My Yandere Wife Doesn’t Appreciate The Fact That I’ve Been Summoned To Another World

Ch. 32 Reunion Part 1 (Devin, Kaitlyn, Charles, Alison)

Despite his best efforts Devin had to admit that he wasn’t a skilled interrogator. The demon woman who attacked him fell silent after it became clear she wasn’t escaping and refused to answer a single question. The whispers from the refugees made it clear that no one wanted her to travel with them so Devin decided the best course of action would be to ride ahead, prisoner in tow, to get her to people in the capital that could get the answers out of her that Devin was unable to. It wasn’t until Devin was strapping the demon onto Cecilia’s horse that she spoke.


“You need to get that healed.” Her gray eyes watched Devin’s bandaged arm warily.


“The poison wore off a few hours ago.” Devin tightened her bindings with a sharp tug. “The bleeding stopped long before that. It’s healing just fine.”


“You should still get it healed… otherwise it will leave a scar…” The demon muttered quietly. “It was just paralysis poison… not even that dangerous… so you don’t have to mention it to anyone…”


Devin paused. If he didn’t know better he would say that the demon woman was scared of something.


Devin raised an eyebrow. “You want me to get rid of evidence that you attacked me?”


The demon woman shrugged and fell silent once more.


The ride back to the capital was a quiet one. To avoid any unnecessary questions while traveling, Devin kept the woman’s arms bound beneath her cloak and the hood pulled up to disguise her demon features. It didn’t take long on horseback before the city gates loomed large in the distance.


Once more Devin was left alone with nothing but his memories.



Five Years Ago, Earth


“I just don’t understand why we can’t go out for our date. We haven’t gone out together in ages.” Devin sighed as he grabbed down a bag of microwave popcorn from the pantry.


Elizabeth hugged him from behind. She pressed her body tightly against his back.


“There’s nothing to see out there. Besides, aren’t home dates more cost effective?” Elizabeth nibbled on Devin’s shoulder blade through his shirt. “All we need is each other. Why does it matter where we are?”


Devin’s smile was little more than a thin line. Elizabeth was everything he wanted in a girlfriend, only more so. She wasn’t just interested in his hobbies, she went out of her way to learn everything about them. She wasn’t just affectionate with him, if she was constantly all over him. Her unashamed public displays of love made it difficult for Devin to hang out with his friends. Even Charles admitted it was hard for him to be around them. Elizabeth seemed almost pleased with Devin’s lack of relationships outside of their own.


“I don’t mind date night at home, I just thought we could occasionally shake things up a little. Go out to eat at a restaurant or go to an arcade. Something.” Devin shrugged.


The nibbles on his shoulder blade stopped and a cold chill ran down Devin’s back.


“Why are you so desperate to go out somewhere? Huh?” Elizabeth’s playful tone was gone. “Who could you want to see so badly? You wouldn’t be cheating on me, would you sweety?”


“W-what? No of course not. We don’t have to go anywhere, being home and watching a movie with you is perfectly fine.” Devin backpedaled as quickly as he could.


The chill on his back warmed.


“Aw, thanks sweety. You’re the best boyfriend in the world.” Elizabeth lifted herself up and kissed his cheek before skipping into the other room to set up the show they were going to watch.


Devin ran a hand over his face. Elizabeth was great, but he never knew how to avoid making her angry without giving into whatever she wanted.


This can’t be healthy for me… Devin admitted internally.


“Devin?” Elizabeth called from the other room with an alarmed tone.


“What is it?” Devin rushed into the family room to see Elizabeth inspecting a porcelain cat sitting on the mantle.


“Where did you get this?” She pointed to a large porcelain cat situated on a shelf along the wall.


Devin chuckled. “I didn’t get it. My mom met some girl while she was shopping and ended up buying it from her. She’s always been a cat person. It’s a bit much for my tastes.”


Elizabeth barely acknowledged his response. She walked slowly up to the cat and peered into the large black eyes with frightening intensity.


“If it makes you uncomfortable I can move it to my parent’s room while we hang out. We just have to move it back before my parents get home.” Devin offered.


“No…” Elizabeth shook her head and turned back to Devin with a strangely forced smile. “That’s okay. I just wasn’t expecting it, that's all. Come on, let’s watch!”


She pulled him onto the couch and in typical fashion, began kissing him passionately before the opening title card appeared on screen. All the while the large porcelain cat watched from the mantle.




Capital City, Fevel, Present Time, Kaitlyn


Kaitlyn was angry. Her place was by her princess’ side. Not out with the crown guard hunting down some pitiful thieves who managed to slip away from the head mage and some regular guardsmen. The wild goose chase order might have taken all day, but fortunately a single guard managed to spot the thieves down near the docks. Now here she was, staring down a dangerous looking woman and some fat guy spouting off a bunch of nonsense.


