My Yandere Wife Doesn’t Appreciate The Fact That I’ve Been Summoned To Another World

Ch. 31 Change (Charles)

The morning sunlight was both comforting and nerve wracking when Charles and Alison exited the hidden smuggler’s tunnel into a dirty alleyway.


“I’ll be honest, I didn’t expect traveling to another world would involve moving through so much garbage.” Charles grumbled as he scraped foul gunk off of his shoes.


“Given the condition of your apartment I thought you’d feel right at home.” Alison stated matter of factly.


Charles felt the impact of the verbal jab but had to laugh at her quick wit. “Yeah. You’re certainly right about that one.”


Alison led them over to the end of the alley where they peaked out onto the mostly empty side street.


“Speaking of trash.” Charles glanced down on his ripped and stained sweats. “I think it’s time we get some local clothes. We don’t need to draw any unwanted attention to us and risk the guard being called.”


Alison looked much better off in her jeans and purple long sleeve shirt, but even she would stick out compared to the everyday person he could see walking in the early morning.


“Weren’t you wearing glasses when you came to my apartment?” Charles’ eyebrows knit together as he thought back to their first encounter.


Alison shrugged. “Yeah, but they’re non-functional. I just wear them because Devin has a thing for me in glasses. I put them in my bag before we were teleported but…”


Her expression grew sad. “They didn’t make the trip with us.”


“Ah.” Charles couldn’t think of anything to say so he began to inspect the various shops along the road the alley emptied out on.


“There.” He pointed to the closest cross street where a tailor had just unlocked the front door to his store. “We could probably get something more casual looking in that place. I suppose we’ll have to steal it. Which might lead us to have more heat than we would have if we didn’t change clothes, but the long term benefits could outway the-”


“I have money.” Alison’s announcement interrupted Charles’ circular line of thinking.


She pulled out a small bag of golden coins.


He blinked in surprise. “Where’d you get that?”


Alison shrugged. “When you teleported first the vile mother begged me not to kill anyone once I was on the other side.”


Charles shook his head and smiled. “All right then. We can go get some clothes legally and-”


“I actually think it would be best if I bought clothes for both of us alone.” Alison interrupted him again.


Charles paused. She obviously shared his unspoken opinion that he stood out a lot more than she did, but that posed its own problem.


“Okay, but how will you know if you find clothes that will actually fit me? Wouldn’t it be better if I was in there to try things on?”


Alison shook her head. “We want to get in and out as fast as possible. It’ll be faster if I go alone. The tailor will ask fewer questions if he doesn’t see you.”


“How will that be faster?” Charles crossed his arms over his chest.


“I buy all of Devin’s clothes for him so he doesn’t go near those… ladies that work in department stores.”


Charles noted that Alison made a considerable effort to say ladies and not some other word. No doubt another one of Devin’s lessons from her past.


“You’re one point seven five Devins wide and point eight one Devins tall. I can find something that matches that easily.” Alison finished explaining.


Charles smirked. “From zero to Devin, what am I on the attractiveness scale?”


“Everyone other than Devin is a zero out of Devin.” Alison fired back immediately.


Charles laughed to himself. Well at least it wasn’t personal.


“All right, you go find us some clothes and I’ll sneak over to that alleyway and wait for you.” Charles pointed across the street. “I don’t want to be in this one in case someone follows us up from the tunnel.”


Alison nodded and walked out as soon as the coast was clear. Charles dashed over to the next alleyway and sat himself inside the stairwell of a back door while he waited for Alison to return. Now that he had some time to himself did Charles realize how starving he truly was. Ever since Alison had knocked on his door his life had been nothing but one crazy event after another. He’d barely eaten anything since teleporting to this world. Fortunately he wasn’t alone with his grumbling stomach for too long before Alison came back with clothes in hand.


Alison herself was already wearing brown travel boots, black pants under a purple skirt, and a loose forest green long sleeved shirt. Though he wanted to be respectful to his friend’s wife, Charles had to admit once more that this woman was a ten out of ten on every scale.


Except on the sanity scale, but Devin’s into that apparently so I suppose she’s a ten there for him as well. He reasoned as he accepted the stack of clothes and pair of boots from Alison.


Charles’ clothes had a bit less color to them. A lot of tans and browns on the simple pants, shirt, and boots, but true to Alison’s promise they all fit him perfectly.


“Only one point seven five Devin’s wide eh?” Charles stretched out and grinned. “I thought I would be at least two.”


His stomach loudly made itself known.


“Sorry.” He apologized. “Now that we’re not so conspicuous, any chance we could find some place to get something to eat? That is, I suppose, if we have any money left.”


Alison pulled out the bag and counted the diminished pile within.


She nodded. “Yes, we have enough. We should probably move locations so we’re farther away from the tunnel though.”


Charles agreed and the pair departed. Charles left his grimy sweats in the alleyway. He wasn’t sure what Alison did with her previous outfit, but given her quick pace he decided not to ask. The capital city of Fevel bustled with activity as the citizens made their morning commute to their places of employment. Alison’s chosen direction put them close to the massive docks near the center of the city. Large ships were a mess of activity as goods were loaded and unloaded from the mighty vessels. Sweet aromas of hot food brought the pair to a loud open square where food stalls, stands, and shops were feeding hungry workers getting on or off their shifts. Charles helped find a shop near the edge of the bustling square that had open tables. As they approached Charles bumped into someone in the crowd.


“Hey, sorry.” He reached out a hand and caught the arm of the person before they could fall too far.


His hand gripped a metal bracer.


“Watch yourself.” The guard snapped back as he pushed past Charles and jogged after a patrol of guards moving away.


Charles detected the distinct smell of smoke from the man’s clothes.


He was one of the guards in the raid. Charles watched the guard leave, waiting for any sign of recognition to hit the armored man, but none came.


Charles let out a heavy sigh of relief before catching up to Alison who had already sat down.


It should be fine. It was too smokey for most of the guards to have even seen my face. I changed my clothes and he didn’t even look at me for too long. It’s fine. Charles reassured himself as they ordered a large breakfast.


All concern left him when the food was brought out. Charles nearly cried.


“I’ve never been a fish for breakfast kind of person.” He said to Alison with his mouth full. “But this fresh stuff caught this morning is incredible. Way better than anything I tried back home.”


Alison simply nodded as she dug into the last remains of the fresh bowl of fruits they had shared. They ate enough for five people, both being a source of concern and intrigue to the elderly couple that ran the shop. Once they polished off their final plate, Alison paid for their meal. Charles busied himself picking his teeth clean while Alison chatted with the owners. He heard something about wanting the fish recipe to cook for Devin, but Charles’ was too full to really care at this point.


The comatose state of being so pleasantly filled with delicious food made it so Charles wasn’t aware of the semi circle of guards around them until it was too late. These weren’t the every day guards Charles had seen around the city. No these men and women had better equipment, better coordination, and an air of confidence that clearly had experience to back it up. A flash of red hair caught his eye as an armored woman around his own age stepped forward with her sword drawn.


“I am Kaitlyn Chace of the crown’s guard. You are under arrest.”


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