My Years As a Car Dealer

Chapter 128

Chapter 123: : Angel Care Fund

Chapter 0123: Angel Care Fund

Unable to borrow money, Zhang Chen became lost, anxiously thinking of a way, wondering how he could borrow money.

The others also sighed, their only hope was also shattered, and everyone lowered their heads and was depressed and worried.

Seeing that everyone was in a very depressed mood, Jiang Fangyan suddenly shouted: “I have a way to get a million medical bills.”

“What can I do?” Everyone raised their heads at the same time, staring at Jiang Fangyan with hot eyes, instantly annihilating her.

The feeling of being watched by everyone is very good. Jiang Fangyan held her head high and proudly said what she thought of: “Look for my sister Mu Qing to borrow money! She is the boss of Sihai Group, although the amount of over 100 million needs the approval of the board of directors. , but tens of millions of funds can still be easily taken out.”

“Hi…” Everyone gasped at the same time, then you look at me, I look at you, there is no way to tell Jiang Fangyan.

They knew that Mu Qing, as the boss of the Four Seas Group, was of course rich and could easily spend one million.

But Mu Qing and Wang Qiang’s family are not relatives, so why do they have to spend so much money to help the little sister?

Zhang Chen smiled bitterly, not taking the method Jiang Fangyan found in his heart, but pondering how to convince Wang Keqiang to accept his Jaguar XJ and save his little sister’s life in exchange for a sum of money.

“Uncle Wang, time is running out, look at my Jaguar XJ…” Zhang Chen couldn’t help but begged Wang Keqiang to accept his Jaguar XJ.

Wang Keqiang didn’t think much about it. He understood that Zhang Chen would not allow himself to embezzle public funds. In order to save Wang Lei’s life, perhaps selling the Jaguar XJ was the only good way now: “You drive over, I…”

“What kind of car are you selling!” Jiang Fangyan put her hands on Wang Keqiang’s chest, preventing him from getting close to Zhang Chen, and shouted, “I swear, my sister will sympathize with the little sister and give Wang Qiang one million yuan. Family help.”

“Really?” Zhang Chen didn’t understand Mu Qing’s temperament, and was afraid that he wouldn’t be able to borrow money from Mu Qing, so he ran in vain.

“Miss Jiang came forward, why don’t you try it?” Wang Keqiang has worked in the Four Seas Group for 20 years. He has heard that Mu Qing is kind-hearted, and maybe he can really borrow enough money, “Your Jaguar XJ will keep its value. The rate is too low, it’s a pity to sell it, we’ll talk about it when we really can’t raise the money.”

Everyone believed Jiang Fangyan’s ticket with suspicion, so Zhang Chen and Wang Keqiang followed Jiang Fangyan in the Raptor pickup parked outside, and drove to the headquarters of Sihai Group.

Walking into the splendid hall on the first floor of the Sihai Group, Zhang Chen didn’t bother to look at any beautiful decorations, and followed Jiang Fangyan, worried about running for nothing, and kept thinking about how to convince Mu Qing.

When we got to the reception, Sophie happened to be on duty.

Seeing Zhang Chen’s figure, Sophie happily ran out from behind the reception in surprise and greeted him: “Little brother, why are you here? Is there something wrong?”

“Sister, I want to see President Mu, is she in the office?” Zhang Chen then explained that the little girl needed surgery tomorrow, and he came to borrow money from President Mu.

“Lending money from President Mu?” Sophie knew that Wang Qiang was Zhang Chen’s classmate and fellow countryman, and the two had a very good relationship, so she took out her mobile phone and opened the Alipay interface, “I still have 8,000 yuan, don’t think so. No, use it first…”

“Thank you, sister, I can’t ask for your money any more.” Zhang Chen’s heart surged with warmth, and the corners of his eyes pressed down on her arm, “Is Mr. Mu here?”

“Have you seen the outside world? Why are you being polite to your sister?” Sophie said to Zhang Chen in embarrassment, “Mr. Mu is indeed in the office, but she is about to join the group board of directors…”

Wang Keqiang is an old employee of the Four Seas Group. He understands that the board of directors of the group is a very important meeting. It is estimated that Mr. Mu has no time, so he persuaded Zhang Chen: “How about we wait for Mr. Mu to finish the meeting on the first floor, and then go to her?”

Zhang Chen was worried about her little sister’s surgery tomorrow, how could she have the heart to wait for a few hours when she was in a hurry? Begging Sophie to think of a way.

Sophie looked at Jiang Fangyan next to Zhang Chen, and gave Zhang Chen a wink, as if to say, there is a little witch Jiang Fangyan, are you afraid of not seeing President Mu?

