My Yandere Wife Doesn’t Appreciate The Fact That I’ve Been Summoned To Another World

Ch. 3 Sized, Measured, Found Wanting (Devin)

One of the skills Devin learned at a young age was how to project an air of confidence and calm. It helped him in school, in his love life, and the short time he had been in the corporate world. No matter the situation Devin always took on challenges with patience and a level head. The truth of the matter was that Devin frequently felt pressured, overwhelmed, and uncertain of problems he was facing. Traveling to another world was no different.


Sure he had read a lot of novels, web stories, mangas, etc. but reading about an experience and going through it yourself are two completely different things. The hours after his encounter with the royal family went by in a blur of activity. Devin was examined closely by the attending royal physician to ensure he wasn’t experiencing any ill effects from the transportation to this world. He met a number of high ranking kingdom officials, generals, and nobility.


Comments were made about his stature, mannerisms, body structure, speech patterns, and countless other details that made Devin feel more like a prized cow than a hero. Like he was being sized up and evaluated before he even had a chance to do anything in this world. Funnily enough, such a whirlwind experience reminded Devin of his first day at work in the corporate world. There too Devin felt like he had been judged immediately without a chance to show his worth. He managed to maintain his outward air of calm confidence, but inside Devin was nervous.


Throughout the rest of the day the princess and her bodyguard remained by his side. Devin knew that his outright rejection of the king and queen’s offer of their daughter’s hand in marriage must have stung the younger girl, but the blond haired princess remained nothing but polite and helpful to him as he was shuffled from one part of the castle to the next without rest. Princess Cecilia’s bodyguard, Kaitlyn Chace, was not as pleasant to be around. 


The red haired young woman watched Devin with complex hazel eyes. Devin couldn’t tell if the bodyguard liked him or hated him for how he rejected Cecilia’s marriage proposal. Kaitlyn always stood in the back with her hand on the pommel of her sword and Devin could feel her eyes constantly watching him whenever Cecillia was near. Fortunately, the day eventually came to an end and he was escorted to a large room where he would stay the night.


“I’m not sure what level of comfort you are accustomed to, but I hope this will suffice.” The princess gestured passively to the lavish bedroom.


Devin shook his head. “This is wonderful. Thank you.”


He stepped into the room and sat down heavily on the edge of the cushy bed. Out of pure habit, his hands reached down to remove his phone and wallet from his pants before Devin remembered that nothing but his clothes had come with him. He reached up to his collar and noted that the small tracker his wife had placed on him hadn’t made the trip either. 


The full weight of being separated from Alison fully settled on Devin. It must have shown on his face because the princess took a step forward with a worried frown.


“Is there something wrong with the bed?” Her crystal blue eyes scanned what she thought was the offending furniture for defects.


Devin quickly shook his head. “No. It feels great actually. I’m just tired.”


Cecilia frowned, but Kaitlyn stepped forward before the princess could inquire further.


“We should leave the hero to his rest.” Kaitlyn placed a protective hand on Cecilia’s arm.


That look in her eyes… Is she… Devin pondered to himself as Kaitlyn glared in his direction.


The princess nodded but remained stationary. Devin raised a questioning eyebrow.


“Do you have any further questions or… requests of me before I depart?” Cecilia asked him with a determined voice.


Kaitlyn stiffened ever so slightly and Devin could feel hostility radiating from the princess’ bodyguard. Cecilia herself seemed determined to be of use to Devin, though he thought he could detect a note of worry in the princess’ voice. Devin decided to play it safe and ask a simple question.


“What am I going to be doing tomorrow?”


Cecilia smiled and nodded. “Of course. Tomorrow you will be presented to the high priest who will help determine your class and magical potential.”


Devin stirred at that.


“Oh?” He leaned forward with an eager smile. “I was starting to think all I was summoned for was political meetings.”


The princess grimaced. “I do apologize for today, hero. The truth is your arrival marks a potential shake up of political power within the kingdom. Many are eager to see if you will be as powerful an ally as the prophecy foretold you to be.”


Devin nodded. He already felt like he had been sized up as a potential pawn, though many probably left disappointed today judging from the looks he saw on a lot of faces. There wasn’t much Devin could do about that.


“So am I just going to be permanently told where to go and what to do?” Devin asked directly.


Cecilia adamantly shook her head. “We would never, sir Devin Klien.”


“You can skip the sir and my last name. Just Devin will suffice.”


“Apologies… Devin.” She said with a warm smile. “But after we get you situated with a class, magical potential, equipment, and a team to travel with you will be free to journey forth to find and fulfill your destiny as you deem best. We simply want to give you the best chance at success with the tools we have.”


Kaitlyn had yet to remove her hand from the princess’ arm. Devin cleared his throat and nodded back to the bed he sat on.


“Well it’s been a long day so I’m going to try and get some sleep now. I’m sure I’ll have more questions in the morning.”


Cecilia nodded and Kaitlyn relaxed slightly.


“Of course sir… I mean Devin. Have a pleasant evening.” The princess allowed Kaitlyn to lead her out of the room.


Devin let himself fall back onto the plush lavender scented bed sheets and sigh. Truthfully he didn’t actually believe he was going to be able to sleep tonight. There was too much happening for his brain to turn off no matter how tired he was. Instead, Devin put his hands up behind his head and sifted through his thoughts as the light from the window slowly faded to night.

Bonus chapter for such a well received launch. Thank you for reading and lets keep this ball rolling.

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