My Wife is the Villain King Shark

Chapter 6

Chapter 6:

The matchmaker is too noisy, but Jiang Chaosheng has good ears and eyesight, and can’t even hear it. What’s more, the timing of their arrival was quite clever. In time for the delivery ship, Jiang Chaosheng valued this batch of seeds very much, and naturally he had to inspect the goods himself. As a result, as soon as they came out, they were surrounded by this group of enthusiastic matchmakers.

They criticized each other, and the words they said became more and more ugly. But for a moment, Jiang Chaosheng’s good mood was completely destroyed: “Enough.”

He is clearly a gentleman like a spring breeze, but at this moment he is like thunder in the dark clouds before a storm.

The matchmakers suddenly seemed to have their throats choked, and they all stood still for Jiang Chaosheng. This time, Jiang Chaosheng went back without being squeezed or blocked by any means. They subconsciously made way for each other, as if there was an invisible pressure pressing down on their waists.

The young and handsome An Wang didn’t make any movement, but there seemed to be countless invisible hands on the ground pushing their feet out, making them stand dumbfounded, watching the other side leave step by step.

Jiang Chaosheng’s pace is not very big, and he doesn’t feel too eager to escape, but his speed is very fast, his steps are like shooting stars, and he left the group of matchmakers with bright tongues in an instant.

After walking for a distance, Jiang Chaosheng stood still: “Although Qiongzhou is small, it is not anyone who wants to come or leave.” ,see a visitor out.”

In the face of such an unruly matchmaker, it is necessary to obey the rules.

As soon as Jiang Chaosheng closed the door, the authorized Tingzhu stood up, like a proud little rooster, and started a frantic mode: “What’s wrong with you people? Has our master sent an invitation letter? His Highness’s parents also returned. Here, the life of the parents, the words of the matchmaker. Do you know that the life of the parents is ahead?! If you are serious, you should go to the capital and ask your majesty and the concubine to give you the marriage! Phoenix’s pheasant!”

What a joke, even if His Highness is down, it is impossible for everyone to like it. These people sound like they are making good conditions, but their words show a sense of superiority. They seem to be recruiting their son-in-law. . Could their Highness be someone who sold his body for that little benefit? !

The matchmaker is dumb. When they came, they knew the identity of this person, but this was not because the nobles were outside. As long as Jiang Chaosheng himself was dealt with and played a first act, would the emperor and the noble concubine come specifically to say they disagreed? .

Before they could organize their rebuttals, the closed gate opened again. From the gate came a round stone and a long pole with a small red silk hanging from the end of the pole.

Jiang Chaosheng slammed the stone directly into the ground, and then easily put the long pole on it, the log was three points into the stone, and stood up firmly, the breeze blew, and the four words on the flag were raised, revealing the above. Four quite public characters: An Wang’s private residence. The door slammed shut again, completely covering the young man’s figure.

The matchmakers looked at each other and didn’t quite understand what medicine this King An’s gourd was selling. The taciturn Jiang Da suddenly spoke up: “In the capital, those who follow the law and trespass in private houses should be punished with a cane, and those who trespass on the important part of the royal palace can be killed on the spot.”

There are national laws and family rules, and each continent has its own rules. Jiang Chaosheng just arrived, no one has no supplies, and he gets along well with the local villagers. He has not thought of the rules for a while. Since there is no separate continental rule, it is directly in accordance with the laws of the country of Lan.

As a matchmaker, there are many people in contact, and basically they can understand Mandarin. Hearing this, he immediately broke out in a cold sweat.

After finishing what he just said, Jiang Da, who spoke astonishingly, leaned in front of the pole that Jiang Chaosheng had pushed out earlier. His habitually squinted eyes suddenly widened. There were no suitable grooves in the stone, but the wood was inlaid tightly. Get in! Jiang Da tentatively lifted the stone, and the big boulder was still three inches deep into the ground.

He remembered the original appearance of the stone and the pole. Jiang Chaosheng just shoved it like that, and they fit together perfectly. What a terrifying power. It seems that his master is becoming more and more mysterious, but a little more mysterious is not harmful to him who follows the other party.

Jiang Da looked at it for a long time, and suddenly felt that the pole was too simple and completely unworthy of the four big characters on the flag. As a craftsman and blacksmith, Jiang Da decided to use his craftsmanship skills to repair the whole body of the pole.

There are always many gadgets hidden in the craftsman. Jiang Da took out the blade from his pocket and began to sharpen the knife. The originally dull blade scraped sparks on the stone, and the blade became sharper and sharper. To become the soul of the dead under the blade of ruin.

The matchmakers shivered in unison, as if they saw this silent and gloomy middle-aged man cut their heads with a knife. What kind of terrifying and strange place is this Qiongzhou, no wonder it is a city that will be cursed and abandoned, maybe this group of visitors from the capital are possessed by evil spirits from the sea!

