My Wife is the Villain King Shark

Chapter 34

Chapter 34:


The white-feathered seagull on the side finished eating the fresh small dried fish, and the bird’s beak was eager to aim at other food, the fresh fish that had not been processed, and the shrimp that was similar to the human arm. Although there are many prey in the sea, all of them are cunning, how can it be easy to eat directly in the basin.

Ji Xuanbing quickly picked up the stupid seagull, and by the way fed the unlucky white dove into its mouth, flung it into the sky seemingly lightly, and threw the latter a hundred thousand miles away. Ji Xuanbing has lived for so many years, except for her husband, there is no creature that can grab food from her bowl.

As soon as Jiang Chaosheng looked up, he saw that the seagull who had given credit for the tip off turned into a white meteor, turned around a few times, and quickly turned into an inconspicuous dot in the sky.

Jiang Chaosheng looked amused: “There are so many, it doesn’t matter if you give it something to eat.”

“Husband, don’t think I’m stingy, Xiaobai is very greedy, you eat it once, and it will come back often in the future.” The thrifty and thrifty little mermaid looked serious, “It is still very edible, if you come to eat it every day , For our poor family, it will make things worse, and will eat the husband poor.”

“O…O” The seagull tumbling and circling in the air took a long time to stabilize its figure, even if it was far away, it knew that the domineering mermaid must be speaking ill of itself. Obviously rich in the sea, but so stingy with himself. When I bought it for stalking, I knew I would give it to a pot of sea fish, but now I ate two of them and drove myself away. Males are so insidious and fickle. It dived towards the sea, flapped its wings angrily, and then saw a vortex stirred up on the sea, and a sea clan patrolling the sea appeared.

The seagull was so frightened that it quickly took off, found a high enough reef, and folded its wings sadly. If it weren’t for Ji Xuanbing’s strength, it wouldn’t work for such a stingy mermaid.

Jiang Chaosheng laughed dumbly: “I’m not so poor yet.” It’s just one seagull, and eight or ten more can be afforded. The food in the horizontal and vertical villages is not eaten up so quickly. If there are seagulls that can only be eaten, they can also be replaced with new ones.

“That doesn’t work either. In the sea, like on the shore, the weak eat the strong. The food is too easy to come by. By then, Xiaobai will be so fat that he can’t fly. Just like the pigeon, he will become a vulture’s meal casually.” Ji Xuanbing said He was so serious that he couldn’t tell that he was simply protecting food.

Seeing that he was righteous, Jiang Chaosheng praised him: “Madam is really hardworking, but I didn’t think about it.”

The corners of Ji Xuanbing’s lips curled up triumphantly, and he seemed to think this was not good, so he quickly added two words: “It’s okay, your husband is also very powerful, you don’t need to belittle yourself like this. It’s just because you haven’t lived by the sea before, I don’t know how treacherous these guys are. , Now that I know, I won’t be deceived in the future.”

Ou Ou will be so angry when the seagull hears this. Qiongzhou New City, the biggest scam is that the young shark emperor made it. It’s really shameless.

Jiang Chaosheng stuffed a piece of eggplant meat into Ji Xuanbing’s mouth, and plugged the small mouth of this babble: “Barbecue is not delicious when it is cold. After eating this, let’s talk about the old city of Qiongzhou.” It’s already a sinking city, come early. Listening to it won’t make the city regain its former glory, and if you talk about unhappy things, you will lose your appetite.

Most of the barbecue is meat, which is very full. After a while, Ji Xuanbing burped, and Jiang Chaosheng pushed the drink in a glass cup. The large and sweet grapes are peeled and seeded, and served with coconut pulp in fresh coconut. The light green pulp is mixed with coconut water, which is sweet and sour, refreshing and greasy.

Jiang Chaosheng’s cup of useless coconut meat added a little wine and picked two green mint leaves. Ji Xuanbing drank a large sip of the love drink, lay on the rocking chair and rocked it twice, only to feel a sense of happiness, such a good day does not change anything.

“Husband, you should have heard that there used to be a city in Qiongzhou about the size of Wangzhou City. It was probably fifty or sixty years ago. I was not born at that time, so this matter has nothing to do with me.”

When Ji Xuanbing tells a story, he must first clarify his responsibilities. After all, this matter has something to do with the mermaid family.

“I know this.” Although the previous official and his leadership team are dead, some survivors are still alive. From the words they left behind and the old people’s words, Jiang Chaosheng knew more or less about Qiongzhou City. History.

Ji Xuanbing continued: “Actually, about two hundred years ago, Qiongzhou City and Wangzhou were brother cities. The city owners of these two cities were all elected by a large tribe.”

Qiongzhou is too far from the capital. Although it is nominally the territory of Lan Kingdom, because the emperor is far away, and the language and customs are not familiar, the locals do not listen to outsiders. Officials from the capital could not control the local people at all, and their words were not as effective as the clan chiefs of the tribes.

After a period of running-in, the emperor at that time, who is also the great-great-great-grandfather of the current emperor, set up an official position similar to the deputy city lord, which could only be held by local high-profile people, and the highest position was still held in the court of Lan Guo hand.