Yes, Wang Keqiang and Zhang Chen suddenly realized that with Jiang Fangyan’s unscrupulous and domineering character, any board of directors can spoil you.

“Miss Jiang, you see that little sister’s condition is urgent, can you take me to see President Mu now?”

“No problem.” Jiang Fangyan patted her small chest and swore that she agreed. The way to come to Mu Qing to borrow money was her idea, and she was very loyal to take Zhang Chen to the office.

Jiang Fangyan rushed to the elevator first, followed by Wang Keqiang and Zhang Chen.

Jiang Fangyan took Mu Qing’s special elevator, which could go directly to the president’s office on the tenth floor.

Relying on her identity, she took Zhang Chen and Wang Keqiang out of the elevator without any scruples. She happened to meet Mu Qing and the secretary walking together, and seemed to be preparing to preside over the board of directors.

Mu Qing suddenly saw Jiang Fangyan with a smile. Before he said hello to his little cousin, he looked up and found Zhang Chen and Wang Keqiang. The smile on Mu Qing’s face disappeared suddenly, and he returned to that cold and overbearing president, who is not allowed to enter. look.

“Sister, help!” Jiang Fangyan opened her arms and threw herself into Mu Qing’s arms, with her little face lying in her arms and crying non-stop.

“What’s going on?” Mu Qing slapped Jiang Fangyan on the back dotingly, his eyes bursting with anger, as if to annihilate Zhang Chen and Wang Keqiang who were standing opposite.

“Sister, it’s none of their business.” Jiang Fangyan seemed to have eyes on the back of her head. She knew Mu Qing’s reaction and actions without guessing. She hurriedly raised her head to explain that Zhang Chen came to borrow money for Wang Qiang’s family.

Jiang Fangyan rambled on about the little sister, and specially emphasized that she must pay all the medical bills tomorrow morning, otherwise the operation may be delayed indefinitely: “Sister, it’s a life, help Xiao Wang Lei.”

Jiang Fangyan grabbed Mu Qing’s arm and shook it vigorously, begging her to lend Zhang Chen one million.

“Pharaoh, tell me, what’s going on?” Mu Qingtai knew Jiang Fangyan’s unreliable personality. She was not familiar with Zhang Chen, but she was very reassured about the old employee Wang Keqiang. secure.

“Mr. Mu, what Miss Jiang said is true, Xiao Wang Lei really needs this money to save her life.” Wang Keqiang was afraid that Mu Qing would not agree, and hurriedly promised, “In order to pay off this million, you can use my salary for every Monthly deduction…”

“My commission is over a million, and I will pay it back next month…”

Zhang Chen and Wang Keqiang anxiously promised to return it on time, when Mu Qing suddenly stretched out his palm and interrupted them: “Okay, I can give you one million now, oh no, give you two million, and it’s done. The remaining money after the operation will be used as the follow-up treatment fee for Xiao Wang Lei, so there is no need to pay it back.”

“No need to pay it back?” Zhang Chen and Wang Keqiang exclaimed.

Before coming to Mu Qing, Zhang Chen thought of countless excuses in his mind, just to get the money, but now they didn’t expect the loan to be so smooth, the kind Mu Qing didn’t even plan to let himself pay back the money, let alone It will be deducted from salary.

It’s that simple?

Just like that?

Is it that easy?

Zhang Chen stared at Mu Qing stupidly, thinking it was incredible, his body trembled slightly, and Mu Qing’s image was infinitely elevated in his heart, sympathizing with all beings like a Buddha.

The first time Zhang Chen saw Mu Qing was at the scene of a car accident.

At that time, Zhang Chen was attracted by Mu Qing’s beautiful appearance, and had a feeling of admiration.

However, Zhang Chen’s love for Mu Qing at that time was simply a love of beautiful women, just like everyone loves beautiful things.

The identities and status of the two people are very different, and there is usually no intersection, and Zhang Chen did not entangle Mu Qing in vain, as if he had forgotten about it.

But now Zhang Chen realized that Mu Qing’s appearance was extremely beautiful, and her heart was actually better. She could decide to help the little girl with just one sentence from Wang Keqiang. She didn’t ask for any conditions and didn’t want anything in return, so she really helped strangers. , is kind-hearted like an angel, which made Zhang Chen feel a heartbeat, and secretly made up his mind that he must marry Mu Qing in this life.

Jiang Fangyan opened her arms and rushed over, hugging Mu Qing’s slender waist, and exclaimed in surprise, “Sister, you are so great…”

“I’ve always had a dream to help all sick children.” Mu Qing ignored Zhang Chen and Wang Keqiang, looked down at Jiang Fangyan dotingly, and smiled, “I’m going to set up an Angel Care Fund for people with serious illnesses, but they don’t. Money to treat kids is helping for free.”