“I’m offended, I’ll go back and convey your opinion to Master Zheng.” The matchmaker who said this ran fast, seeing that she was gone, and the others also became nervous, but in a short time, she just pushed and shoved. The group of people who shoved ran away in a flash. One of the matchmakers’ shoes were trampled. They quickly picked up their bare feet and followed, and ran desperately to the pier on the shore: “Wait for me!” I was afraid that I would run slower. , the knife cut himself on the head.

After listening to the whole process, Ji Xuanbing was in a tangle again, and he knew that these scoundrels had no good intentions and only wanted to plot against his benefactor.

Ji Xuanbing remained in the waters near Qiongzhou, caught a small fish and ordered it to send a message to several aquariums: “When these people are about to return to the waters of Wangzhou, overturn their boat!”

There are many people with excellent water skills near the port. It is not difficult to save the matchmakers. Ji Xuanbing did not intend to kill them, but just wanted to teach this group of people a lesson, and by the way, all the boxes that showed off their wealth were soaked!

Ji Xuanbing has thousands of ways to fight against his opponents! One of the reasons why it wasn’t on Qiongzhou’s side was to prevent these three aunts and six women from pouring dirty water on the benefactor. Wangzhou is a bunch of rotten people. Another reason is that the benefactor is kind-hearted and will definitely not want to see people down. He wants to follow his benefactor and do some good deeds.

The merman fell into contemplation for a while, and the benefactor obviously didn’t like this ostentatious way of proposing a marriage. He must not show off his wealth, so what should he do next to repay his kindness successfully.

He spit out a few bubbles, poked it with his fingertips, and rolled in the water: No, he has to wait and see for a while to see what type the benefactor likes, poor or rich.

“Ah chirp!” Jiang Chaosheng sneezed, thinking it was the group of matchmakers who were scared away scolding him.

Today’s scene made him reflect on himself, and if he wants to get out of trouble, he can’t be too low-key. He only saw the predicament in front of him, and he forgot his backing in the capital!

There are ready-made laws, contacts, and all kinds of capable people, who can do whatever they want.

Jiang Chaosheng brought up a letter of repairing the book, and he sold it in a big way. He asked the third prince to send it to him directly from Kyoto. First, he set up the grass platform team. When Qiongzhou Island is rich, he does not believe that the number of residents will not increase.

Jiang Chaosheng did not feel guilty at all when he asked his brother for something. After all, when the original owner was distributed, to a certain extent, he also took the blame for the third prince. Taking advantage of the fact that the other party is still feeling guilty, he doesn’t have to pay for the materials himself!

After the incident of Jiang Da’s knife sharpening, the matchmakers did not dare to visit for a short time. Some city owners and wealthy businessmen in Wangzhou tried it out, but they sent letters of visit according to the procedures.

These letters flew like snowflakes, and then all fell into the sea. Jiang Chaosheng has a cold attitude, not accepting it, not going out, not partying, not marrying.

The seeds I bought a few days ago have sprouted, and the small greens are growing very fast. Jiang Chaosheng harvested a crop of fresh vegetables, and all the unfinished vegetables were dried and stored. He stayed on Qiongzhou Island every day, in addition to watering the vegetables, he just strolled around to dry the salt.

The salt in Xiaohai Village is too coarse and the taste is not good. Jiang Chaosheng proposed improvement work. After multiple filtration processes, it is easy to dry out the white and delicate salt. Salt and iron are important strategic materials in any dynasty. Jiang Chao is not stingy, and plans to wait for his cheap third brother’s manpower to come over, and then ship these out for money.

When walking after dinner, Jiang Chaosheng strolled around casually, and found a lot of plants on the island that could be used as seasonings, all of which were transplanted and dried into rich dry goods. It is said that Qiongzhou is poor, but he thinks that the local people don’t know the goods at all!

If you can hear Jiang Chaosheng’s voice, the local A Lang must be wronged! He has lived in this place for so many years and has never seen those precious crops. There is no one who can fish with an empty straight hook like this King An, and the fish will automatically jump into his bucket!

Jiang Chaosheng stayed in Qiongzhou for half a month, and the shriveled warehouses quickly filled up, with all kinds of dried vegetables, sea goods… piled up in several warehouses.

But on a night of thunderstorms, a group of uninvited guests came to the dock of Xiaohai Village, not the people who received the letter from Jiang Chaosheng, but a group of vicious villains who had done everything they could to burn, kill and loot. A few years ago, the pirates who killed all Qiongzhou officials.


The author has something to say:

Ji Xuanbing, a first-class marine burial master and a physics transcendence expert: I am as kind as my benefactor, and I have a compassionate heart

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