It’s just that Qiongzhou and Wangzhou were poor and could not contribute much to the court, but needed help from the court. Later, these two cities gradually became places for the distribution of officials.

“Fifty or sixty years ago, the emperor sent two officials over here. The one from Qiongzhou City was a little bit more capable, and it revitalized Qiongzhou a little bit. The city was better built than Wangzhou next door.”

The island is rich in all kinds of fruits. In addition to coconuts, there are grapes, pineapples, bananas, and mangoes. The materials are very rich, but no one will take the initiative to plant these crops. All the fruits are given by God, wild crops, everyone is hungry In order to find fruit to eat, few people will sell it.

Because local residents want to eat, they go directly to the mountains and forests to pick them. The price of picking is cheap, and they can’t sell for much money in a day. It is better to sell seafood such as fish. When these fruits are transported far away, they can be sold for some money, and they can also be sold at a high price, but no merchants will do this kind of business at all, because these fruits are really difficult to preserve, and they will be stored for a few days. will rot. If you use ice or the like to preserve, that kind of big ice is worth more than these fruits.

The sea route is long and dangerous, unlike rivers, which are basically calm and waveless, with no wind and waves. It is good luck to be able to transport people and goods on board to their destination unscathed. It is a very expensive item, such as seasonings such as pepper.

Sea fish and these things are valuable, but it is not the villagers who make a lot of money, but the merchants who are responsible for buying and selling. Pearls in the sea are very valuable, but their quantity is very rare.

“Does Chaosheng know how human pearls come from?”

Jiang Chaosheng nodded: “A very small part is obtained by accident by fishermen, and most of them are obtained by pearl pickers.”

In his world, it didn’t take long for pearl pickers to withdraw from history. Later, the world was not very good, and luxury goods such as pearls and gems were not popular, and he didn’t care about this aspect.

“You are called the pearl pickers, and the seaside is called the sea girl, because almost all the pearl pickers are women, and they are unmarried women.”

Because of the mysterious beauty of pearls, there is a saying by the sea that pure and beautiful girls are more likely to catch pearls. Basically, all the pearls used by the royal family are picked by the sea girls at the risk of their lives.

“When Qiongzhou became rich, it was the sea girl who was raised by the new city owner. The government came forward to hire and train the sea girl, and let the experienced old man take the young man into the sea. All the pearls collected were handed over to the government, and then organized by the government to sell. An official route has been built.”

Everyone knows that pearls are valuable, but the merchants are cunning and cunning, and they always buy the pearls that the sea girls worked hard to pick up with very little money. Zhoucheng’s economy has been in a virtuous circle, and it has slowly turned for the better.

In theory, anyone can do it, but if the official is incapable, the people under him refuse to accept him, and he has no contacts to find the boat, the business will not be successful, and after making money, people’s hearts will fluctuate, and distribution will be a big problem. No one is willing to suffer, and there will be an embarrassing situation where one monk fetches water to eat, and three monks have no water to eat.

This official has connections and skills, and he is willing to share the money he has obtained, and he can do things well if he is trustworthy. After all, it is not easy to ask experienced Hai Nu to teach young Hai Nu. After many people earn money, they all greedy in their own pockets. Just like Pixiu, they will not spit out a single coin, and the common people are not fools. After a few losses, you will definitely find a way to rot.

Jiang Chaosheng has never heard of this story, and he knows the previous one. No, it should be said that he was the previous city lord. He can be regarded as an official who can do economic work. The last city lord was 20 years ago. The pirates who had tried to rob him were all killed. Before Jiang Chaosheng was distributed, this piece of land was considered an unofficial state.

“But husband, you are more powerful, and you will definitely do better than that official!” Ji Xuanbing did not forget to praise Jiang Chaosheng when talking about the story. There are very few people in the world who can restrain their greed, and his husband is very few. .

The little shark was proud of his good vision again, and he continued: “Wangzhou also wanted to replicate Qiongzhou’s success, but failed because of the uneven distribution of spoils in the early stage.”

After more than a hundred years, the original harmonious brothers have turned against each other and the ancestors of Wangzhou’s masters were born pirates, with the blood of burning, killing and looting flowing in their bones. Rely on your own to do it slowly, how can there be a quick snatch. They stared at the neighboring Qiongzhou City. They spent a lot of money digging up the sea girls that Qiongzhou spent their energy to cultivate to teach their own people.

Jiang Chaosheng has seen many kinds of such things. Poverty and backwardness are not necessarily simple folk customs, but more prone to disorder, burning, killing and looting. “The Hai Nu can’t let Qiongzhou City be flooded overnight. They don’t have the ability.” The old people who have experienced what happened in the past said that some people did a lot of evil and offended the gods. The sea water soared by 100 meters, directly submerging the entire city. People with good water luck escaped, and they have no family and hometown since then.

Ji Xuanbing nodded: “Yes, they don’t have such ability, but the sea clan does. One of the sea girls in Wangzhou at the time was from the blood of the merman.”

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