The fat guy makes animated gestures as his face drips with sweat. “-a big flash of light and we ended up here underground. I’m crying, the bull is regaining consciousness, and my associate is providing first aid to the orphaned child.” 


I hope the servants remembered to bring Cecilia her lunch. Kaitlyn’s thoughts were distant. I don’t know how many times I’ve insisted that she likes her apples cut into hearts… Specifically my heart. I don’t know why that’s so hard to do.


“-bolts of magic striking everything. The bull has a change of heart, shields the child, and is vaporized. I’m lifting the flaming beam off of the litter of kittens while-”


What I wouldn’t give to see her face as she happily munches on some delicious treats. Kaitlyn’s heart warms at the thought.


The circle of crown’s guard all shift nervously as they wait for Kaitlyn to give an order.


The sweaty guy is busy counting off supposed infractions on his hand. “-search and seizure without a warrant, police brutality, and-”


“Enough!” Kaitlyn finally forces thoughts of her beloved away and refocuses on the task at hand. “You will come with me and be detained.”


The woman with the dark hair speaks for the first time.




Kaitlyn tightens her grip on her sword. “If you refuse you will be struck down.”





Charles swallowed hard. It looks like they didn’t buy his story. To be honest, he was surprised that this angry female guard with red hair even bothered to listen to the whole thing.


“Alison, attacking a pub full of criminals is one thing, but picking a fight with the city guard in the middle of an open square in broad daylight is something else entirely.” Charles warned. “Please don’t do anything foolish.”


Alison looked at him coldly and Charles felt his heart sink.


“We’ve already wasted too much time. I will not spend a single moment in a cell while Devin is still out there.”


The woman with the red hair blinked. “Wait, did you say-”


There was a rush of wind next to Charles and a clang of steel. Alison had rushed past and lunged a dagger at the crown guard’s leg. The red haired woman cursed as she struggled to keep her sword locked with the much smaller weapon.


“Hold on!” The guard shouted, but Alison didn’t hesitate.


A leg swung around and sent the guard spinning back where she crashed into a cabbage cart across the street. The half circle of crown’s guard leapt forward with swords raised. The fight was a whirlwind of sword, dagger, and limbs as Alison was overwhelmed by the superior numbers. The squad had excellent teamwork as the moment one of their members was at risk from Alison’s blade or her incredibly strong kicks they would rotate back and be protected by the others. Alison took off down the street with the squad in hot pursuit. 


One guard who didn’t join the fight approached Charles with an apologetic look.


“For the record, I think you’re a hero for saving that orphan.” The man admitted while placing a strong hand on Charles’ shoulder. “But I’m still going to have to detain you.”


“Right.” Charles wiped his forehead with his arm.


The red haired guard managed to catch her breath and she made eye contact with the last remaining guard who wasn’t chasing down Alison.


“Bring him. We need to catch up to that woman.” She barked before taking off after the sounds of fighting.






It can’t end like this!


Alison pleaded internally as she parried the thrust of the nearest crown’s guard. Her love for Devin had always helped her be stronger than anyone, faster than anyone, but for the first time she had met a group that was capable of matching her. Alison was confident that if she were facing these guards one or even three at a time she would have no trouble, but the group moved so fluidly as a unit that there were no openings Alison could exploit. Her strikes weren’t finding their mark and the cuts worming their way through her defenses were beginning to add up.


She ran through the crowded capital streets, attempting to get space between herself and her pursuers. Unfortunately for her this place was still foreign to her. The guard had the hometown advantage of being able to take shortcuts that Alison wasn’t aware of to keep up with her.


I can’t keep this up. Alison admitted as her breathing grew ragged and her new clothes grew progressively torn.


Movement ahead caused Alison to stop short. A second squad of crown's guard appeared out of nowhere in front of her, spanning the entire street. Turning quickly Alison felt a spike in her already maxed adrenaline as the pursuing squad formed a similar wall behind her.


Not like this! Not when I’m so close! 


Her mental fortitude began to crumble. Her life’s purpose of finding Devin felt stripped away as the stern guards began to close in on her. Alison stopped in the center of the street and let the tears flow freely from her eyes.


She just wanted to see his face again. Hear his voice again. Feel his warmth again. He was her world. There was nothing anyone could ever say or do that would change that. He was, and always would be, hers alone.


In the distance, a sandy blonde head poked out above the crowd. A man on horseback entered through the distant city gate accompanied by a cloaked rider behind him. Alison’s blurry vision sharpened in an instant as she zeroed in on the figure.




The moment is nearly upon us. Thank you readers for your patience and understanding as I reworked this and the next chapter over the past two weeks. As always please let me know if I've missed any grammatical/spelling/continuity errors. Thanks for reading and check back soon for more.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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