My Wuxian Identity Has Been Exposed

Chapter 82

Chapter 82

Chapter 082 Hate, completely crush Hulk!

“The eyelid blocks the bullet!”

“Naked anti-heavy machine gun! 99

Dr. Killian murmured: “Even someone like me who takes the perfect Extremis can’t be so exaggerated, right? 99

Dr. Killian’s words were purely self-inflicted.

The super physical strength, super self-healing and super body temperature brought by Extremis are all amazing super abilities.

But no matter how great it is, it can’t reach the level of hatred and Hulk.

Even a perfect fusion like Dr. Killian, let alone an anti-heavy machine gun, even a machine gun can sweep him into a hornet’s nest.


Just finished the cold-blooded injection of the new medicine, and felt an unprecedented sense of power.

He was very arrogant, and immediately put forward his opinion: “Why don’t I go to the ring? Then Captain America is nothing special.

Cold blood is luck.

Over the years, most of the experimental subjects who fused the imperfect Extremis died of self-destruction.

Even if they survive, they need to rely on continuous medicine to maintain.

But not only do not use cold blood, but also get super physical strength, super self-healing and super body temperature.

The difference with Dr. Killian.

It’s just that it can’t convert body temperature into Fire Ability.

“Your fusion degree is very “four six three” high.””

“Ability is also a bit of a restraint on Captain America.

“But our strength is not strong enough to expose too much.”

With Dr. Killian’s stubbornness, naturally, it will not be easily exposed.

Cold-blooded insisted: “But the winner’s reward is what we desperately need.

“We do need Vibranium.

“but not now.”

The mere 10 kilograms of Vibranium could not tempt Dr. Killian.

“No, Doctor.””

He asked cold-bloodedly: “If I defeat Captain America, will I replace Captain America and become the tenth in the combat power list? So I can get the same rich system rewards as Captain America?

Dr. Killian paused.

He’s been concentrating on perfecting Extremis lately, and hasn’t really noticed the connection in this regard.

10kg Vibranium is not tempting.

But the armed color is domineering, the six types of the navy, and the animal type devil fruit are different.

Dr. Killian is also greedy.

After thinking deeply, he asked curiously, “Cold-blooded, how sure are you? 35

Cold-blooded and confident reply: “If Captain America doesn’t have that Mjolnir, I’m at least 70% sure.

“Seventy percent!”

“Enough! 35

Dr. Killian nodded and said, “Then prepare yourself and shock the world!

Cold-blooded got the support he wanted, and he went out immediately.

As for what he’s going to do to prepare.

Dr. Killian doesn’t know.

But Dr. Killian knew what a madman cold-blooded was.

What he has prepared will surely surprise Captain America.

At this time.

The last scene of Abomination comes.

Scenario 3:


Hearing Hulk’s roar, Hatred immediately gave up Cross.

Hulk is his nightmare.

It is also the greatest wish of his life.

His current state is like a rhino in heat smelling the opposite sex.

No one or anything can stop him from challenging the Hulk.

With a bang.

It crossed the street for 1 km.

Whether it was a heavy double-decker bus or a collapsed building, they were all knocked out by him.


Hulk also jumped from the tall building in the distance.


Furious Charge!

Abomination, like a runaway heavy truck, slammed into the grounded Hulk frantically.


Hulk, who was caught off guard, was turned into a cannonball that flew backwards.

After the green cannonball flew out at least 50 meters, it smashed to the ground, bounced again, smashed through the burning car, and finally rubbed the ground for nearly 20 meters.

Hulk has never been so embarrassed.

It was difficult to stand for a while.

Even the Hulk with such an exaggerated tonnage was hit like this.

If it is another superhero, even Captain America in a killing battle suit, I am afraid that he will not die without losing half his life.


Hulk barely stood up, but the intense pain and dizziness caused him to kneel on one knee again.

“Ha ha ha ha………”

Abomination let out a hoarse laugh.

He is very proud!

Extremely proud!

Looking at the once incomparably powerful Hulk, being beaten so violently by himself.

His heart, not to mention how happy it is!

“come on!

“Enjoy the pain!

Hate wildly provocative actions against the Hulk.


Hulk was furious.

But he suddenly vented to the police car beside him.

A hammer nearly broke the police car.

