My Wife, The Ice Queen President

Chapter 49 - Atrocity

Chapter 49: Atrocity

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation


Ye Xiong pulled her behind his back while simultaneously grabbing hold of the enemy who was wielding the knife’s hand and giving it a powerful twist.

All they heard was a crack. The hand was broken and the knife fell to the ground.

Luo Weiwei panted loudly. Her heart was about to jump out of her chest. At that moment, she had believed she was about to die. In the entire time she had been a police officer, this was the closest to death she had ever been. Hence, no matter how courageous she was, she could not help being stunned.

“I’ve saved your life. About the kiss earlier, let’s just forget about it.” Ye Xiong smiled.

What came next was a large ruckus. By the time Luo Weiwei came to her senses, there were already seven-to-eight men unconscious on the ground.

This guy was way too good at fighting!

Ye Xiong took out the phone he had taken from the guard earlier and made another call. Soon, he heard a ringtone coming from the room next door.

The two looked at each other and stood on either side of the door.

Then, without any warning, Ye Xiong kicked the door open while Luo Weiwei charged in the room, aiming down her gun’s sights.

Unfortunately, there was nobody inside the room.

A phone rang endlessly on the table. It was a call from Ye Xiong.

Luo Weiwei looked around, confirming the room was empty then walked towards the table, intending to pick up the phone.

Ye Xiong frowned as a sense of unease brew within him.

This unease had been present ever since he entered the bar.

As the one who stood at the pinnacle of Dragon Soul, Ye Xiong had gone through countless life or death situations and yet, he had always been able to escape death’s grasp. It was all thanks to his incredibly powerful instinct.

This instinct had nothing to do with his strength but was instead something he had nurtured through countless encounters with near-death situations.

He kept staring out of the windows.

Before long, Ye Xiong saw a figure flashing by behind a pillar in the opposite building.

“Oh no!”

Ye Xiong charged forward, tackling Luo Weiwei down to the floor before rolling to the side of the sofa.

Then, there was a loud bang. The phone on the table had exploded. It was so powerful that the pair, along with the sofa, were flung to the wall.

Luo Weiwei was, once again, dumbfounded. Ye Xiong had already scrambled out and jumped from the first-floor window by the time Luo Weiwei came to her senses.

Ye Xiong had never been this furious in his entire life. Someone had dared to set him up and tried to kill him. He must have his revenge.

The phone had been triggered remotely and had an effective range of two hundred meters. In order to avoid any failures, it was best to remain within fifty meters. Before the explosion, Ye Xiong had seen a figure hiding behind a pillar in the opposite building. It was very likely that this person was the one who had detonated the bomb.

Luo Weiwei headed to the window and was about to jump down. However, she stopped after realizing how high up she was.

“That guy is insane. He’s even willing to jump from such a height, is he still human?” Luo Weiwei patted her large chest, turned around, and used the staircase instead.

Opposite of the bar was a commercial building. Currently, it was lunchtime and the place was filled with people.

Due to the force of the explosion, it had attracted a lot of attention. A crowd had gathered, staring at the wreckage from a distance and pointing at it.

Ye Xiong slowed down, watching every man that exited the commercial building.

Judging by the speed of Ye Xiong’s arrival, the killer must still be inside the commercial building as he would not have left so quickly. Since there was only one exit, the enemy would most likely make his escape here.

An endless amount of people were trying to leave the building, and Ye Xiong was suspicious of all of them. Although he only caught a glimpse of the enemy, he already had an estimate of the enemy’s height.

Countless people brushed past him when, suddenly, Ye Xiong made his move.

Without wasting a second, he grabbed an old man, who seemed to be in his fifties, firmly.

The old man was shocked as he had not expected Ye Xiong would be able to recognize him. Before he could retaliate, Ye Xiong already had him on the floor. Ye Xiong pulled his wig and fake mustache off, and was greeted with a familiar face. It was Yan Li.

