My Wuxian Identity Has Been Exposed

Chapter 80

Chapter 80

Chapter 080 Your attack is like giving me a massage!


Just as Wesley and Fox were on the verge of despair, a figure suddenly fell in front of them.

It’s Clos.

Fox instinctively tensed.

But Cross ignored her.

Just when Wesley wanted to speak, Cross forcibly cut off: “I’ll buy you 1 minute to run as far as you want!”

“But father! 9

Wesley became anxious.

The power of hatred, as well as the physical strength, are all unbelievably strong.

Completely beyond the scope of Clos’s tolerance.

Cross’s active attack is likely to be an act of death.

“Stop it!

Cross roared: “Get ready for action!

Wesley gritted his teeth and got up.

Fox’s head is completely confused, and he can only follow pure survival instinct.


Cross gave an order.

Wesley took Fox and ran as fast as he could.

Cross, on the other hand, ran in the opposite direction towards the hatred that had sensed them.

Shave the fist!

The cracked ground and the rapidly beating heart triggered an extremely destructive impact.

Fist hits perfectly.

But the hatred just stood there, turning his head to look at the stunned Cross.

Can knock off Captain America’s attacks.

Abomination resists all while standing still.


Cross jumped away like an electric shock.

Then the body disappears.

There were sonic booms all around.

The scene of yesterday’s challenge to Captain America reappeared.

It’s just that the opponent has become an even more terrifying hatred.

Shave the whip!


Shaved drill!


These attacks are all useless 463!

As if hit by steel, the hatred did not respond.

“Have you not eaten?”

Hatred looked at Cross horribly.

After the transformation, the hatred can no longer be restored to its original state, but he has all the wisdom and skills of the original body.

If it weren’t for his inflated desire and hatred, he would turn into a monster that could easily run away.

Otherwise he might be a more successful superhero than the Hulk.

Inhale deeply.

Cross knew he had to delay a little longer.

So even if it is dangerous.

Can only be hard.

Through the mediation of Roar’s inhalation, his adrenaline has climbed to the extreme.

same time.

His head was sober.


Cross burst into the most peak speed ever.

And this speed has evolved into the strongest punch ever:

Shave Iron Fist!

It’s a combination of adrenaline, shaving, and then, when the power reaches its peak, an explosion of iron.

Seemingly the same attack mode, in fact, has gathered all the power of Cross.

The hardness of the steel brought by the [Iron Block] made Cross’s fist as terrifying as a hammer.


Abomination receded.

But only half a step back.

“This punch is not bad!”

Rao is that Cross has done his best, Rao is that Cross’s attack power has skyrocketed, but in the eyes of hatred, it is only good.

“Come again!

Abomination came to interest.

Looking at Cross’s eyes, it was like a beast seeing delicious prey.

“It’s over.”

Cross is sad.

His use of iron blocks is not very skilled.

The combination just now was the strongest attack combination he had practiced while stealing the air recently.

Because the number of practice is relatively large, it is relatively skilled, so it can be used in actual combat.

Just didn’t expect it.

His strongest blow was actually only a small step back for the opponent.

He really didn’t have the confidence to fight.


Hulk’s roar was heard in the distance.

Disgusting to hear the words, there is no time to pay attention to Cross, turned around and took a leap, and jumped out a hundred meters exaggeratedly.

Then he aggressively rammed the bus that was abandoned in the middle of the road, opened the taxi that was blocking the road, and killed the green figure that kept jumping between tall buildings in the distance.


“It’s the Hulk that’s more charming!”

An Yi landed leisurely.

Seeing An Yi, Cross was completely relieved.

Hate is stronger.

Whether it can withstand An Yi’s punch is unknown.

“Are the others okay? 99

Cross asked.

“It’s all right.”

“It’s just a little trickier about your son.

After An Yi answered very casually, he said, “Let’s go, there’s nothing interesting here. 99

Little Skye’s school is far from the city center.

totally unaffected.

