My Wife is the Villain King Shark

Chapter 9

Chapter 9:

A total of 22 pirates were arrested, and Jiang Chaosheng had all the hemp ropes replaced by chains. After the tide subsided, he also had people pick up the wreckage, and the chains were the product of recycling.

Qiongzhou is so poor and there are few people. In fact, a big reason is that pirates are rampant. When the official people were killed, the local villagers did not all escape. No matter how much they don’t want to leave their homeland, they want to have a little network connection for safety. The way to move to Wangzhou, even if you don’t have your own house in Wangzhou, is better than being killed by pirates casually.

Jiang Chaosheng tried the group of pirates before he understood why all the people in the village were old and weak, women and children. Although it was only two hours apart by sea, the languages of the two continents were very different. The older people were not willing to leave their homeland at all. There were a bunch of old bones everywhere, and there were not many living heads.

“Let the villagers come out and recognize the people. They should know what happened.” Dozens of pirates were pulled out. Jiang Chaosheng’s articulate middle-aged man explained the matter again. Strong, speaks fluent Qiongzhou dialect in a short period of time.

“Beast!” No one thought that the first person to rush up was Grandma Haizhu, who was always trembling when she walked. She was very thin and small, and the pirates were taller than her on their knees. The old lady scratched her familiar faces with her hands. Feeling that her hands were not strong enough, she simply took off her shoes and slapped the pirate in the face with a shoehorn, hitting and shouting, “Die, die!”

Ah Lang was ashamed: “A Hua’s parents died at the hands of these pirates. The pirates wanted to **** my aunt… Uncle was killed to protect my aunt.”

At that time, Grandma A Hua really wanted to go with her son and daughter-in-law, but she held back, hid in the basement, and desperately covered her young granddaughter’s mouth.

The emotions of the seamen have infected many people. Even the taciturn Jiang Da has reddened eyes. Only Jiang Chaosheng watched from a distance, his expression unmoved: I have seen too many cruel things in my previous life, and it is natural to be indifferent and numb after a long time.

“Enough of scolding, stop scolding enough, they are the property of this king.”

The pirates made a name for themselves in this sea area. Jiang Chaosheng asked people to come over. The one with the highest ransom and a lot of evil acts directly killed the chickens to show the monkeys.

The young man randomly pointed to a piece of land: “After this place is the execution ground.”

The second person to be executed was A Lang’s brother A Bo: “This king hates these beasts who betray relatives and friends and are inferior to pigs and dogs.”

A wave’s corpse was separated, and it was A Lang’s corpse that was converged, and he was hit hard. People have become more depressed and mature. When they see Jiang Chaosheng, they are no longer so carefree, as if realizing that the other party is King An after all.

On the day of the execution, Jiang Chaosheng had people carry the heads and the corpses of the pirates that were salvaged ashore, and went to the Wangzhou government in exchange for a very rich bounty, and all the remaining pirates were sent to labor camps for the time being. If you work hard every day, you won’t be paid a single coin. Every villager in Xiaohai Village is a supervisor, not afraid of the pirates who are locked away.

When Jiang Chaosheng asked for a bounty, the Wangzhou official’s face was a little green, but he was afraid of King An’s background, so he honestly gave the money.

As soon as he got the money, Jiang Chaosheng hired someone and ordered them to beat gongs and drums and walk down a street shouting, “King An has killed the pirates, and he wants to reward the Yinxiu Cemetery. The villagers of Xiaohai Village can go home to visit their relatives.”

The savings of the pirates for many years were confiscated, but Jiang Chaosheng used the reward to build a cemetery. All the villagers and officials who had been buried in disorder found a place with beautiful scenery and spent money to build a large monument to bury.

On the day this incident was confirmed to be true, many Qiongzhou villagers in Wangzhou came back. There were not too many people, but there were a hundred or so. After worshiping their relatives, a group of people, led by Grandma A Hua, threw themselves to the ground: “Thank you, Lord, for your kindness and virtue.”

In any case, King An avenged them. These people visited the unfortunate pirates who worked hard and did heavy work. They also heard from relatives and friends in the past about Jiang Chaosheng’s recruitment remuneration and tax concessions, and some people were moved to come back. But they didn’t know how long they could stay here. At the beginning, they still struggled back and forth.

The pirates failed to rob them for nothing. Two days later, several large ships came to Qiongzhou Island. This time, Jiang Chaosheng had long-awaited the arrival of the manpower.

There were a total of three large ships docked at the dock, one of them all were servants, servants, servants, accountants, and stewards who used to serve the eleventh prince, totaling more than 300 people. The other is a guard, all of them are tall and straight, and they look like well-trained soldiers, and the other is a material ship. The commander-in-chief guarding the ship was a young general with broad shoulders and narrow hips, standing out from the crowd. Jiang Chaosheng looked familiar: “General Lou, why are you?”

Lou Zhan was originally in a low mood, but after seeing Jiang Chaosheng, his pure black eyes finally had a bit of a smile: “Lou was invited by the third prince to temporarily station the army in Qiongzhou, and then rely on the prince, I hope you don’t dislike it. .”

Jiang Chaosheng didn’t expect the cheap brother to be so capable: “How can you dislike it? In the future, the safety of the people of Qiongzhou will depend more on General Lou.”

Lou Zhan helped Jiang Chaosheng to bring two letters from his family, one was written by the third prince and the other was written by the imperial concubine.

