My Wife is the Villain King Shark

Chapter 50

Chapter 50:

“The city lord’s wife is pregnant!” The news exploded in the sky above the people of Qiongzhou City like a thunderstorm in summer.

When Ji Xuanbing’s cub was almost four months old, Jiang Chaosheng asked someone to release the news. By the way, he invited a lot of doctors from outside, and also paid a lot of money to hire some kind of mother-in-law to deliver the baby.

Considering that there are some weird things in this world, the specific information of the child’s month is blurred, and only Jiang Chaosheng and Ji Xuanbing are clear. However, the child is definitely not born so soon. Many doctors he hired with a lot of money went to the pharmacy in Qiongzhou and arranged for free clinics for the people. It was only limited to the people with household registration in Qiongzhou City. The mother-in-law is also free to deliver births to residents who have difficulty in having children. Only one number is received a day. Register in advance and give priority to the poor.

In Qiongzhou now, most of them are ordinary people, and some are small businesses. The largest rice grain business in the city is in the hands of Jiang Chaosheng. He allows private rice grain business, but the basic diet of the people must be guaranteed, as long as he By controlling the most basic grain prices, Jiang Chaosheng is not afraid that when the disaster strikes, the rice grain business will take the opportunity to skyrocket the price and harvest the hard-won wealth of the people.

No money is charged for the consultation fee, but the prescription is still charged, and one person can only see it once, lest some people be afraid that they will not be able to take advantage of it, and some trivial problems will also seize the doctor’s resources.

With such great news, Jiang Chaosheng also generously distributed welfare to the people of Qiongzhou City. The residents of the local household registration, as long as they copy a copy of the Tao Te Ching to pray for the wife of the city master, they must do it by themselves. Everyone can let the head of the household receive ten catties of refined grains and ten catties of brown sugar for free with the identity document, one time per household, which means that the family is harmonious and perfect.

The brush, ink, paper and inkstone of the Tao Te Ching are all provided by Jiang Chaosheng for free. Anyone can copy whatever they want. It doesn’t matter if the copy is crooked, it doesn’t even matter if you draw a gourd directly, as long as you are sincere, you can receive the reward.

Whether it is refined grains or brown sugar, they are all rarities, and rich people may not be able to see them, but ordinary people are sincere, and there are long queues for copying Tao Te Ching every day.

Jiang Chaosheng engaged in such a promotional activity, and the population of Qiongzhou, which had been growing slowly, increased rapidly, and the people were not fools, who didn’t want to live a comfortable life.

The city lords of Wangzhou City next door were jealous, and they pulled an account in their hearts: “So much refined grain, so much sugar, he actually gave it away for nothing!”

After Jiang Chaosheng came here, he started to build a lot of construction projects, and he also offered various benefits. Although the fishermen at the bottom did go out to fish, but in order to increase the population, the tax rate for farmland in the first three years was very low, and the business tax was not high.

They don’t know how much money Jiang Chaosheng has, but after a rough calculation, the money he spent during this time is definitely a very considerable wealth.

Slaves are not treated with refined grains and sugar. After all, they have to work every day, and it is impossible to line up like others to copy books. But as members of Qiongzhou City, they also received a lot of rewards.

The canteen provides fried chicken for everyone for free. It is not a small fried chicken leg or a chicken rack with meat removed, but a whole fried chicken. No matter the age, men, women and children can get the whole fried chicken foot. There is enough supply for ten days to ensure that everyone can get it. If the family can’t eat it all at once, you can choose to get one in a few days. After all, the weather is so hot, if this meat is eaten overnight, the taste is not good. The key is It may spoil, or be eaten by rats in the camp or snakes swimming in.

Jiang Chaosheng loves cleanliness, and the places where slaves live are also highly hygienic. They are never allowed to **** or urinate, and they must not hoard garbage. They must go to public toilets for disposal. Violators will all have their contribution deducted, and they will also be notified of criticism. No matter how numb the slaves are, they know more or less shame. But the house is short and all wood, and some tenacious creatures cannot be completely wiped out no matter how hard they are destroyed.

A family of four with black beans is afraid that the whole chicken will be gone in ten days, so they eat one every other day. The red beans are rich in oil and water, and their cheeks are much rosier. The aroma of fried chicken wafts in the camp every day.

After Red Bean finished eating the big drumstick of the last chicken, she licked her mouth reluctantly: “If only Madam could have a baby more often.” She likes chicken drumsticks and chicken wings, and the tender wing tips are also delicious. , and even the crunchy shell on the outside, red beans are very fond of.

