My Yandere Wife Doesn’t Appreciate The Fact That I’ve Been Summoned To Another World

Ch. 16 Thugs (Alison)

A group of bullies. Alison identified the men that stepped out onto the road in front of them.


It wasn’t hard to tell their history just from the way they carried themselves. They walked with an unearned swagger, daggers held casually in their hands, and an eager glint in their eyes as they approached. These were men that were used to getting exactly what they wanted and yearned for their victims to struggle. Scavengers. Too fearful to go after armed prey. Since Alison and Charles had no visible weaponry they must look like perfect targets.


And it’s not just money they’re after.


Alison could feel their eyes all over her. They didn’t pay the overweight Charles any mind. 




 Alison felt her hands twitch with rage.


“There’s only one man that can look at me the way you are.” Alison’s hands slowly closed into fists by her side as she rose to her feet.


The six men laughed loudly and brandished their knives eagerly.


“Is that right gorgeous?” The lead thug strode forward confidently. “And what look would that be?”


Alison wanted to make a move, but the words of her husband prevented her from doing so. She closed her eyes and could almost hear his wonderful voice talking to her at home.


“... I’m not asking you to let yourself get attacked, okay? All I’m saying is that you need to make sure that you don’t let yourself get sued after getting into a fight. We won’t be able to see each other very often if you end up in prison. If someone is approaching you make sure you tell them-”


“I feel threatened right now. If you step any closer or continue your actions I will be forced to defend myself.” Alison repeated out loud.


The thugs all paused and glanced at one another. Charles, whose hands were currently in the air, chuckled fearfully.


“You know it's great to see you take Devin’s instructions so seriously, no sarcasm here I’m honestly impressed, but I don’t think the same rules apply in this world.” Charles shot her a meaningful look.


“Pretty woman like you shouldn’t have a coward as a boyfriend.” The lead thug regained his composure and shot Alison a suggestive wink.


There was a flash of movement and the leader was sent spiraling away into the dirt. The five other members of his group collectively blinked and stared dumbly at their fallen leader as they tried to figure out what just happened. Alison looked down at her bloodied shoe and realized she had kicked the man in the face without thinking.


“Whoops.” She turned fearfully to Charles. “I gave him a warning. That will still count as self defense right?”


Charles shook his head and let out an insane chuckle. “Ha! I’m gonna die here!”


“What are you standing around for?” The leader lifted himself off of the ground and wiped the blood away from his broken nose. “Kill the fatty and tie her up!”


The five other thugs lumber forward forcing Alison to intervene. Even though Alison was the one to kick their leader in the face, the men seemed unconvinced she was the actual threat in this situation. All five had their knives pointed at Charles and leapt forward to cut him to pieces. The closest thug didn’t see Alison’s fist until it collided directly with his right eye. He fell back and let go of his knife. Stepping past the first man Alison snagged the blade out of the air and sent it flying past Charles’ ear to strike the furthest target directly in the chest. He let out a terrified gasp before falling backwards into the dirt.


Alison threw herself forward and tackled the next two to the ground, quickly disarming them in the process. Much to her dismay she was unable to untangle herself from the disorientated attackers fast enough to prevent the fifth and final thug from reaching Charles. To his credit, Charles attempted to defend himself with a wild kick. Unfortunately for him, Charles has the grace of a newborn deer and he caused himself to fall flat on his face, his kick missing its target by several feet.


Alison watched in terror as the blade of the fifth attacker sliced Charles’ cheek on his way by. Snagging both of the fallen knives beside her Alison sent one spinning directly into the thug’s neck. The man gripped his neck and fell back with a heavy thud. Alison felt a hand beneath her grip her legs and attempt to topple her over. She grabbed the last dagger and plunged it down into the back of the man grappling her legs. He cried out in pain, but a second stab cut his voice short. The last thug crawled as fast as he could towards the tall grass. He was quick, but Alison’s dagger was much quicker. Alison took a moment to glance towards the bloodied but still standing leader.


The leader stood frozen in place, mouth agape as he watched his men bleed out on the dirt road in front of him. Once Alison made eye contact with him he reached a hand around his back and hastily withdrew a clear vial of liquid.


“Stay back!” He shouted as he dumped the contents of the vial over his blade. “One touch of this poison and you’ll be dead!”


Alison darted forward and hit the leader’s chest with both arms. As he fell back she pried the dagger from his loose grip and held up the dripping edge to her mouth. She made direct eye contact with the leader on the ground and licked the side of the blade.


“Nightshade.” Alison identified the poisonous liquid before spitting the contents out onto the ground. “Heavily diluted and poorly refined. If you made this then you’re an idiot who doesn’t know what you’re doing. If you bought it then you’re an idiot who doesn’t know what he’s offered.”


She twisted the dagger around and plunged it deep into the man’s thigh. He cried out in agony as his worn cloth pants instantly ran red with his blood.


“The poison won’t be enough to kill you. It will make you very sick over the next few days, though, you’ll bleed out long before that happens.” Alison spoke calmly and without concern.


“Please don’t kill me!” The leader held his bleeding leg and cried tears of genuine terror. “I’ll do anything.”


“I have questions for you.” Alison reached down and gripped the dagger’s handle.


The leader whimpered, but didn’t try to push her away.


“If you’re not honest or I don’t like your answers then this dagger is going in your other leg.” She nudged the dagger causing him to scream out in pain.


“Okay! Okay!”


“Where is Devin Klien?” She shouted at the leader.


He shivered and lifted his arms as a weak barrier between them. “W-who? Devin Klien? I-I don’t know anyone by that name. Please. I’m telling the truth!”


“Charles!” She called out to her traveling companion.


Charles stumbled over holding some grass to his cut cheek.


“Y-yeah?” He asked as he eyed the crying leader apprehensively.


Alison took a second to breathe deeply before answering. “This piece of human debris has agreed to answer our questions in exchange for me not cutting him to bits. All I can think about is asking about my husband, but I can tell he doesn’t recognize his name. Please ask any question you can think of that could help us in this new world.”


Charles nodded. “Okay. Yeah, let me think.”


Alison let Charles work through his thoughts while she continued to hold the handle of the poisoned dagger with menacing intentions.

I’m here Devin. She thought to herself. We’re on our way.


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