The cheap third brother talked about the recent situation in the capital, told others that everything was arranged, and told his younger brother to be patient and try to find a way to replace him with a better fief. He also gave a list of supplies to ensure that his brother’s things would not be ignorant. He let Jiang Chaosheng win over the Lou battle, the Lou family is taboo for the emperor, this time to such a small broken island, one is to protect the blood of the royal family, and the other is to take refuge.

Jiang Chaosheng gave the three princes the book he asked for, and also gave him a lot of weapons and a guard team that only obeyed his personal orders, about 20 people.

The imperial concubine was chatting in front of her, crying for a long time in the letter, preparing a lot of daily necessities, all kinds of silk and satin, and also sending the capable maids by her side, and telling him: Don’t mess around outside. , was tricked by a small family, and she would find a suitable wife for her son.

Jiang Chaosheng directly ignored the last exhortation. In his eyes, any lady in pink and pink is pure labor.

Boats are important materials, and Jiang Chaosheng cannot be crowded on the boat all the time, but the city was flooded before, and now there is no place to live so many people.

With Jiang Chaosheng’s house as the center, all the new houses were built. The men moved bricks and worked as coolies, and cut down trees to make various furniture. Daughter’s family is careful and skillful, good at cooking, responsible for logistical work such as cooking, laundry, sewing, etc., all of which are in full swing for him!

The arrival of this group of people is like throwing a big catfish into the pond, which instantly revitalized Qiongzhou’s economy. There are even some small traders who do business in Wangzhou. It is very lively outside every day, only Jiang Chaosheng’s The house maintained a lonely and peaceful place. Although no one was added, Jiang Chaosheng’s house has also expanded a lot. The warehouses outside were all surrounded, and the inventory inside was consumed a lot, and more abundant materials were added.

Jiang Chaosheng has been busy for several days, and has set up a skilled leadership team. Seeing that the development of Qiongzhou is starting to go on the right track, he can finally rest for a while and relax.

In this era, there is no refrigerator, the seaside is hot, and storage is inconvenient, but Jiang Chaosheng doesn’t have that trouble. He can freeze any amount of fresh goods as soon as possible. Jiang Chaosheng has too many secrets, and he doesn’t want to bother to explain it to others. It’s better to live alone.

Before there were not enough people, Jiang Chaosheng always had to worry about this and that, and he was relieved all of a sudden. He held a cup of tea, drank tea, and ate snacks. Suddenly, he was very moved: It’s not easy, after working so hard for so long, I can finally get through What’s the matter, don’t do it, eat and wait to die in retirement!

But after patrolling around, he found something was wrong. His inventory seemed to be a little less. No, not just a little bit! He checked them one by one and opened the boxes full of supplies one by one. The pickled dried fish was only a small amount, and the other things were not much, such as pickled kelp seedlings and dried seaweed, which were hardly touched.

But when he stood in front of the freezer, Jiang Chaosheng stopped. He stared at the ice layer, which seemed to be no problem, for a while, and a small silver hammer appeared in his hand.

Carrying a small silver hammer, the young man knocked at will, and easily knocked off the surface layer of the frozen fresh fish. The original solid freezer was hollowed out from the back, and the middle part was more than half empty. There was still some food in the hollow. Leftovers, bite-sized dim sum…

Alright, he hadn’t counted the supplies for a few days, and there was such a fish thief at home! Jiang Chaosheng sealed the ice with an expressionless face. Instead of looking for the fish thief, he turned his head and entered the kitchen.

He took out a fresh octopus from the surface of the warehouse, which almost died when it came out of water. Jiang Chaosheng was quick-frozen in time to ensure the deliciousness of hairtail. The silver light of the kitchen knife flashed, and the octopus was broken into several neat sections on the chopping board, wrapped in egg liquid, and smeared with the old fermented steamed bread. floated out.

Jiang Chaosheng ate a few pieces of octopus, and the crispy and fragrant pieces of octopus clacked, and the chewing sound was crisp and pleasant. Not long after eating, he pretended to be in a hurry and went out. Before leaving, he put a full of fried fish nuggets in the kitchen and clasped it with a bowl.

After about half an hour, Jiang Chaosheng still did not come back, the door was still closed, and the lights in the house were turned off. Usually, he would keep the lights in the house, and only turn off the lights when he went out for a long time.

After a long time, a sinful hand, after struggling for a long time, finally couldn’t help reaching out to the fried fish pieces. This is the fish fried by Engong. The next day it was wet with dew, and the taste was not good.

One piece, two yuan, three yuan… There are so many, if you take a little bit, you will definitely not be found. Just when the fish thief succeeded, Jiang Chaosheng, who should have left, appeared in the yard, and a personal loot came on the spot and got it. All the lights are lit in an instant, so that the other party has nothing to hide!

Under the warm orange light, the fish thief finally showed his true form: a shark holding a fried fish nugget, eyes like bright emeralds, as clear as cat’s eyes, rare blue hair, or dark or light blue The hair was blown by the wind like waves of sea water.

The merman’s hair is a little messy, the slightly open red lips are still stained with golden-yellow steamed buns, his eyes are wet, his waist is slender and unbearable, the upper body is surrounded by seaweed, the lower body is half fish tail, and the scales glisten in the moonlight. Glowing, poor, weak and helpless.

This time, it was Jiang Chaosheng’s turn to be stunned.

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