When the city owner’s wife is pregnant with a child, everyone will eat chickens, and there will definitely be red eggs to eat when giving birth, and maybe there are other good things. Although the very beautiful lady. Basically she doesn’t show up very much, but Red Bean likes her very much.

She made a devout wish: “Let the city master’s wife give birth to a son, don’t give up, give birth to a twin!”

Although Hongdou is young, she also knows that it is very hard to give birth to a child. She hopes to have both children at once, and the generous city owner will be very happy by then.

Ji Xuanbing has heard a lot of blessings in the past few days, and also heard the simple wish of Hongdou through the birds and the sea breeze. He touched his soft belly, and the corners of his lips, which were originally raised with joy, drooped down again.

Jiang Chaosheng was by his side, and immediately noticed the dissatisfaction of the little merman: “What’s the matter? Who offended you?”

“It’s nothing.” He sighed and said, “The two of us only have one baby fish.” He originally thought it was good to have baby fish, but now there are greedy ones who want two.

But the father and son are connected. As the one who gave birth to a new life, Ji Xuanbing is very sure that there is only one egg in his stomach, bang bang bang, and the heart of the other little life is beating weakly. only one.

Jiang Chaosheng was a little dumbfounded: “Isn’t it normal to have one? Most of us humans can only have one child at a time.”

It seems that it is not so difficult for a shark to give birth to a child, but it is quite difficult for a human woman to give birth. It is a ghostly gate to conceive a child, not to mention those women who are pregnant with twins or even multiple births.

“Whether it’s a boy or a girl, it’s our two children, do you still despise it when it’s born?”

Ji Xuanbing immediately said, “Of course not!” He wouldn’t be pregnant with a cub for as long as a human being, but after all, it was a cub that he had worked so hard to conceive, so how could he dislike it.

“That’s good.” Jiang Chaosheng touched his belly. “If you like it, we can have more. Anyway, if I can afford it, I’ll take care of it for you.”

Jiang Chaosheng apparently sold the seafood that the fishermen salvaged, but in fact, he sold not only Ji Xuanbing’s pearls, but also refined and processed salt, as well as snow-white and delicate sugar. Sugar in this era is a luxury, and not all people can afford it. He refined enough sugar with improvements. The products given to the people are ordinary brown sugar after refining white sugar. In fact, the cost is low and it is not worth it. How much. However, Jiang Chaosheng added a gimmick and sold it, but he got a very high harvest.

The husband made such a promise, Ji Xuanbing was a little happy, but after thinking about the picture, a bunch of little fish were circling around him, chattering, and he suddenly felt his head was big: “Forget it, one is good.”

Although it’s good to have little fish cubs, there are too many cubs, which will definitely take Jiang Chaosheng’s attention. He is a mature adult, and it is impossible to fight with the little fish cubs every time. Full attention, he will surely be sad.

Maybe at that time, Ji Xuanbing can’t care about being sad, because he has too many children, and he may be too busy to be sad.

Ji Xuanbing raised two fingers: “At most, only two at most, like black beans and red beans, preferably two brothers and sisters, so that the elder brother can protect the younger sister, and the older children can play with the younger ones, so we only You need to take care of the first one!”

“Okay, I’ll listen to you.” Jiang Chaosheng saw it very openly. The child is a fate, so take care of it when you come, and don’t force it if you don’t.

Jiang Chaosheng threw an important question and successfully diverted Ji Xuanbing’s attention: “Have you thought about the child’s name?”

Ji Xuanbing shook his head. He had consulted a large number of household registration lists these days, and wanted to give his cub a unique and good name, but the paper on which the name was written was crumpled into a lot of waste paper, and he still didn’t think of a good child. ‘s name.

“It’s okay, let’s think about it slowly.”

Jiang Chaosheng said this, and as a result, he received an urgent report from the capital the next day. The old emperor who should not have died so early suddenly disappeared, and now the capital has urgently summoned him back to mourning.

The journey is long and unexpected. Qiongzhou was by the sea, and it was convenient for Ji Xuanbing to go home, but the capital was inland, and Jiang Chaosheng was not at ease. After considering it comprehensively, he did not intend to take Ji Xuanbing with him on this long trip: “Qiongzhou is very safe now. If you are uncomfortable, go back to the sea first. Only when you sit at the rear can I truly feel at ease.”

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