“Really?” Wang Keqiang and Zhang Chen exclaimed at the same time, unable to believe their ears.

Huaxia is too big, and the level of economic development varies from place to place. Many children like Wang Lei are seriously ill and have spent all their family savings, but they still cannot be cured.

Many families are impoverished and shattered due to illness.

If Mu Qingzhen established the Angel Care Fund, it would be a huge act of kindness and would help countless children get new lives.

Wang Keqiang and Zhang Chen supported Mu Qing’s decision 10,000 percent, and couldn’t help applauding her.

“Mr. Mu, does it cost a lot of money to set up the Angel Care Fund?” Wang Keqiang asked nervously, worried about money.

Mu Qing explained to Wang Keqiang: “This dream has existed for a long time. I have already commissioned professionals to do an evaluation and investigation. The estimated cost is 500 million Huaxia coins, so that the normal operation of the normal foundation can be maintained and the vast majority of the funds can be guaranteed. Children can get help and get rid of the hardships of illness as soon as possible.”

“Five hundred million Huaxia coins?” Zhang Chen and Wang Keqiang were shocked again. Even Jiang Fangyan, who regarded money as dung and spent money like flowing water, felt that this was a lot of money.

Zhang Chen and Wang Keqiang looked at each other and were impressed by Mu Qing’s kindness and courage. They secretly made up their minds to do what they could for Mu Qing’s Angel Care Fund.

However, as an old employee of Sihai Group, Wang Keqiang is very familiar with the operation process of the group: Sihai Group is absolutely controlled by the Mu Qing family, but when Mu Qing’s father Mu Chongming and mother Li Xiao left the Sihai Group, they were afraid that their young daughter would be in business management. I made a mistake and specifically asked that if Mu Qing planned to use more than 100 million funds, he must obtain the unanimous consent of the group board of directors, otherwise he would not be able to notify the finance smoothly.

The directors of Sihai Group are all the heroes who followed Mu Chongming and Li Xiao when they founded the company. They either have skills in the operation of the enterprise, or they invested a huge amount of money in the early stage of the business to help Mu Chongming and Li Xiao overcome many difficulties, or After the Cosmopolitan Group was listed, it was very optimistic about its prospects, purchased a large number of original shares, and successfully entered the board of directors of the group.

When Mu Chongming and Li Xiao, the founders of the group, were present, the eight directors of the board of directors were of course as honest as quails.

And when Mu Chongming and Li Xiao disappeared for so many years, there was no news, the eight directors relied on their own identities to interfere in the operation of the Four Seas Group, and several times denied Mu Qing’s desire to use a large amount of funds , new items found.

Therefore, Wang Keqiang was worried that Mu Qing’s idea of establishing an angel care fund would be spoiled by the eight directors.

“Whether we can set up an Angel Care Fund or not, it’s fine if we can help Xiao Wang Lei.” Wang Keqiang muttered to himself, he was just a bottom-level manager, just a store manager. Quietly waiting for Mu Qing’s decision.

“Okay, Fangyan will go to the finance department to collect the money and send it to Xiao Wang Lei. I have a meeting to open, so I’ll go first.” Mu Qing was in a good mood at this time. After greeting Wang Keqiang, he happily took the money The secretary walked into the elevator and rushed to the conference room.

The moment the elevator door closed, Mu Qing’s beautiful back disappeared, Zhang Chen still stared at the elevator door stupidly, motionless.

Jiang Fangyan smiled, leaned over to Zhang Chen’s side, bumped his body with his elbow, lowered his voice and said, “How is it? Last time I asked you to be my sister’s best friend, do you want to do it? ”

“Eight mother, shit, you?” Zhang Chen lowered his head and yelled at Jiang Fangyan, but he smiled. If he wanted to be a husband, what kind of boyfriend should he be?

“Let’s go, let’s go.” Wang Keqiang waved his hand and blasted Jiang Fangyan and Zhang Chen out like a rabbit. It was four o’clock in the afternoon, and he urged them to go to the group finance department as soon as possible to get the money and send it to Wang Qiang’s family.

“Yes, yes, go to the chief financial officer.” After successfully completing the goal, Zhang Chen was happy, thinking that if he had two million Huaxia coins, he should pay Wang Longfei and Hou Lei back first, and send the rest to Wang Qiang. So as not to delay the little sister’s surgery tomorrow.

The three of Wang Keqiang stood in front of the elevator and waited. Unlike Zhang Chen and Jiang Fangyan, who had been enjoying themselves all the time, Wang Keqiang felt that Mu Qing’s idea of setting up an Angel Care Fund would not pass the review of the group’s board of directors and was doomed to fail.

