My Yandere Wife Doesn’t Appreciate The Fact That I’ve Been Summoned To Another World

Ch. 26 First Meeting (Devin)

Kaitlyn’s flight to save Cecilia left Devin in an odd situation. Now that the road was free from the monster that had preyed upon messengers, he was left alone with nothing but his own thoughts. It was the first time since being summoned to this world that Devin was truly alone. While Devin inspected his horse with the intention of riding it back towards Fort Steel to hopefully lead the refugees back to the capital, his thoughts began to drift towards the rose in his pocket and the first time he’d seen such a beautiful flower.



(Six Years Ago, Earth)


“... Honestly the only reason people ‘enjoyed’ the story is cause the main character actually marries all of his harem members.” Charles scoffed and shook his head. “I mean the fact that he has a smartphone doesn’t contribute much of anything compared to the magic he’s given. Or the physical enhancements. Or the fact that god straight up made him smarter.”


Devin took a sip from his water bottle and eyed his friend across the high school lunch table. The room was abuzz with conversation as summer break drew ever closer. Devin sat at his usual table occupied by himself, his best friend, and a few stoner kids taking naps on the far end of cracked plastic wood.


“I didn’t realize you cared so much about the story.” Devin finished sipping his water and tossed the nearly empty container back into his bag on the floor.


Charles scowled. “I don’t. It’s dumb.”


“Dude you’ve been ranting for like twenty minutes about this novel. How much of it did you even read?”


Charles’ pudgy face grew a bit red. “Only like… the first hundred chapters or so… but they’re short chapters so it’s not like I really got into it!”


“If you hated it so much why’d you keep reading?” Devin chuckled as he gathered his lunch tray together.


“... The heroines were pretty cute…” Charles shrugged and watched Devin get up from the table. “Where are you going so early? Lunch isn’t even over yet and next we have English class. I thought Mrs. Belmont had an early retirement and the school gave up and told us to make it a study period?”


Devin nodded. “We do. I thought I’d pick up an energy drink down the street. I’ll be back before our ‘study period’ ends.”


Charles perked up. “Grab me one?”


Devin smirked. “You’re not going to even pretend you want to come along?”


“I’d love to walk that mile in potential rain.” Charles nodded to the overcast sky outside before pulling out his phone. “But I have prior engagements I’m afraid.”


“Yes. Do your daily tasks for your army of waifus.” Devin snickered as he watched his friend open up the latest gacha game he’d been obsessing over.


“You’ve never had a girlfriend in your life either dude. Don’t throw stones from a glass house my friend.” Charles shot back as Devin walked away.


Devin wanted to laugh it off but something about Charles’ words struck a chord within him. He walked out of the side entrance of the school’s cafeteria and began his long walk towards the nearest convenience store. Earlier in the year he might have been stopped and questioned by a teacher or school staff member, but it was late enough in the year that as long as you looked like you were walking with purpose no one bothered. Devin set out along the sidewalk and passed the neighboring office buildings with his head down as he pondered his internal feelings.


That’s not the first time we’ve joked about never having girlfriends, so why am I so bothered by it… A few droplets of water fell on Devin’s shoulders without his knowledge.


I guess I always thought I’d at least meet someone in high school? And now another year has come and gone without so much as a date… Devin sighed.


He wondered what it would take for fate to intervene in his pathetic love life.


Thunder rumbled in the gray sky above and the droplets turned into a steady torrent of rain. Devin vainly held his hands up to shield his head, but knew he needed to find something to stand under before he was soaked through. Without realizing it, Devin had already reached the public park that was a couple of blocks down from his school. It wasn’t a very large park. More of just an open grass area with a few trees and flower gardens. Just inside the entrance sat a large gazebo that offered decent coverage from the sudden downpour. Devin ducked into the gazebo and shook off what loose rain he could from his backpack.


It was then he spotted it. The white rose. It grew in the soil which formed a semi-circle around the gazebo. The flower stood proudly in the rain, unmarred by the intensity of the downpour. Despite knowing he could get in trouble by the groundskeeper if he got caught, Devin found himself reaching down to pluck the specimen from its base. It came free with little effort and Devin spun the stem slowly between his fingers, marveling at its perfect shape and color.


As quickly as it had come the downpour ended. A few stray droplets continued to fall, but there wasn’t any risk of being soaked from head to toe anymore. Devin glanced up at the thinning clouds and made to exit the park to continue his trip to the convenience store. A figure on a bench at the center of the park caught his eye. It was a girl. 


She had sat so perfectly still through the entire rain storm that Devin hadn’t even noticed she was there. She wore a wide brim white sun hat that hid her face, but had done little to protect her from the downpour that had just ended. Devin could see from here that the poor girl’s maroon blouse and knee length black skirt were drenched. Both of her arms hung so limply at her sides that Devin thought for a moment that the girl might have been dead. It was only after he watched her chest subtly rise and fall that he curbed that initial panic.


Still, she could be hurt… Devin reasoned to himself as he jogged over to the park bench. She has to be around my age. I wonder what she’s doing in the park on a Wednesday afternoon?


“Hey, are you okay?” He called out to her.


The girl remained motionless as Devin slowed to a stop right in front of her.


“I just saw you were out here during that rainstorm and thought…”


Devin trailed off as he noticed water drip from the girl’s face and onto her lap. It would be easy to write it off as rain water, but Devin knew instinctively that the girl was crying long slow tears.


No one who looks this defeated sits through a rainstorm because they’re having a good time. Devin sighed.


He wasn’t sure how to best help this poor girl out.


“I’d like to be alone.”


A small voice whispered just loud enough for Devin to hear.


“Can I at least get you a towel or maybe call someone-”




The girl spoke just as softly, but with a firmness that Devin couldn’t ignore.


“Okay.” He paused and set down the white rose he had plucked into the girl’s limp hand at her side.


“Hey look, whatever you’re going through, just know that there are always people out there that care about you.” Devin coughed awkwardly. “So uh, don’t go giving up or anything like that.”


The girl didn’t respond but her hand curled around the stem of the rose. Devin waited a minute longer to see if the girl would talk to him any more, but left after she remained passive. Devin hurried to the convenience store and purchased the energy drinks he set out for along with a pair of hand warmers and a microwaved cup of noodles for the girl in the park. Much to his dismay, the girl was gone by the time he got back. Devin looked around the park for any sign of her, but gave up and continued his walk back to school.


I hope she’s all right. Devin imagined a different scenario where the girl cried on his shoulder and allowed him to help her.


Cheesy images of being her hero emerged in his head where things played out differently. Devin normally would have shut such thoughts down as being silly and impossible, but on today of all days he allowed himself to dream.


She was pretty. Devin sighed. Maybe I’ll get the chance to meet her again someday.


In his distracted mental state Devin didn’t notice the presence of eyes watching him all the way back from the park to his school.


Regularly scheduled release. As a forewarning, an unexpected trip has been sent my way this next week so unfortunately I won't be able to post at all while I'm away. I'll try to get a second chapter out this week if I'm able. If not the next chapter will be two weeks from today. Thanks for understanding!
As always thanks for your time and thanks for reading.

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