it’s not a bad job. Jiang Chaosheng closed the courtyard door directly and locked it with a tap. Everyone else can rest, but he can’t be idle today. He has to take stock of his property and plan for the future.

Sitting and eating mountains and empty, the premise must have a golden mountain and silver mountain that can be eaten. Jiang Chaosheng has measured his new house. The house has two floors up and down, with a total area of about 2,000 square meters, and the courtyard enclosed by the stone wall has another 1,000 square meters. Where he usually lives, two hundred square meters is enough, the living area does not need to be too large, and the rest is used as a warehouse.

Jiang Chaosheng, in his last life, lived a normal life in the first ten years. Later, the world was no longer good, and all kinds of strange things appeared. Although people will not become zombies, the good world has also become riddled with holes. . Although there was not so much danger in a different world, Jiang Chaosheng panicked when there was no food at home.

Counting the stock of gold and silver, it is only 20,000 taels of silver, and the rest are old things that are valuable but not easy to sell. The rest are traces of the original owner’s existence. Jiang Chaosheng intends to use a box to seal them up and does not intend to use them. He still has more than 20 mouths to take care of, and now he basically can’t get in or out. If he thinks about getting away from eating and waiting to die, at least he has to wait until he can make ends meet.

In the past two or three days, Jiang Chaosheng was not in vain. He learned a lot of everyday language and asked a lot of news.

Qiongdao is rich in resources, and of course there are more than a hundred people. The young man Ah Lang said sadly: “In the past, there was a big city in Qiongzhou, but the seamen angered the sea god, and the sea **** flooded the city of Qiongzhou, leaving only the current small sea village. .”

Alang’s surname is Hai, his real name is Hailang, all the people in the village are surnamed Hai, the little girl who peeked at Jiang Chaosheng is called Haihua, and there are fur seals and manatees in the village…

When Jiang Chaosheng heard it, he couldn’t help joking: “Do you still have sea pigs in your village?”

A Lang said in surprise, “How do you know that Hai Hua’s grandmother is called Hai Zhu, and Grandma Hai Zhu was a famous beauty when she was young!”

Jiang Chaosheng looked at the thin old lady with wrinkled face and sparse teeth and was silent. In short, Qiongzhou is vast and sparsely populated, and there should be some small tribes gathered further away, but the residents nearby have not seen anyone else.

It takes a lot of energy to go to a deeper place. Even if Jiang Chaosheng finds other subjects, or even finds another city, but the emperor is far away, people may turn their faces in public and do not recognize the identity of his new master at all. Jiang Chaosheng just wanted to be a salted fish, he didn’t want to be a fool who was being monitored and calculated. If that’s the case, he might as well go back to the capital to fight the male protagonist.

Jiang Chaosheng’s fingers nimbly moved the abacus, and the golden jade beads crackled. Now these places belong to him in name. He has documents and official seals. As long as he has enough manpower, he can build a leadership team that works in the whole country. But the key is that he is short of materials and people. .

During the exchange, Jiang Chaosheng found that these seamen knew nothing but fishing. I wonder if it was because they were all old and weak, women and children, and their knowledge and skills were also out of date. In so many places, no food is grown. The residents of Haicun have no shortage of food. For other needs, they are used to rowing boats and taking dry goods to Wangzhou Market, which is a sea away. The locals don’t eat rice either, they eat a crop called Heigu in the sea, as well as all kinds of fish.

Unfortunately, before coming, no one knew the situation on Qiongzhou’s side. Except for a large amount of property and luxury goods, the original owner did not bring anything. It’s too uncomfortable to eat fish every day. With so much land, of course we need to open up wasteland and farm! Starting tomorrow, Jiang Chaosheng will go to Wangzhou to explore the truth and buy all the seeds. Stock up this year and be self-sufficient next year! If you can’t finish eating, you can go out and pay back.

After finishing the plan, Jiang Chaosheng was hungry. His taste is very different from the original owner, and his appetite is also very different. In front of outsiders these days, he has never really eaten enough.

Jiang Chaosheng seasoned it in the way he remembered, and fried a pot of fish by himself. It was a small whitebait salvaged by the seamen in the seaside area this morning. Haimin, who is used to eating big fish, is not uncommon to make these, so he bought it immediately after seeing it.

These small fish are about the thickness of fingers, and their bodies are transparent. The scales of the whitebait in the offshore are larger than those in the fresh water, but they also do not require any superb cooking methods. Simply frying them is delicious in the world.

The small fish was fried in a big pot, and Jiang Chaosheng drank a glass of wine with this appetizer. He was very restrained and did not drink too much. He only had a drink to help him sleep, which was also a celebration of his move to a new house.

