My Wuxian Identity Has Been Exposed

Chapter 172

Chapter 172 The tenth villain in the plane: Gem Ronan!

“What kind of power is this!

“Undetectable! Untraceable! No signal fluctuations!”

[Marauder]’s boss Yongdu was so tangled that he grinned.

He is the boss.

is the sole authority here.

No need to worry about the image.

He just needs the fear of others, and the obedience.

“But this Ronan is indeed a war madman! 99

“Even we don’t want to provoke it!”

Yongdu looked like a toothache.

Originally, the space pirates were terrified of this guy.

It will probably be even worse now.

And the earth.

The reaction was more intense.

S.H.I.E.L.D, who likes to be unfounded, is even more chaotic now.

“It’s the Kree Empire again!”

“Isn’t this guy related to Thanos?

Fury rubbed his aching brows and said, “Could it be that Thanos is so powerful that even his younger brother is a top ten in combat?”


While S.H.I.E.L.D caught Bucky and Crossbones.

There is also a group of Hydra elites who ambushed the Avengers in the Empire State Building.

But the abomination ran away.

Loki and Leopard are also missing.

The whole “Zero Seven Seven” S.H.I.E.L.D is frantically hunting down.

Avoid what these super villains do.

As a result, countless human and material resources were wasted.

Not even the shadow of the other party was touched.

Now that the super villains of the Level Universe police have come out, they are even more out of reach.

“If so. 35

“Then we are in big trouble. 39

Hawkeye looked straight and shook his head.

He felt that his strength had reached a certain limit.

But compared with the Blue Star’s top ten combat powers, it is still a long way off.

So he knew more about the threat level of Ronan.

“We’re a little bit better than aliens.

Captain America encouraged: “That’s where we have Pyramids that can constantly challenge themselves to grow. Give us a little more time, and we’ll be unafraid of them.”

“Yes, the failure of the Kiritas is the best example!”

“Now the equipment of Falcon, Natasha Romanoff and Mockingbird is fully upgraded, just wait until we get through the teamfight level, then our strength will definitely have a qualitative leap!””

Hill and others also expressed encouraging feelings one after another.

After hearing that, Black Widow just smiled.

Mockingbird is about regaining confidence.

As for the only teamfight level in the Pyramids.

Without Thor’s assistance, the Avengers’ strength dropped to a level.

So so far I haven’t been able to get through it well.

To know.

Team battle levels can be completed.

The shorter the time, the higher the degree of completion and the richer the reward.

If your team is not satisfied with the completion level and cannot accept low-level rewards, you can apply for a new level.

the past three months.

The Avengers always get through the level with a low degree of completion.

They who want to become stronger will naturally not end up like this.

So it’s been a challenge all the time.

Until now, I have finally accumulated enough experience, and finally found the trick to clear customs with a high degree of completion.


With Fury’s reminder.

Everyone turned their attention again.

【The accuser, Ronan, the most brutal legion commander of the Kree Empire!】

[He fought countless planets and slaughtered countless planets! Thanos only slaughtered half of it, but he will slaughter all the enemies he can see! 】[The tyrannical nature, the powerful force, and the accusing legion who are only loyal to him, all these are the basis for him to be arrogant and rampant in the universe, and also the reason for him to become the nightmare of countless civilizations in the universe! 】

Other civilizations do not speak.

Blue Star alone has billions of viewers.

All of them looked extremely unnatural.

Is the purple sweet potato essence that only kills half of the feelings still very kind?

“I rubbed it, it turns out that the universe is really a naked dark forest law!”

“This Kree Empire is too crazy, isn’t it? Is there no order in alien civilizations?”

“It’s great to live in Blue Star, at least we have superhero guardians.

“I hope this general of the Kree Empire is not too strong, otherwise, our superhero will not have to play at all.

Just when billions of Blue Stars lamented the savage and terrifying alien civilization.

As far away as Ronan in the Kree Empire.

Also staring at himself.

He just used a lot of methods.

Even asking for assistance from the Supreme Intelligence, but unable to track down this great being in the sky that exposes all his secrets.


He chose to wait and see.


