My Yandere Wife Doesn’t Appreciate The Fact That I’ve Been Summoned To Another World

Ch. 5 Politely Decline (Devin)

It’s remarkable how quickly you get used to sleeping next to someone. At first it's awkward as one person will naturally pull the blankets over them while they sleep and leave their partner out in the cold. Or rolling over in one’s sleep suddenly means elbowing your loved one in the face leading to an uncomfortable wake up session for both parties. You might think that hearing such things would lead you to look forward to sleeping alone when the opportunity presented itself, but at this moment Devin would have traded anything in the world just to have Alison next to him.


Sad thoughts swirled unchecked within his mind in the dark bedroom until the sound of the door opening brought Devin back to his senses. He sat up and peered curiously towards the entryway just in time to see a dark figure enter and shut the door behind them. Only dim starlight from the window illuminated the room so Devin could not identify who this shadowy figure was.


“Hello?” Devin called out as he brought his knees under him in case he needed to spring to action.


“You are awake.” Cecilia’s voice came from the figure.


She sounded as if she was expecting Devin not to be asleep yet despite it being well over two hours since she left.


“What’s going on princess?” Devin asked, still wary of this unexpected visit.


“I thought you might be having a hard time. Seeing as it’s your first night in our world…” Cecilia stepped forward into a brighter section of the dim room.


Devin sucked in a sudden breath as Cecilia came into view. She was wearing a lengthy silk gown that was sheer around her stomach and upper thighs. The princess wasn’t naked, but the light material left very little to the imagination.


“Being lonely is a terrible thing.” The princess continued quietly. “I’d be grateful if I could help alleviate your pain…”


Devin paused. This was a potential minefield if he didn’t handle the situation just right.


“First of all.” Devin slid to the edge of his bed and gazed directly at Cecilia’s face. “You’re a world class beauty and I’m very humble that you’d offer yourself to me in such a way.”


The princess blushed and her face fell to the floor.


“But I’m afraid I didn’t make myself clear enough earlier.” Devin said gently but firmly. “I’m married to the love of my life and I am never going to throw that away so carelessly.”


Cecilia nodded wordlessly.


“Besides,” Devin leaned his head down so he could see the princess’ watery blue eyes, “I get the feeling that you don’t actually want to go through with this.”


“Whatever do you mean.” Cecilia’s breath hitched in her throat.


“According to this prophecy that you all hold in such high regards I’m a pretty big deal. You’re trying to keep me happy so I’ll remain friendly to your nation. I get that. I understand. That’s why you’re willing to give everything. You’re a selfless person who takes her responsibility to her people seriously.” Devin told her honestly. “But even with all of that. I can tell that this sort of relationship still scares you. I can’t blame you. As friendly as I have been the past half day, you still don’t know me. We’re still strangers.”


“I should still be able to do my duty…” The princess said weakly.


Tears began falling from her eyes and onto the silky material on her chest. Devin stood and stepped to the crying girl. She looked up in surprise only to have her head brought gently to Devin’s chest as he gave her a hug. Devin tried to keep it as friendly and non-romantic as he could, but he knew the princess needed just a little bit of comfort after his response.


“I don’t want to let my father down.” Cecilia whispered quietly into Devin’s chest.


“Is this a good kingdom?” Devin asked her. “Do you treat people well and fight corruption wherever you find it?”


The princess looked up at Devin and nodded. “We’re certainly not perfect, there are selfish people out there, but my family and I do the best we can to do right by the people.”


Now that her tears stopped Devin took a step back and knelt in front of Cecilia.


“Since I am unable to accept your romantic advances, allow me to pledge my loyalty in a different way.” Devin stated seriously. “As long as the Fevelian Kingdom stands for justice and the wellbeing of those who dwell within its borders I will work as the hero to protect it from the demon threat abroad.”


Devin placed a hand over his heart and bowed his head in what he hoped was a sign of fealty. This was a big step. Though such a pledge could lead Devin to some dangerous places later on he trusted Cecilia’s sincerity.


“On behalf of my king, queen, and country, I accept your pledge, hero.” Cecilia wiped her eyes and smiled brightly. “And Devin…”


He looked up to see her beaming down at him.


“Thank you for seeing through to the real me.” She said with a sad laugh. 


A noise from beyond the bedroom door caused both Devin and Cecilia to pause. Metallic clanks echoed down the hallway beyond and grew closer the longer time wore on.


“Who could-” Cecilia started questioning but Devin cut her off.


“Princess, what's your favorite thing about Kaitlyn?” Devin shot to his feet and threw a blanket around Cecilia’s shoulders to cover her revealing dress.


“Kaitlyn? What?”


The metallic footsteps were right outside the door and Devin heard the sound of steel being slid from a sheath.


“I’ll explain later, what’s your favorite thing about Kaitlyn!” Devin urged her as the door was kicked off its hinges and the red haired woman herself stormed into the room ,sword drawn,  wearing full armor.


 Kaitlyn’s hazel eyes flashed with the fire of a thousand suns as she saw Devin and Cecilia standing next to the bed. 


“I’ll kill you!” She shouted and lifted her blade.


“I love her strength!” The princess shouted out causing her bodyguard to freeze in place.


Kaitlyn blinked, a bit of the fire in her eyes dampening as she struggled to focus on Cecilia’s words.


“What did you say?” Kaitlyn asked, her blade still held motionless in the air.


“Devin asked what my favorite thing about you was.” The princess explained, still clearly baffled by the unexpected turn of events. “I’ve always admired how strong you are. Physically, emotionally, and well in every way really.”


Kaitlyn slowly lowered her swords as her face flushed as red as her hair.


“Eh he he.” An embarrassed smile spread across the bodyguard’s face. “You… you were talking about me?”


All of the hostility in the room vanished in an instant. Kaitlyn mumbled to herself about how kind Cecilia’s words were all while laughing and swaying in place.


“How did you know she was the person running down the hall?” The princess asked Devin while she watched her bodyguard with concern. “And how giving her a simple complement would diffuse the situation?”


Devin smirked. “Let’s just say I know the signs and correctly guessed what kind of person your faithful companion is. Looks like I’ll be useful in more ways than one.”


This will be the usual day and time (give or take a few hours) for my weekly release. Like I said I'm trying to do more than that but once a week will be the bare minimum. Thanks again for reading and I hope you enjoy!

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