My Wife, The Ice Queen President

Chapter 20 - Fighting? I've Never Been Afraid Of It

Chapter 20: Fighting? I’ve Never Been Afraid Of It

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The thugs looked at each other.

They had been in this line of work for a long time and had seen many people who were completely full of themselves. However, they had never seen such arrogance before.

In this industry, they believed that they were incredibly proud. However, they finally knew what pride true was when they compared themselves to him.

No other person in all of Jiangnan City would face dozens of people and threaten them to fight back if they were unhappy with him.

“Everyone move. Hit him until his mother can’t recognize him.”

Lu Bao waved his hand and dozens of thugs charged towards Ye Xiong fiercely. The entire situation exploded!

Everyone in the area was frightened and ran for their lives, trying to hide far away. Du Yuehua, too, had run to a corner as she feared for her life.

Then, Ye Xiong did something strange.

He took off his shirt and wrapped it around his hand tightly.

“Do you really think we can’t chop off your hand if you wrap your shirt around it?” Lu Bao laughed.

After those words, Ye Xiong charged forward, dodging a knife attack while doing so. He punched the thug holding the knife.

With a bang, the thug flew backward. He rolled a few times on the ground before stopping. His mouth was foaming, and he did not get back up.

“You’re wrong. I’m not afraid of getting my hand chopped off. I’m just afraid of killing your subordinates by accident.” Ye Xiong scoffed.

Everyone in the area was completely dumbfounded. With just one punch, he sent one of them five to six meters away. His punch packed some serious strength. He might just kill someone with a punch if he did not wrap his shirt around his fist.


The thugs took in a deep cold breath as they did not dare to charge in.

‘This guy is way too good at fighting!’

Ye Xiong was incredibly satisfied with the effect. He took off the shirt that was wrapped around his fist and gestured with his finger.

“Who else wants a piece?”

The bunch of thugs took a few steps back when they saw him taking off his shirt. This guy’s punch could deal more damage than their knives. Was he even human? Had he activated his cheat?

Lu Bao looked very surprised. He knew that Ye Xiong was a fighter, but he did not know that he was that good of a fighter.

However, he could not retreat no matter how great Ye Xiong was. That was because the Northwest Association’s survival depended on the He Family. Not only had this guy disrupted Master He’s wedding, but he had also gotten involved with the hotel that was supposed to be in Master He’s hands. If he did not teach Ye Xiong a lesson right now, how could he face He Haodong when he went back?

“No matter how good you are, you can’t block a knife. Everyone, cripple him.” Lu Bao’s eyes were filled with cruelty.

Shing shing shing!

Dozens of knives were unsheathed and the blinding light they reflected lit up the entire hall.

The staff screamed when they saw the knives and ran far away in fear of being dragged into the mess.

“Look, the police are here.” Ye Xiong screamed as he pointed behind them.

The thugs instinctively looked back. Lu Bao was no exception.

Ye Xiong moved suddenly in this instant. He was like a fierce tiger as he ran past the crowd. By the time the thugs responded, Ye Xiong had already caught Lu Bao and had dragged him out.

“Impudent. How impudent of you.”

“How dare you lie to us. You’ve even captured our boss as well.”

“Release our boss this instant.”

The thugs shouted as they realized that had been fooled. However, Lu Bao was now in Ye Xiong’s hands and they did not dare to act recklessly.

“If you touch even a single hair on me, you’ll be in big trouble.” Lu Bao threatened hastily.

Ye Xiong immediately grabbed his hair and pulled hard. Lu Bao was in so much pain that he started screaming.

“I’ve pulled at least a few hundred strands of your hair. Please show me what kind of trouble am I in?”

Ye Xiong opened his hand and blew as a bunch of hair fell to the ground.

“I’ll kill you…” Lu Bao roared angrily.

He then felt something cold on his neck. A thin and small knife was on his throat.

“What did you say? Could you repeat that?” Ye Xiong smirked.

No matter how one looked at it, Lu Bao had been in this line of work for at least a decade. Now that his subordinates were looking at him, he could no longer be the boss if he showed any sign of fear.

He raised his head and stared at death calmly in the eye. “You b*stard. I refuse to believe that you’ll kill me. It’s a criminal offense to kill people.”

“While it’s true that I don’t dare to kill a person, I’m more afraid that my hand will jolt by accident. It would be troublesome if I were to cut your throat by accident.”

Ye Xiong spoke as he moved his hand and cut Lu Bao slightly.

A line of blood immediately appeared on Lu Bao’s throat as it dripped to the floor.

Lu Bao almost fainted. He did not expect this guy to be so crazy as to graze his throat.

Seeing his throat about to be slit open, Lu Bao could not help but scream.

“Don’t kill me. I beg of you, please don’t kill me.” Lu Bao did not dare to act tough in front of this madman.

“Tell them to throw away their knives and get lost from this place,” Ye Xiong said coldly.

“Throw your knives away and leave the hotel,” Lu Bao ordered instantly.

Clank clank clank.

The knives were thrown to the ground as the thugs turned around and disappeared from Ye Xiong’s sight.

Ye Xiong then pushed Lu Bao away, kicking him in the butt as the latter fell to the ground. Then, Ye Xiong said coldly, “Lu Bao, I’ll say it right now, if you ever send someone to cause trouble to Feiyang International Hotel again, I’ll erase the Northwest Association from Jiangnan City. I don’t care if you believe me, but I’ll make it happen. Now, get lost.”

Lu Bao covered his bleeding neck and immediately left without saying any word.

Clap clap clap!

No one was sure who clapped first, but the entire place was filled with loud applause. These people were extremely excited as they looked at Ye Xiong.

Du Yuehua walked out from the crowd as she gave him a satisfied look.

She did not expect Ye Xiong to be this amazing. The entire Northwest Association had been single-handedly beaten to a pulp.

At first, she was worried that Ye Xiong might not be able to handle it. After all, she had hired at least ten General Managers and none of them had been able to work for long. Each and single one of them had been chased away by Lu Bao via all sorts of methods. Who would have thought that Ye Xiong was able to make a name for himself right after he joined.

Just as she was about to have a different opinion of Ye Xiong, the latter jumped up onto the stage and shouted, “Is General Manager Ye amazing?”

“Amazing!” Everyone below the stage answered in unison.

“Is General Ye cool?”


“Is President Du beautiful?”



Du Yuehua could not hold in her laughter.

This guy was incredibly annoying. It was fine that he wanted to be shameless, but why did he drag her into the situation.

The staff below the stage was dumbfounded when they saw Du Yuehua laughing. This was their first time seeing her laugh since Yan Jingyang had passed away.

Due to the shocking events, Ye Xiong’s job became much easier and there was not a single obstacle at all. In less than half a day, the entire hotel knew of the incident. The newly hired General Manager was handsome, cool, and incredibly good at fighting.

Naturally, this was what had been spread to Ye Xiong’s ears. The truth was, “The new General Manager was shameless, sketchy, perverted, and impudent.”

The transition went by incredibly smoothly. Ye Xiong was incredibly stressed when Du Yuehua placed a thick document on the table in front of him.

“What is this?” Ye Xiong looked bitter.

“This is the financial report. You can see the hotel’s past performance here. How will you manage the hotel from now on?” Du Yuehua asked.

“Sister Hua, can I discuss something with you?” Ye Xiong asked in a serious tone.

“What is it?”

“I wish to get out of this. Can you give me back my one million dollars?”

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