My Yandere Wife Doesn’t Appreciate The Fact That I’ve Been Summoned To Another World

Ch. 30 Night Visitor (Devin)

Though the capital was well within a day on horseback, the caravan of mostly walking refugees only made it a small fraction of that distance by the time the sun set that day. Devin maintained his position at the back of the group along with the bandaged woman who rode next to him on Cecilia’s horse. Though tired, an air of relief filled the camp as there was finally a bit of distance between the refugees and the attack on their town as well as the siege of Fort Steel.


Devin helped set up the meager tents and makeshift shelters for the oldest townsfolk while the younger members simply set out on the grass for a night under the stars. Despite his best attempts at turning them down, the refugees insisted on giving Devin his own tent just off to the side of the group. It was clear they respected him enough to give him his own space and Devin eventually relented. 


At some point as the evening fell he lost track of the bandaged woman. Cecilia’s horse remained tied off next to Devin’s own mount so he figured the injured woman had found a spot to sleep somewhere else. He didn’t mind her finding her own space, it just felt odd that she hadn’t said anything to him before leaving. Devin shrugged off his worry and settled down in his own tent. His hands regularly felt the lump on his chest where the rose was stored in his innermost pocket. Memories of the past filled his mind as he drifted off to sleep that night.



(Six Years Ago)


“You’ve gotta open every door for her, but not in a way that makes it feel like she couldn’t open the door if she wanted to.” Charles paced back and forth behind Devin as he buttoned up the nicest shirt he had.


Devin’s hair shone from a recent shower and gel holding the wet hair back in a stylish wave. The shirt he finished buttoning was the only collared shirt he owned that didn’t look like he was attending a funeral. It was a checkered patterned blue button up. Devin had the cuffs unbuttoned and rolled back just behind his wrists. Partly to look fancy, partly to hide the fact the sleeves were too long for his arms. He wore brand new jeans that fit him well and a newer pair of black tennis shoes.


“Because if she feels like you’re doing it because she’s incapable then you’ll lose respect points and those are expensive to make up.” Charles paused his pacing to look Devin up and down. “You look like you’re applying for a job with a tech company.”


Devin glanced at his friend. “Is that a bad thing?”


“Yeah… but,” Charles looked at the emptied closet and the pile of rejected clothes on the floor. “I don’t think we’re going to get much better than that.”


Devin frowned and inspected his outfit one last time. Neither one of them had ever been on a date so this was new territory for both of them. 


There’s nothing quite like being asked out on a date by the prettiest girl you’ve ever seen to make you realize you look like trash every single day. Devin thought glumly as he sighed and turned away from his bedroom mirror.


“Hey man, if she didn’t think you looked all right she wouldn’t have asked you out in the first place.” Charles pointed out as he slapped Devin on the back.


Devin nodded. “I suppose. I just want to make a good impression.”


“Heroically handing her a beautiful flower when she is crying in the rain wasn’t a good enough first impression for you?” Charles snickered. “That’s the smoothest you’ll ever be in your life dude.”


A knock at the front door sent them both reeling. They scrambled over to Devin’s bedroom window and peeked clumsily out of the blinds down to the front door directly below. The top of a girl's head could be seen patiently waiting at the doorstep. Charles let out an appreciative whistle.


“You know when you said she had white hair I thought it was dyed, but I can clearly see her roots from here and she’s all natural dude.”


Devin pulled Charles away from the window and scowled at him.


Charles grinned and pushed Devin towards his door. “Get going dude she’s waiting for you.”


As if on queue the doorbell rang from below. Devin cursed and dashed out of his room and down the stairs. He paused at the front door to take a steadying breath and to smooth out his clothes one last time before opening the door.


“Sorry to keep y-” Devin’s apology died in his throat the second his date came into view.


She was even more beautiful today than she had been when she had bumped into him after school and asked him out on a date. She wore a loose fitting white blouse and a deep maroon skirt that ended just above her knees. Black strapped sandals left her gorgeous legs on display from her skirt down to her ankles. Her pale arms held each other behind her back as she swayed gently in place in front of him. Her crimson eyes twinkled with intense excitement and her mouth pulled open to a wide blinding smile.


“Everything okay?” She asked with a curious tilt of her head.


Devin realized his mouth had remained open even though his words had frozen in his throat. He awkwardly coughed and waved away her question.


“No, I mean, yes! You just…” Devin cleared his throat again. “You look amazing Elizabeth.”


Elizabeth beamed at his praise and pulled him out of his front door.


“Come on Devin. We have all evening to enjoy our first date!”