“Trying to blow me up means you’re still inexperienced.” Ye Xiong slapped him repeatedly.

Luo Weiwei walked over, took out some handcuffs, cuffed Yan Li, then brought him to the car.

An hour later, at Jiangnan City Police Station.

Ye Xiong sat inside the police station’s office. His feet were up on a desk, and he was reading the newspaper.

Seeing him behaving so arrogantly infuriated the police officers that walked past him. However, they were too afraid to say anything.

Not only he had taken two police officers’ guns after causing a ruckus in the station, but he even locked them up and swaggered out of the building.

Would he have dared to do so if he did not have any connections to the higher ups?

Hence, it was best to not mess with him.

Luo Weiwei came out of the interrogation room and saw Ye Xiong sitting in her cubicle when she returned to the office. Seeing his leather shoes resting on her desk enraged Luo Weiwei. She picked up a folder and smacked his head.

“What do you think a police station is? Stand up.”

Ye Xiong grabbed the folder as he looked at Luo Weiwei’s red face. He smiled. “Officer Luo, is this how you’re supposed to treat someone that has saved you twice? Without me, you wouldn’t have been able to catch the criminal. Also, you’d have been blown to pieces or had your head chopped off.”

The edge of Luo Weiwei’s mouth twitched but she did not utter a word. Ye Xiong was telling the truth.

Despite the man being a pervert, he was incredibly capable. If not for him, she would not have been able to capture Yan Li.

“This is a police station, please behave yourself.” Luo Weiwei’s attitude became better.

“That’s more like it. Being friendly is one of the basics of communication.” Ye Xiong lowered his legs and sat up straight. “How was it? Did you manage to get anything out of him?”

“He’s confessed to poisoning the hotel. He’s also confessed to trying to blow us up but refused to tell us who gave the orders.” Luo Weiwei responded.

“That’s obvious enough. Any idiot would know who the culprit is.”

“Are you saying it’s He Haodong?” Luo Weiwei asked skeptically.

“I was right. Any idiot would be able to guess who the culprit is.”

Seeing signs that Lou Weiwei was getting angry, Ye Xiong did not dare to joke anymore. He continued seriously. “It makes sense that He Haodong would try to kill me, but why is he trying to kill you as well? Did you offend him in any way?”

Luo Weiwei was silent as she pondered.

“Oh right. Remember that time you were chased by assassins when you drove me back to the police station on your motorbike? Could these two incidents be related?” Ye Xiong asked.

Luo Weiwei’s expression looked rather firm as she said, “No matter how they try to silence me, I won’t stop pursuing my investigation. I’ll follow it through till the end.

“You’re truly a heroine!”

Ye Xiong immediately gave her the middle finger. He then immediately changed it to a thumbs up when he realized she was furious. “I’m sorry. I’ve given you the wrong finger. The wrong finger. Hehe.”

Luo Weiwei was utterly speechless.

This pervert was truly something that could only be seen once per century!

Luo Weiwei rolled her eyes as she blurted out suddenly. “Missing children cases in Jiangnan City have been on the rise for the past few months. Dozens of families have been broken because of this. The police have been working hard but they have only recovered a small portion of them and nobody knows where the rest was. Ye Xiong, even though I don’t know who you really are, you’re highly capable. I also believe that you’re a very righteous person…”

“Hold up, hold up!” Ye Xiong stared at her as he gestured for her to pause. He then smiled. “This is the police’s responsibility. I’m just a commoner. I’m not that capable.”

“What do you want for your help?” Luo Weiwei said bluntly as she gritted her teeth.

It was pointless talking about righteousness to this heartless man. Hence, she decided to talk about conditions instead.

“It’s not like I can’t help you out.” Ye Xiong lowered his chin as he stared at Luo Weiwei’s chest. He then hooked his hand to tell her to come closer.

Luo Weiwei cautiously got closer and Ye Xiong whispered into her ear.

“You’re a shameless man for having such a dream.” Luo Weiwei was furious when she heard what he had to say.

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