Wang Keqiang sighed heavily, shook his head slightly, and said to himself, “Hey, since Mr. Mu and Mr. Li left the group, what has become of a good conglomerate?”

“Uncle Wang, why are you sighing?” Zhang Chen was in a very good mood. He didn’t understand why Wang Keqiang was still depressed and looked unhappy when he borrowed money smoothly.

There was no one else in Mu Qing’s office. Wang Keqiang did not shy away from Zhang Chen, and directly expressed his concerns, fearing that Mu Qing would be obstructed by the eight directors of the Angel Care Foundation’s charity.

Jiang Fangyan grew up from a wealthy family. Although she likes to play around and mess around, she knows the inside story of big companies and big companies. She lowered her head and said softly: “It must be that those directors dislike her sister spending too much money, which affects their interests. , will be obstructed in every possible way.”

Indeed, everything has two sides.

From the perspective of those directors, Mu Qing spent a lot of money to set up the Angel Care Fund, which affected the normal flow of funds of the Four Seas Group, hindered the dividends of these directors, and involved their vital interests. To be obstructed in every possible way.

From another perspective, for those children who are in distress at home and cannot be treated in time due to serious illness, Mu Qing’s establishment of the Angel Care Fund is a great act of kindness, which can save countless lives and benefit many families.

Zhang Chen’s work is completely to help relatives and not to help. In his eyes, those directors who prevent Mu Qing from establishing the Angel Care Fund and safeguarding their own interests are bad people, and they must be knocked down to the ground and set foot on 10,000 feet.

“Little bastard, what floor is the conference room on? Let’s go see if we can help.” Zhang Chen’s eyes flashed fiercely, gnashing his teeth as if he wanted to eat people.

“Well, um.” Jiang Fangyan nodded heavily. She also felt that those directors who were obsessed with money, dared to stop their kind-hearted sister from helping the sick children, their conscience was greatly broken, so she walked into the elevator and took them to the elevator. Help Mu Qing stand up.

The elevator went up all the way to the top floor of the Sihai Group headquarters. With Jiang Fangyan, the leading party, Zhang Chen and Wang Keqiang successfully found a huge luxury wooden door.

The three walked to the front of the wooden door, and immediately heard fierce quarrels and roars coming from the conference room.

Wang Keqiang’s heart skipped a beat, he thought well, Mu Qing’s good plan was strongly opposed by the directors.

Jiang Fangyan squatted in front of the wooden door, secretly pushed open a crack, and the three quietly looked inside.

This was the first time Zhang Chen saw the meeting room where the board of directors was held.

There was a long black wooden table in the middle. Mu Qing stood on the side facing the wooden door. A dozen men of different ages in suits left their seats and surrounded Mu Qing, shouting loudly.

Mu Qing was besieged and accused by everyone, but he did not flinch at all, resisting hoarsely, stating his opinion: “…500 million funds, for our Sihai Group, it is nothing, but think about it, for medical expenses, How many children are suffering from diseases, how many parents are in agony, how many families are broken up… You only care about the interests in front of you and ignore the pain of the children. Your heart is so cold-blooded, doesn’t your heart hurt… ”

“…Mr. Mu, we are businessmen, we are businessmen.” A tall middle-aged man turned his back to Zhang Chen, waved his arms at Mu Qing, and roared, “We are not philanthropists, we are not open welfare institutions to help the poor. of.”

The other directors moved forward in unison, forcing Mu Qing, and said:

“Yes, Ma Dong is right. You can’t take the dividends that were originally distributed to us to help the poor.”

“Our money doesn’t come from strong should we give it to others?”

“The state has relevant rescue policies, so let’s not meddle in our own business.”

The directors forced Mu Qing to submit, and the sound was louder than the sound. That arrogant and arrogant appearance had a stance that he would never give up until his goal was achieved.

Mu Qing was alone and hard to resist, her nervous face was full of sweat, her body swayed and retreated, but she still stubbornly insisted on her belief: “I can’t leave them alone, in my eyes, children Not sick, they are just angels with broken wings, who will finally be reborn…”

The middle-aged man who picked up his head and scolded Mu Qing just now shouted angrily: “Enough, Mu Qing wants to be a Virgin, don’t drag us, let alone use our hard-earned money…”

In the conference room, the two sides were arguing with each other, and Mu Qing was at an absolute disadvantage, which upset Zhang Chen and the three who were hiding outside the door. Remember the website address, www. biquxu. Com, it is convenient to read next time, or you can enter this site by entering “” in Baidu

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