He even looked forward to the word “gem” in front of his name, which would bring him a great surprise.

scene 1:

Charge the Legion on a planet where civilization thrives.

And this planet.

It is also the hometown of Drax the Destroyer, a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy.


“Destroy this tiny civilization that dares to resist the Empire!

The infinite weapon in Ronan’s hand pointed.

The Kerry fighters swarmed down like a swarm.

Densely packed.


next moment.

The city begins to burn.

The people began to wailing and screaming.

But the explosion and destruction did not stop.

Because Ronan’s order is to destroy the entire civilization, not a one-time slaughter.

Looking at this inhumane scene, all the ordinary people in Blue Star looked defeated.

All superhero is outraged.

Even Hydra, Pioneer Technology, etc., who have always wanted to dominate the world, are all silent at this moment.

“Never let this Ronan come to Blue Star!

Tony held the lab bench tightly in both hands.

Facing such a brutal enemy.

He has only one choice:


Banner, who likes peace, also resolutely echoed: “The enemy has super air superiority, which almost restrains most of our superhero, so we must make emergency plans! 39

“Kirita’s flying machine!”

“You can use it.

Tony didn’t even think about it, he just came up with a ready-made plan.


Dr. Pym suddenly projected in.

He said straight to the point: “S.H.I.E.L.D, the aerospace carrier, is also a good choice.

It is clear.

He’s been eavesdropping just now…0

Although Dr. Pym misunderstood Tony’s dad.

Always think of the Stark family as thieves.

But they both have to admit to each other’s high IQ and extraordinary achievements in their respective fields.


Under Banner’s mediation.

Dr. Pym joined the Illuminati.

“The fighter technology of the Kerry Empire is at least one era ahead of us!””

“Unless our battle suits, ordinary fighter planes are just to die.

Tony shook his head and said, “So we need a more efficient and targeted combat mode.”

“Expanding the Light Knights?”

“I just need to shrink all the people and bring them in!

Both Banner and Dr. Pym responded quickly.

never thought…

Chili peppers also have their own suggestions.

“Little peppers?”

“We’re talking serious business. 35

Tony thought that Pepper would be involved in business, cost and other issues again.

Little Pepper asked weakly: “Why don’t you unite with those magicians?

The whole place suddenly fell silent.

Needle drop is audible.

“have to say!

Tony hugged Chili Pepper’s face excitedly and said with emotion: “You are truly an unimaginable genius!

The system doesn’t care about Tony’s feelings.

A new scene is out.

Scenario 2:

Ronan’s War Mothership.

He was surrounded by the Guardians of the Galaxy.



Gamora, the Killer of the Level Universe, is as powerful as Captain America’s Destroyer, and can take down Ronan’s bodyguard in three or two strokes.

And at the moment when Ronan turned back.

Star-Lord’s deadliest weapon, the plasma cannon, has been fired.


Ronan takes all the damage.

Although the plasma cannon is a standing weapon in the universe.

But this is always a battleship and a fighter jet.

One hit.

Destroying a skyscraper the size of the Empire State Building is easy.

Even Hulk’s full-strength punch didn’t do such damage.

3.6 However.

Ronan, who ate all the plasma cannons, stood up intact.

The price he paid was that the armor on his chest was melted away.

“Cunning reptiles!

Ronan smiled cruelly, pointing his finger with the all-purpose weapon inlaid with the [Power Gem].

The Guardians of the Galaxy seemed to suffer from a powerful shock wave and flew back collectively.

Boom boom boom!

All crashed miserably.


The moment the Destroyer fell to the ground, he remembered his wife and daughter who had died tragically, and jumped up instantly, rushing towards Ronan like a runaway mad cow.

Ronan grabbed his hand.

He lifted the Destroyer like a chicken.

You must know that Destroyer’s physical strength is only stronger or weaker than Captain America.

this gap.

It’s like the Hulk bullying the Winter Soldier.

“I remember.”

“Your wife begged me to spare your daughter.

“Her expression of pain, just like you do now. 35

Ronan admired the pain and struggle of the Destroyer, and seemed to enjoy it all.

Even if the Destroyer uses the remaining power to madly attack Ronan.

Ronan was indifferent,

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