My Wife is the Villain King Shark

Chapter 75

Chapter 75:

“Xuan Bing be careful!”

Jiang Chaosheng rushed up immediately, then blocked Ji Xuanbing in front of him, and pushed away the attacked little merman.

This is the home of the black flood dragon. Ji Xuanbing’s power has not been greatly weakened, but the black flood dragon has been greatly enhanced. The poisonous mist still flicks its tail, and many attacks are used in succession. Both Ji Xuanbing and Ji Xuanbing had many wounds.

The black flood dragon seemed to be invincible, and the wound torn by Ji Xuanbing healed in an instant. After all, their energy is not endless. They have consumed a lot of strength along the way. If they dodge a little slower, they will have more holes in their bodies, and they will be completely suppressed by the opponent.

The other party held Ji Xuanbing and beat him while taunting: “Ji Xuanbing, do you think I’m still who I was? Only an idiot like you would not know how to develop your own strength. After eating your body, I will kill your clansmen. Catch them all, let your son recognize the thief as his father, and finally die miserably.”

The angrier Ji Xuanbing became, but the more power he consumed, he was easily held down by the opponent, and a lot of blood flowed from the beautiful fish tail.

Jiang Chaosheng also fell short because he was worried about Ji Xuanbing. He was also defeated by the opponent. It was like a cat caught a mouse. On the iceberg, he gave a choice full of malice: “I will give you two a chance. Whoever kills the other first, I will let whoever go out, and I will not care about you.”

“Xuan Bing, don’t listen to him, he just wants us to kill each other.” Jiang Chaosheng shouted anxiously.

Hei Jiao said, “Did you hear? Your husband is trying to confuse you. Humans have always been so despicable, yet you are so ridiculous that you fell in love with a human who is not trustworthy at all.”

He let go of Ji Xuanbing: “Go, kill your human husband, for the sake of the past, I will let you go back, and we will dominate the sea together.”

“Husband, I’m sorry, I still want to go back to take care of Xiao Diu Diu.” Ji Xuanbing approached while weeping. His tears fell on the ground and turned into round pink pearls.

When the little merman’s nails skyrocketed and he approached, a sharp blade appeared in Jiang Chaosheng’s hand at the same time, but instead of stabbing Ji Xuanbing, he bound the hands and feet of the little merman in front of him with ice and snow, closed his eyes, ruthlessly He threw it fiercely at the voice that had been bewitching him.

The illusion in front of him was shattered, as was the fake Ji Xuanbing. Of course, the black dragon can’t be that strong, but the illusion he created can give people an illusion. It’s just that this illusion has too many flaws for Jiang Chaosheng.

Ji Xuanbing values the little fish cub very much, but in the other party’s heart, his husband is the first, how could he hurt his husband in order to go back and raise the little fish cub. Ji Xuanbing has always been a fool who would rather hurt himself than him.

Moreover, the black scorpion did not let Ji Xuanbing cry at first sight. Although the mermaid weeps into beads, when in the sea, the tears Ji Xuanbing shed will not turn into pearls, and even if they become pearls, Ji Xuanbing should not shed them. It’s pink pearls, but sad blue. The mermaid will leave pink tears when they are extremely sad. It is a dog-blooded love story made up by Jiang Chaosheng to sell goods.

It seems that they sold so many pink pearls that Hei Jiao had a misunderstanding of him. Looking at the black flood dragon who was suddenly set on the mountain by himself, Jiang Chaosheng sighed. Even if it was a fake wife, he couldn’t scare the ruthless hand when he met those eyes.

“Damn it!” The ice layer cracked from the middle, and an angry mermaid smashed the ice layer with its tail.

“Okay, you ugly bastard, how dare you pretend to be my husband!” Ji Xuanbing rushed up angrily, and then Jiang Chaosheng gently pressed his head, “Xuanbing, look at the black dragon on the wall. .”

The moment he heard his voice, Ji Xuanbing slowed down, his eyes blinked, and his curled eyelashes trembled slightly: “Husband?”

“It’s me.” Jiang Chaosheng responded warmly. He put his hand on the other’s face, “You can feel it, it’s hot, not cold.”

“Husband!” Ji Xuanbing’s final voice rose, “It’s really husband!”

He complained ramble: “That black flood dragon is really hateful. He has always been so insidious before. Since he tried to use illusions against me, fortunately, I saw through him at a glance.”

Ji Xuanbing has always been an expert in this field, but it is easy for people to fall down where they are good at, so at the beginning, both he and Jiang Chaosheng fell into an illusion. The two of them were divided into different places and were hacked. Jiao destroyed one by one.