And Wesley left Thor to protect Helen before following Fox.

Then Helen had An Yi, John and their support.

Safety is ok.

“You’re so optimistic about the Hulk?”

Cross questioned: “That hate seems to be smarter and more cunning than Hulk!”

“Hate doesn’t have to be played.

“What if he can beat the Hulk?”

An Yi replied: “I promise that within half an hour, Iron Man, Captain America, Punisher, etc. will appear one after another. At that time, do you think there is still a chance for hatred?

Cross shook his head without thinking.

this world.

Who can stop the combined siege of the Hulk, Captain America, Iron Man and the Punisher?

Perhaps only the man in front of him can do it.

The Hulk’s timeline is the least affected of all superheroes.

So so far.

(dacd) It’s just a glitch in that Hate’s appearance time is slightly earlier.

In the end, the Hulk’s victory was still the end.

The Hulk then took the opportunity to escape.

Left suspense to countless people.

And the chain reaction brought about by the matter has not yet been completed.

Like Wesley.

“Are you crazy?””

Wesley grabbed Fox and scolded: “You’ve been thinking about it all night, just want to go back and die? 39

last night.

The confused Fox and Wesley returned.

Then from Cross, I saw Sloan’s name appearing in the photo on the Loom of Fate.

Cross knew Sloan well.

So in order to preserve the evidence, it was specially photographed.

Faced with this ironclad evidence, Fox’s world crumbled.

She still can’t accept black and white being reversed.


She wanted to go back and ask.

“What can you do when you go back?

“Let’s just assume that Sloan will admit it.

Cross walked in slowly and said: “He who can best understand people’s hearts, I’m afraid he will take out your names and say that because you helped him, you have become sinners of fate, and your names also appeared on the loom of fate.

Afterwards, Clos asked bitterly: “At that time, would the decaying mutual aid association commit suicide collectively?”

“Every killer can only watch the Loom of Fate once in his life.

“So the name on the Loom of Fate is purely up to Sloan.

“Have your names ever appeared, the truth will always be known only to Sloan. 35

With Wesley’s addition, Fox lost momentum.

“You’re either going to die in vain now! 35

“Either join us and find a chance to end Sloan, the sinner of fate!

Cross put the gun in Fox’s hand.


Fox compared his eyes and slowly put down the gun.

It is clear.

She chose Wesley’s side.

At this time.

Endless colorful streamers fell from the sky.

The world of light curtains that is both real and illusory reappears.

[Top Ten Battle Powers in the World]

【Ninth place】


With a height of 3 meters, a super-ugly monster with muscles all over his body, his spine and sternum almost breaking out of the skin, he suddenly appeared in the eyes of billions of people.

a time.

Countless children were frightened and cried.

There are also countless timid people who are frightened and look unnatural.

But he.

Just hate.

A super villain who can scare away countless people just by selling looks alone.

[Abomination, a monster that failed to fuse twice. 】[His original name is no longer important, the important thing is that he has a stronger body than Hulk and more terrifying power than Hulk; and he still retains his wisdom and killing skills during his lifetime. 】

【He, Hulk’s destined challenger!】

Yesterday’s news fever has not dissipated yet.

The hatred was immediately counted.

This time the turmoil is more difficult to calm down.

Even some forces that don’t want to reveal too many secrets can’t stop the spread of the system.

“This monster is so ugly.”

“Stop crying at night, that’s the kind of monster you’re talking about.”

“When I see such a monster, I just want to run away, so it is impossible for me to be a superhero in my life. 99

“The battle scene between the two giants, that was so hot, fortunately I wasn’t there.

“I’ve seen some sporadic videos where it seems like a superhero goes out to stop it, but the attack hits him like it tickles him!

Hate the ugliness, and his strength.

In the fishing reel, it is the object of critical judgment by everyone.

This schadenfreude attitude made some people very uncomfortable.

Especially those who are sober.

It also makes a hypothesis:

If hatred is rewarded by the system and strengthened, who else can stop him?.

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