My Yandere Wife Doesn’t Appreciate The Fact That I’ve Been Summoned To Another World

Ch. 8 Politely Decline… Again (Devin)

“This is going to be a running thing isn’t it?” Devin pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a tired sigh.


“What’s wrong?” Eros slid her hands above her head shamelessly. “Am I so beautiful that it’s causing your poor mortal brain discomfort?”


“No,” Devin stated flatly, “I’m just mad that the list of people my wife is going to try and kill keeps getting longer.”


Eros laughter echoed around the divine bedroom and the goddess sat up in the bed. Devin pointedly looked away from the goddess’ free flowing nightgown.


“There it is. That undying loyalty to your loved one. Admirable, but sad.”


Devin shrugged. “I don’t think there’s anything sad about knowing what you have and cherishing it.”


“Sad that you cling to something that will never be yours to hold again.” Eros placed a finger to her lips. “I know the princess offered to ease your burden, but you turned her down.”


“And I would again.” Devin said without hesitation.


“Perhaps she wasn’t up to your standards…”


Devin heard the goddess snap her fingers and his head was forcibly turned to face Eros directly. She now sat at the edge of her large bed, hands placed behind her and her head tilted to the side. Her dark silky hair draped elegantly down her shoulder and her long legs were stretched towards Devin suggestively.


Eros’ lavender colored eyes flashed gleefully. “I, however, exceed any metric.”


 “Respectfully, goddess.” Since Devin couldn’t turn away he shut his eyes. “I must disagree.”


Devin winced as he waited for the wrath of a woman scorned but none came. To his surprise, Devin heard Eros laugh and the pressure keeping his head in place disappear.


“Good. Good.” The goddess clapped her hands in support. “A true hero mustn’t be swayed away from their beliefs no matter how attractive the opposition.”


Devin hesitantly opened his eyelids and was relieved to see the goddess tying up the front of her nightgown and sitting in a much more professional manner.


“A test then?” Devin surmised.


Eros smiled. “In a manner of speaking. The power a champion is able to draw from their patron is measured by the strength of the bond between mortal and god. Our relationship will benefit us both so I needed to be sure you were worth the effort.”


Devin narrowed his eyes slightly. “So you're expecting something back from me in exchange for giving me power… What is it that you want?”


The goddess’ smile faltered slightly. “You don’t know anything about our history hero, but a thousand years ago something changed about our world.”


“A thousand years…”


She was right. Devin hardly knew anything. The one piece of history that he had heard about that happened a thousand years ago was-


“Yes.” Eros spoke as if she could read Devin’s line of thought. “Right before the prophecy was written something changed in our world. No mortal mind, text, or record will speak of such an event. To them nothing has changed. But the gods are aware.”


Devin frowned. “So what  was it?”


Eros shook her head. “The gods know something changed, but the nature of that change is hidden even from us. I can’t speak for the others, but I…”


She looked at her own hands as if they were strange. “I’ve felt different from who I think I used to be. I am not able to pinpoint exactly what feels wrong but something has been bothering me over the past millennia. Like an itch in my mind that I can never quite scratch.”


Devin watched Eros fall into a contemplative silence.


“So what do you want from me?” Devin asked after a period of silence.


Eros shook herself from her stupor and gazed warmly at Devin.


“I need your help discovering who or what I really am. You’re tied to all of this. The prophecy, the demon queen, the questions that vex me. All of it.”


Devin nodded. “Okay. I don’t quite understand it all yet, but I’ll do what I can to help you. It’s in my best interest too right? As your champion?”


“Indeed.” Eros tilted her head slightly. “Why are you here in this world Devin?”

Devin paused, confused. “I was summoned? What do you mean?’


“Yes but why do you embrace your role so willingly? You have no ties here. No allegiance before your little vow to the crown princess. If anything you have more reason to want to go back than anyone could fathom. I may be the goddess of lust, and trust me I can tell just how much of that feeling you have for your wife, lucky woman, but I can also tell how much you’re truly hurting to be separated from her. Why do you take up our cause with such willingness?” Eros peered at Devin curiously.


Devin sighed and scratched the back of his head.


“Is there any way for me to go back to my world right now?” Devin asked. “Could you send me back if I asked you to?”


Eros shook her head. “I don’t have the power to do so, neither does anyone responsible for bringing you here.”


Devin shrugged. “Then if I can’t leave I’ll help those in need. Who doesn’t want to be a hero at some point in their lives right?”


Eros pursed her lips and watched Devin closely. He chuckled nervously, not sure what the goddess was after from her line of questioning.


“You’re too willing to help people Devin.” She said after a time.


“And that’s a bad thing?”


Eros gave him a sad smile. “It’s a very heroic thing, but it will lead you to many hardships and pain.”


Devin opened his mouth to respond but couldn’t think of a valid response. There was a reason he had been working so many late hours at work back in his own world. He really couldn’t look the other way when people around him were in trouble and he could do something about it. Then again, if Devin wasn’t like this then he may have never married Alison.


“Come what may.” Devin smiled at Eros. “I’ll take it all on.”


Eros beamed at her champion. “Glad to hear it, hero. I think we’ll go far together.”


As always, thanks for reading.

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