My Yandere Wife Doesn’t Appreciate The Fact That I’ve Been Summoned To Another World

Ch. 20 The Coming Storm (Devin)

A heavy set of footsteps woke Devin right before a hand gently shook his shoulder.


“Sorry to disturb you sir, but the commander has requested your presence.”


Devin grunted and rubbed his waking eyes to see the tired soldier clearly in the dim morning light streaming through the high fortress’ windows.


“Is something wrong?” Devin stifled a yawn and stretched out as he stood.


The soldier shook his head. “The commander will have to answer that one sir. If you could also wake your companions. He wanted all of you, so …”


The guard trailed off and glanced down at the pair sleeping by Devin’s makeshift bed. Devin looked down as well and couldn’t help but smile at what he saw. Cecilia had her arms held around her bodyguard’s waist, holding her close as the pair slept. Kaitlyn had her own arms around the princess’ shoulders, keeping Cecilia’s head gently nestled against her chest. Both of them radiated a pleasant contentment as the sun slowly crept up through the windows in the distance.


“I’ll take care of getting them up. We’ll meet the commander shortly.” Devin nodded for the soldier to go.


After the soldier departed Devin stooped down and gently shook both Cecilia and Kaitlyn’s shoulders. He hated waking them from their cozy position, but unfortunately their duty as adventurers called.


“What is it?” The princess asked groggily. “Is it morning already?”


Kaitlyn wasn’t nearly as pleasant. The red haired bodyguard glared daggers at Devin as she clutched Cecilia tighter against her chest.


“I’ll punch a hole right through your chest if you ruin this for me.” Kaitlyn growled intensely. “Just leave and let us sleep for a while longer… like a week, no, two weeks like this. Then we can get up.”


Devin chuckled. “I’d love to, but the commander called for us. It sounds urgent.”


Kaitlyn’s nostrils flared at the mention of the young man in charge of this fortress.


“Come on Kaitlyn.” Cecilia smiled and gently peeled herself out of the other girl’s embrace. “I’m feeling perfectly rested anyway.”


Kaitlyn sighed heavily but stood and gathered her gear as well. The trio strode off, careful not to step on any sleeping refugees from Brynsville as they made their way up to the commander’s office. The door opened just before Devin reached the handle and a squad of muddied soldiers in leather armor and baggy eyelids stepped out and around his party.


“You’re here, good.” Commander Larze called them in after they let the soldiers pass.


“Everything all right around here?” Devin asked as he noted the tense atmosphere in the room.


The office was simple in its design and it was clear from the lack of decoration that Larze used it for function rather than formalities. Written reports concerning supplies, troop preparation level, and refugee incidents covered the large desk that dominated the center of the room. Kaitlyn shut the door behind them as Devin took one of the many chairs in front of Larze’s desk. Cecilia did the same.


“No.” The commander stated bluntly. “This fortress wasn’t designed to house a town’s worth of people and a full garrison at the same time. We need to evacuate them further into the kingdom, but none of my messengers have made it back to my superiors.”


“Can’t you march them there with the garrison?” Devin questioned. “Isn’t that why these troops are out here? To protect the people? Surely a large column of troops could deal with whatever has been intercepting your messengers.”


Larze shook his head. “Under normal circumstances we could, but I’m in no position to split my forces at the moment.”


He brushed aside a few miscellaneous papers to reveal a map of the area around Fort Steel.


“Scouts have reported demon movements just outside of our border. Small groups, I admit, but they could easily be advanced parties ahead of a larger invasion force.” The commander pointed to a few locations outside of the kingdom’s border. “I can’t risk leaving the fortress under defended, but I also can’t afford to be besieged while housing a large number of civilians.”


“The crown will help.” Cecilia stated firmly. “We just have to get a message through and the king will send all of the help you need.”


Larze nodded. “That’s the idea, but we need to act sooner rather than later.”


“What do you want from us?” Kaitlyn asked.


The red haired bodyguard hadn’t sat down, instead, she stood just behind Cecilia’s chair with her arms folded defensively.


“I need your party to clear the way to the capital.” The commander pointed at the road leading back towards Fevel. “There’s something out there and it needs to be dealt with before we send the refugees out on the road.”


“We came out here along this road and we didn’t see anything.” Devin noted.


Larze shook his head. “I guess it’s only concerned with people leaving in one direction. Like I said, we don’t know exactly what we’re dealing with.”


Devin noticed Cecilia take a deep breath before announcing firmly, “We’ll do it.”


The commander smiled at the princess. “Thank you. We’ll start the preparation to give the people of Brynville what they need to make the journey, but please understand this.”


He looked at each one of them in turn. “Regardless of how your quest goes, these refugees will be on the road by tomorrow morning. Before you call me heartless or stupid please hear me out.”


Larze turned and gazed out the small window along the back wall of his office. Beyond lay the morning rays cresting the horizon and illuminating the lands beyond the kingdom’s borders.


“It may seem overly cautious to say this after only a few scout reports, but something is coming.” He glanced back at the party with a haunted look. “We are the kingdom’s first line of defense, but I fear we will not be enough for whatever is out there. The people of Brynville need to get out while they can.”


“This can’t just be about the reports over the border.” Devin leaned forward. “Is there something else you’re not telling us?”


Larze sighed and picked up the latest paper atop his large pile. “The men you just saw who were with me before you entered came from Brynville itself.”


“Did they fight off the goblins?” Devin asked, remembering how worn out the soldiers looked.


Larze shook his head. “There were no goblins there.”


Kaitlyn cocked her head. “The beasts moved on?”


“My men went into the town and found… strange things.” The commander paused a moment before continuing. “The goblins left all of their equipment, stolen goods, rancid food, everything. Like they just vanished…”


Devin felt a chill run down his spine.


“The men also reported strange shadows on the walls, almost like burn marks. There were outlines of goblin shadows burned into the walls of the town, but no bodies to be found.” Larze shook his head. “I don’t know what to make of it, but it gives me a bad feeling.”


Devin nodded slowly. The commander’s instincts sounded like they matched his own almost to the letter.


“We’ll get through to the capital.” Devin stood and bowed to Larze. “We’ll make sure the road is safe for the citizens who will follow us. You have my word.”


The commander smiled once more, stood, and returned Devin’s bow of respect. “Thank you. All of you. Supplies have already been packed on your horses downstairs. May the divine bless you on your mission.”


Devin led Cecilia and Kaitlyn out of the commander’s office with determined strides.


Feeling much better this week compared to last week so here's the regularly scheduled release. Thank you all for your understanding and patience. Most of all thanks for reading and be sure to check back later for more.

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