The dried small fish was too salty, so Jiang Chaosheng naturally couldn’t finish it all, but he didn’t share his food preferences with others. Before going to bed, he took a clean white porcelain basin to cover it, and planned to eat it with noodles tomorrow morning. The water is still very good.

In the dead of night, the seamen who had worked hard all day fell asleep. The hypnotic singing was sent to the shore with the sea breeze. Everyone slept very deeply, showing sweet smiles in their sleep.

After Ji Xuanbing returned that day, he convened a meeting of the wise aquariums in the sea, and the aquariums of the nearby rivers that entered the sea also came. The conch clan and the clam clan have a tradition of repaying their kindness: “Your Majesty can hide in a beautiful shell and be picked up by the benefactor! Usually hidden in the water tank, when the benefactor is out to work, you can come out to repay your kindness.”

Ji Xuanbing felt that they had a good idea, but as the master of the sea, how could he passively wait? He combined the opinions of the aquariums, and observed it secretly for several days. door. In this way, if the seabirds are arranged to knock on the door tomorrow morning, the benefactor will find out immediately.

Ji Xuanbing didn’t see Jiang Chaosheng, and was very disappointed. At this time, he remembered the experience of repaying kindness taught by the conch tribe, and he could get up to do housework even when the benefactor was asleep.

“Emperor, I’m here to repay my gratitude.”

Ji Xuanbing said politely, his voice was very low, as if he was afraid of waking someone to sleep. Naturally, there was no response to this sentence.

“If you don’t answer, then I’ll come in.” The merman jumped **** the big shell outside the door, and jumped into the reservoir with great precision, only splashing a very small water splash, which was like falling flowers by the wind. Blowing off the tree, floating into the water so unremarkable. The merman hid in the water and spit out a few bubbles like a small fish, but luckily he didn’t wake up the sleeping benefactor.

His delicate Qiong nose moved, and he smelled a particularly strong aroma. By the way, according to the seagull, it was the fish fried by Eun Gong himself! Ji Xuanbing slowly moved to the kitchen, carefully opened the white porcelain basin, and the tip of his nose was immediately filled with the domineering aroma of fried food. As a fish in the sea, mermaids basically eat raw meat, and have never eaten fried food.

If he wants to learn to cook what his benefactor likes to eat, he has to understand what it tastes like. Ji Xuanbing picked out a small fish, carefully put it in his mouth, and squeaked, it was crisp and crunchy, Engong’s craftsmanship was the best in the world!

Another one, another one. When Ji Xuanbing reacted, unknowingly, more than half of the few fried fish were missing. Oops, he hurried over the wall and ran away, summoning the aquarium to catch a large number of small whitebait in the offshore and lakes overnight, and began to fry new small dried fish.

Ji Xuanbing grabbed the fish and put it into the pot with a serious expression. A large amount of oil and water were mixed, causing the flames in the pot to jump up. Before burning his hair, the mermaid subconsciously summoned the sea water, and the waves extinguished the flames and washed away the coke that had been burned. Dried fish.

As the King of Sharks, Ji Xuanbing quickly overcame his instinctive fear of flames, successfully mastered the fire-fighting method, and learned to fry fish with a rusty man.


There are no recreational activities by the sea, and everyone goes to bed early and gets up early. When the next day was bright, Jiang Chaosheng woke up. After he washed and walked out of the room, he suddenly felt that something was different.

But walking from the aisle to the kitchen, he found no suspicious traces. The water marks left by the merman yesterday were completely dry. On the kitchen table, a white porcelain basin was upside down. Jiang Chaosheng opened the porcelain pot, and the golden fish was so full that it almost overflowed.

Strange, didn’t he eat a lot yesterday and still have so much left? Jiang Chaosheng pinched one with a delicate expression. After only one night, the dried small fish was still very dry, and it did not return to the tide after being placed on the wet coast for one night, but the fishy smell was very strong. The point is that he marinated it with salt yesterday, but the dried fish was sweet, as if someone had added a handful of sugar to the dried fish.

There seems to be something wrong with this sea area…


The author has something to say:

Small Theater: How the Little Sugar Fish is Made

Ji Xuanbing: I poured out a lot of small dried fish that were burnt and blackened overnight, and finally they were fried with similar appearance. I don’t remember how much I ate, so I’ll pile them back.

The seagull said to sprinkle some white and thin things, and then fry it in the oil. The sea salt is very coarse, so I used sugar and fish oil. I don’t know what Engong uses is its own refined salt and soybean oil. QAQ Sorry, it is the fault of the stupid seagull!

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