Ji Xuanbing is his old rival after all, and Hei Jiao valued it even more, so Hei Jiao used his body to deal with Jiang Chaosheng, but used his last clone/body to pretend to be Jiang Chaosheng. As a result, Ji Xuanbing chased and beat him not long after.

The other party was not willing to shoot Jiang Chaosheng’s face at all, and kept hitting the fake Jiang Chaosheng, while beating and cursing: “You are so ugly, you are still pretending to be my husband.”

He was fooled the first time, but when he touched Jiang Chaosheng, he knew something was wrong. No matter when it was, his husband’s hand was always warm, not as cold as a dead man. The most important thing is Yes, this hand doesn’t look good at all. His husband has touched every inch from the hair to the soles of his feet. No one in this world is more familiar with Jiang Chaosheng’s body than Ji Xuanbing.

Hei Jiao transformed into Jiang Chaosheng’s appearance, trying to pretend the character of the other party, but he couldn’t simulate the details at all, and he couldn’t simulate the body under Jiang Chaosheng’s clothes.

Ji Xuanbing asked Jiang Chaosheng for credit: “I found something wrong right away. How about you, husband, have you found a fake me?”

Jiang Chaosheng said with a smile: “I found out, the fake you are not as good-looking as you, you are the best-looking in my heart.”

“Bah…” A pink bubble popped out between the two, and it burned Hei Jiao’s eyes.

“It’s disgusting, you two are disgusting, a pair of dogs and men.” He still didn’t understand why he lost, why he was exposed so easily, obviously he had perfected the details and took advantage of the weakness of the human heart. The husband and wife agreed that they are birds of the same forest, and they will fly away from each other when disaster strikes. Even Ji Xuanbing will forget, why is this human being like this.

According to his original plan, he originally wanted to kill Jiang Chaosheng first, and then use the death of this human being to defeat Ji Xuanbing, but…the result was that he failed completely. Not only did he fail, but he also suffered a crit after being single for many years, which was simply unbearable.

It was no one else who spoke, it was the immobilized black scorpion. Ji Xuanbing turned his head and finally found the little black snake in the ice and snow: “Sour, you are sour, sour to death.”

Different from the ice layer made by Hei Jiao himself, this ice layer was born by Jiang Chao. The special ice and snow not only froze the opponent’s body, but also directly froze the opponent’s soul, making the opponent unable to move, and there was no way to escape from the scene. .

When he discovered this fact, Hei Jiao was very desperate. He rushed back and was ready to leave, but he never imagined what happened to the man beside Ji Xuanbing, and he had such a sinister means.

It is obvious that the other party is just a human, and there is no trace of inhuman aura at all. Could it be said that power can be transferred by sleeping? Ji Xuanbing and this person cultivated together and gave the other party some mysterious means. No, this is simply impossible, even Ji Xuanbing shouldn’t have this kind of power.

Jiang Chaosheng corrected: “We are both males, I am a human, Ji Xuanbing is a merman, no one present is a dog.”

Ji Xuanbing finally recovered from his anger, and took a closer look at the patterns and details of the black snake in the ice layer: “This is his body, yes.”

He raised his claws high, ready to tear this black snake to pieces. Jiang Chaosheng stopped him, “This time it’s me.”

In the fantasy world where such a scene was designed, although Jiang Chaosheng was not really deceived, the other party still aroused his anger.

He slowly gathered his own strength, grabbed the black dragon’s seven inches, and finally made the other party completely lose his life. Although he was not good at mental attacks, he couldn’t weave any terrible illusions for the other party, but before dying, The cold that freezes into the bone marrow is enough to make the black flood dragon die peacefully.

The body of the black flood dragon was shattered, and the soul was also shattered into the ice, and did not float out. At the same time, the fourth prince Jiang Chaofan’s precious jade pendant was completely shattered into pieces, no matter how many times he said it, there was no sound inside.

There are many creatures in Beihai. Knowing that the black flood dragon is dead, they should be in chaos, and then quickly re-establish their own order, but these things have nothing to do with the two of them for the time being.

Ji Xuanbing held the small ice cube in the palm of his hand, “I’ll take it back and show it to Xiao Diu Diu.”

Ji Xuanbing thought, he has a new story to tell Xiao Diu Diu, and he wants to tell his little cub that his two fathers have done a lot of great deeds, they defeated a super villain’s conspiracy, and even saved World Peace.

Jiang Chaosheng gently held his hand: “Go home.”


The author has something to say:

It’s over, there’s another episode

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