A few blows of explosive hammers followed, and the last hands were torn out from left to right.

An intact police car was torn in two like this.

Abomination sensed something was wrong.


He launched a furious charge against the Hulk again!

But at the moment, the Hulk has thrust his hand into the police car.

A police car in one hand.

The two police cars turned into alternative gloves.


The disgusting giant fist slammed into the Hulk wearing the police car’s “gloves”, making a harsh metal crash.

Bow left and right!

With the blessing of the police car glove, Hulk aggressively blasted away the hated defense.

Nice right hook!

The hatred was doubled in the air and fell to the ground.

such an opportunity.

How could the Hulk be wasted.

Immediately jumped up, and bombarded the hated head with a storm of fists.

One punch, two punches!

keep pumping!

keep beating!

Draw the police car glove and fall apart!

Punched until Hulk appeared briefly exhausted.


Abomination only spit out a mouthful of blood, and asked hideously: “This is it?”

The humiliated Hulk roared and smashed his hated head with an angry punch.


Hate the sudden straight kick, kicked Hulk into a cannonball again, and smashed into a high-rise building dozens of meters away.

Hulk defeated.

But military reinforcements came.

The anti-equipment machine guns of the gunships began to strafing.

These weapons, which are specially designed to deal with tanks and armored vehicles, are quite threatening to abomination.

At least make hatred feel pain.

The hatred had to be avoided.

It was also the indiscriminate entry of military helicopters that gave Hulk enough time to breathe.

The audience, who had been holding Roar’s breath for a long time, had time to breathe.

“This monster!”

Tony is also moved…0

Hulk is the physical limit he expected.

As a result, there is a more terrifying one, and his anti-Hulk armor plan has to be optimized again.

“That’s the kind of monster you defeated last night?”

Pepper looked at Tony in surprise.

Happy is also curious enough.

“I didn’t beat it.”

Tony spread his hands: “When I arrived, the battle was over. 39

“Captain America’s strength is strong, but not to the point of threatening abomination.””

“The Punisher, Daredevil, and the others lack the corresponding equipment.

Little Pepper wondered: “It’s not you, it’s not the Hulk who has been defeated, right?

“It’s possible.

“Maybe the Hulk has potential that we don’t know about.”

Tony was also curious.

“But then again.

Little Pepper asked: “When the inventory is completed, the system will give rewards, and the hatred will definitely be stronger and more difficult to control. 99

“Do not worry!”

“I thought of this possibility yesterday, so I gave Roddy an emergency plan. 35

Tony said it proudly.

“What plan? 99

Pepper wondered: “Besides your super laser, I really can’t think of anything that can break through the defense of abomination.

Tony flicked his finger on the virtual screen.

A needle appeared.

However, the color of the needle is a bit strange.

Little Pepper was clearly aware of the material of the needle, and his eyes widened.

“Vibranium needles!”

“What a genius you are! 35

The little pepper has been brewing for a long time before it organizes the language.

Tony was even more complacent.

And At the moment.

The second round of the Abomination and Hulk battle has also begun.

The Hulk was in a rare state of exhaustion.

But hate.

Still so brave and so terrifying.


The painful stimulation and the intensification of hatred made his bones swell again.

It seemed more terrifying than before.


2.3 The two giants began to wrestle.

As a result, Hulk was pushed and stumbled in one face.

After that, he was pressed against the wall by the hatred, unable to move.


“Ah… 35

Abomination actually used the vomited bones as a weapon and stabbed Hulk’s body fiercely.

Hulk, who had never been in such pain, let out a tragic cry.

“You are so weak!”

“You don’t deserve this power!”

Abomination began to provoke again.

“You’re right here, watch your beloved die!

Abomination kept irritating the Hulk.

It also increases the output with time.

Choking, pain, and eagerness.

All this is crazy to stimulate the Hulk.


Hulk let out a terrifying roar.

Extreme emotions made Hulk burst into unprecedented power.

With his left hand, he forcibly broke open the right arm that had been stabbed in his heart by hatred.

At the same time, Hulk’s right hand abruptly pulled away the suffocating hand of disgust.

this moment.

Hulk’s power overwhelms hatred.


How could the hatred be able to accept such a reversal, and with a punch, it would smash Hulk’s head!

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