A strange feeling jolted Devin awake from his dream of the first date he ever went on. His rapid breathing and pounding heart were in direct contrast to how relaxed he had just felt in his dream. As he sat up in his bed still inside the dark tent the refugees had provided him Devin noticed a small slip of paper fall off of his chest. Devin did a quick scan of the tent but no one else was here and none of his stuff was out of place. Even though everything appeared normal Devin couldn’t shake the ominous feeling that had overpowered his sleep. Reaching down, Devin scooped up the loose piece of paper from where it fell next to his bed.


“New skill unlocked: Alacer, Danger Sense. Your connection with me has enabled you to grow more in tune with the feelings of those around you, particularly those that wish you harm. 


Stay Safe,



Devin froze. Every interaction with his patron thus far had been conducted in person. The last time they had spoken was when Devin unlocked his last ability.


She was going to investigate that strange source of energy somehow caused by me… Devin’s eyes widened.


If Eros wasn’t able to come in person then that means she’s either busy or being blocked. Either way it didn’t bode well for Devin. Neither did his new danger sense. The unfamiliar feeling radiated in his chest like a fire, sending the hairs on his arms on end while adrenaline flooded his veins.


Something was here. Something was close.


A loud rip broke the quiet night as a dart tore through the thin tent wall and embedded itself in Devin’s bed right where his neck had been moments earlier. Cursing, Devin rolled to the side and grabbed his sword and shield from off the floor. There was no time to even consider putting on his studded leather as the support poles were yanked out of place and the tent collapsed on top of Devin. He yelped and tried to get his sword up but it proved too late as the falling roof knocked him to the ground. Another loud rip as a second dart tore through the material near Devin’s head. He forced his arms up through the opening and ripped the tent wall with as much force as he could.


Before he fully removed himself from the tangled mess of a tent a third dart grazed his arm. The small bladed tip drew a sharp line of blood as it cut through Devin’s night shirt with ease and spun away into the dark behind him. A cold numbness seeped from the wound.


A poison of some kind. Devin cursed his unseen attacker as he finally managed to free himself from the remains of his shelter.


The night was cool and dark as he spun in place, sword and shield raised for combat. His danger sense could tell him that his attacker was still close but it wasn’t so finely tuned as to indicate a direction. Devin winced as his sword arm grew heavier in his grasp. The poison from the cut in his arm continued to slowly spread its numbness, though, it did feel like it was slowing down. Devin shuddered to think what would have happened to him if he had been struck by a dart directly.


“You surprise me, hero.” A snarling woman’s voice called out from behind him.


Devin spun to find the bandaged woman discarding a small tube to the side.


Looks like she’s out of darts. Devin noted as he readied his stance.


“Then again, even a quick bug is still just a bug.” The woman’s bandages fell away to reveal red skin and a hateful expression. 


The demon woman leered at Devin. “To think such a perfect being would be obsessed over someone as trivial and pathetic as you.”


“Who are-”


The demon took advantage of his question to dash forward. She spun, bringing her heel around with blinding quickness as she aimed to crush the side of Devin’s skull. He managed to roll away from the kick, softening the blow with momentum as he stumbled to the side.


“Tch.” The demon woman clicked her tongue angrily before closing the distance a second time.


Devin was ready for the follow up. His shield caught the demon’s next kick and Devin brought his elbow up to catch the side of his attacker’s head. It was the demon woman’s turn to stumble away slightly dazed. Shouts could be heard in the distance as a few of the sentries the townsfolk had assigned themselves began to notice the scuffle happening on one side of the camp. The closest sentry threw his pitchfork with all of his strength at the demon woman and, even though it fell well short of its mark, the long ranged attack was just the distraction that Devin needed.


The attacker flinched as she caught sight of the pitchfork sailing through the air in her peripherals. She turned her head slightly to assess this new threat and broke her concentration on Devin for just a moment. Devin launched himself at the demon woman, surprising her as his larger body collided with hers and forced her to the ground with a pained scream. It took all of Devin’s strength to keep her pinned to the ground as the makeshift sentries ran up to the scene.


“Get some rope or whatever you have to tie her up!” Devin barked at them.


Even though it would be dangerous Devin was determined to keep this attacker alive. She was sent here by someone. Sent here for him specifically. It was time to get some answers.


Apologies for the missed week last week. I came down with covid and was out of commission for a few days. Normally I'd write a message to let you readers know I wasn't dead or ignoring my promises, but I was so out of it time sort of got away from me. We're back and feeling much better now. Look out for an extra chapter tomorrow as a way to catch up to where we should be at this point in time.

Thanks as always for reading and I hope to see you again soon!

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