My Yandere Wife Doesn’t Appreciate The Fact That I’ve Been Summoned To Another World

Ch. 10 On The Road (Cecilia)

I can already feel how sore I’m going to be tomorrow. Cecilia sighed in the saddle of her favorite riding horse.


The princess was no stranger to horseback riding, but this would be her first trip longer than a few hours. The past two days passed in a whirlwind of activity. Between the hero, the high priest, and Cecilia’s personal bodyguard all pushing for the hero’s party to include the princess, the king and queen eventually relented and agreed to let her go. The gist of the argument that eventually won them over was the prophecy making it very clear that the hero was the only one who could save them. Kaitlyn and Cecilia gave Devin the best chance at victory.


I can give him the best chance… right? Cecilia’s hands gripped the reigns tights and she shifted a nervous glance at Devin riding just ahead of her.


As if sensing her gaze, Devin shifted around in his saddle and gave Cecilia a comforting smile. The princess tried to return it, but couldn’t quite get her face to respond accordingly. Devin stared at her for a few moments before he called out to the third rider ahead of them.


“Kaitlyn.” Devin shouted up to their armored lookout. “The sun will be going down soon. Should we find a place to camp?”


Kaitlyn turned around and bowed deeply at Cecilia.


“I’ll find a suitable place for us. Wait here where it is safe on the road.” The red haired swordswoman rode off of the compact dirt and began investigating the area around them.


“Something on your mind?” Devin pulled up his horse alongside Cecilia’s and gazed passively at the setting sun.


The princess remained quiet for a few moments until she could properly put her feelings into words.


“I guess I’m nervous.” Cecilia admitted eventually.


“Of being out in the world?” Devin guessed.


“That’s certainly part of it.” The princess sighed. “I used to be able to turn to Kaitlyn when I felt troubled, but lately… I don’t know she’s been quiet… intense. I don’t know how to put it into words but it feels like something has changed as of late.”


Cecilia turned her head to look at Devin directly. “You mentioned the other day that you’re looking to help me figure all of this out. Is that the only reason I’m here? I guess I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t actually believe that my magical abilities could help turn whatever battles come your way in your favor. As skilled as I may be, I lack any practical experience.”


Cecilia felt a swell of bitterness rise up within her. “My father has never trusted me enough to venture far outside of the castle. I get it. Right. I’m his only heir. If something happens to me our family line is ended and the crown falls to another royal family.”


Her eyes stung as all of her feelings poured out at once. “And now I’m here, finally, with his blessing and yet I feel woefully underprepared to be of any use.”


Devin nodded. “I know our situations are not the same, but If it’s any consolation for you I feel very similar.”


“You do?’ The princess wiped her eyes quickly.


“Of course.” Devin chuckled. “I mean I used to daydream about being transported somewhere and becoming a hero, but now that I’m here I’m constantly worried that I won’t end up being enough. What if the oddly specific prophecy is wrong and I’m not actually the guy it claims I am? And then if I actually admit that to anyone they’ll immediately panic since the hero himself doesn’t believe in his own fate.”


“So why did you just admit it to me?” Cecilia asked curiously.


“Because I trust you. Because I want you to be my party member. Yes I do want to help you figure out what’s going on between Kaitlyn and yourself, but I also fully believe the two of you may be exactly what I need to learn how to be a proper hero.” Devin looked at Cecilia with serious eyes. “I didn’t lie to anyone. I think you’re strong and will help a lot of people.”


Cecilia felt a warmth from Devin’s words ease her panicked mind. Even if he wasn’t a hero yet, he certainly had the charisma of one. The pair continued to watch Kaitlyn dip in and out of the treeline as she continued to hunt for the perfect camping spot.


“Have you ever liked someone?” Devin’s question broke the silence once again.


Cecilia blinked. “What? I like a lot of people.”


Devin rolled his eyes and grinned. “Romantically, princess. Have you ever liked someone in a romantic way? Or lustfull I guess since that’s one of the major goddesses here for whatever reason.”


“I-I don’t know.” The princess stammered and felt herself blush. “I guess I’ve enjoyed a lot of romance books growing up. I never really worried about it though since I assumed my marriage would be arranged for me.”


“I suppose I spoiled that plan.” Devin winced slightly. “I’m not sorry for being married to the love of my life, but I am sorry that it caused you trouble.


Cecilia smiled. “Don’t be. Even though I haven’t given it much thought until now, it’s rather freeing actually.”


“What are your thoughts on Kaitlyn?” Devin nodded his head to the red headed bodyguard who had dismounted in the distance and was inspecting the ground.


“She’s my best friend. I can’t imagine my life without her.” Cecilia answered immediately.


Devin smirked. “Okay so there’s a bit of hope there. She feels the same way about you. More than you even know. I understand that you haven’t given much mind to romance before now, but I want you to start paying attention to how your best friend looks at you.”


“Are… are you suggesting that Kaityln-”


“I don’t want to rob either of you from precious moments of discovery together so I won’t say the quiet part out loud.” Devin cut her off. “But I need you to be more aware so that the weight of what’s coming doesn’t blindside you.”


He looked at the princess with a pained expression. “Kaitlyn is a deeply caring person. She feels things to a greater degree than either you or I are able. Those kinds of feelings can become so great that they begin affecting her behavior, her actions, and her personality. If you remain blissfully unaware or if you push her away carelessly there’s a very real possibility that she breaks. I’m not asking you to lie to her or yourself. I just need you to start realizing your surroundings and come to your own conclusions.”


Cecilia frowned. “What do you mean by break?”


Devin’s eyes lost a bit of their color. “People could end up hurt… people you care about.”


He shook his head and quickly regained his composure. “Again, you don’t have to make any big decisions right now. Just observe. That’s all. I’ll be here to help you two figure things out however I can.”


A clattering of hooves brought the pair’s attention back to Kaitlyn who rode back up to meet them.


“Found a good spot. We should have plenty of coverage and the ground is relatively free from debris.” The bodyguard announced as she gazed expectantly at Cecilia.


The princess looked in her friend’s eyes, really looked. There was a thin layer of confidence masking a deeply rooted look of fear and desperation. Kaitlyn was looking for Cecilia’s approval. Scratch that. Cecilia could tell that Kaitlyn needed her approval.


“Thanks for your hard work.” Cecilia smiled warmly at her friend.


The princess watched joy spread across Kaitlyn’s face like flame burning through kindling. Cecilia gasped silently as she finally understood how much weight Kaitlyn gave the princess’ words.


“This way!” Kaitlyn beamed as she led the group down the side of the road and off to the spot she had selected for their overnight stay.


“It’s a good start.” Devin told Cecilia quietly as he rode alongside her. “Just keep watching. You’ll get it soon enough.”


Regularly scheduled chapter release. Thanks to everyone for your positive comments, likes, and ratings. Those always drive me forward. As always thanks for reading and I'll post again soon.

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