My Years As a Car Dealer

Chapter 13

Chapter 13: : God’S Gaze

Chapter 0013: God’s Gaze

When Zhang Chen saw the smiles on Zhang Hu, Hao Qiang, Tang Hongbo and others’ faces, and recalled Lai Wu’s behavior, he finally understood that Lai Wu’s popularity was not good, they were gloating. Watch Lai Wu’s joke.

Lai Wu and Manager Wang got close to Sister Ji and kept saying good things.

Jijie’s old Cruze bought it the earliest, more than half a year ago. It’s really not easy to get it back now. Besides, it’s easy for Lai Wu to return the commission. The old Cruze was sold for 50,000 yuan at the beginning. Who will bear the loss?

If Lai Wu was asked to compensate the car dealership, it is estimated that he would have done nothing for a few months.

Manager Wang was afraid of Lai Wu’s resignation, and almost begged Sister Ji to show kindness and stop returning the car.

Jijie is actually a knife with a tofu heart. She was softened and hardened by Lai Wu and Manager Wang for a while, and finally let go and did not return the car. After the car is repaired, we will talk about the situation later.

Manager Wang let out a long sigh of relief, while Lai Wu was covered in cold sweat, his back was soaked, and he had lost his previous air. He lowered his head and glanced at Zhang Chen, in addition to hatred, but also mixed with fear.

Zhang Chen was a little surprised by this result.

When he came up with this tricky method, he thought that Sister Ji knew so many problems, she would definitely get angry, and she was determined to retreat.

Now, being fooled by Manager Wang and Lai Wu for a while, she refuses to return the car. It seems that Sister Ji’s heart is not as terrifying as her appearance.

However, Zhang Chen doesn’t understand car maintenance, otherwise he will definitely give Lai Wu eye drops, pretending to emphasize that these common problems are completely design flaws and cannot be repaired completely, and the same failure will occur in the future.

Zhang Chen didn’t intend to let Lai Wu go, and he decided to kill Lai Wu, his grandson, so he coughed dryly and signaled his existence to Sister Ji.

“Hey, by the way, I haven’t mentioned the common problem of Audi’s old A6.” Jijie smiled softly at Zhang Chen, feeling that she was a fraud, and would even use professional words like ‘common problem’.

“Hey, Zhang Chen…” Manager Wang and Lai Wu shouted together, especially Lai Wu’s eyes were full of angry flames. If eyes could kill, Zhang Chen would have died 10,000 times.

“Pleasure value from colleague Fang Wu: 1000”

“Pleasure value from colleague Zhang Hu: 1000”

“Happiness value from colleague Hao Qiang: 1000”

“Pleasure value from colleague Tang Hongbo: 1000”

“Pleasure value from colleague Wang Qi: 1000”

“Pleasure value from colleague Wang Keqiang: -1000”

“Happiness value from colleague Lai Wu: -10000”

Zhang Chen, regardless of Lai Wu, who was on the verge of a frenzy, said to himself: “Although the performance of Audi’s old A6 is not as good as the current Audi, it has a lot less problems…”

“Ugh…” Lai Wu originally mentioned his throat and his heart fell into his stomach, quietly wiping the sweat off his forehead.

Manager Wang’s nervous face was also relieved a lot.

“Pleasure value from colleague Fang Wu: -1000”

“Pleasure value from colleague Zhang Hu: -1000”

“Happiness value from colleague Hao Qiang: -1000”

“Pleasure value from colleague Tang Hongbo: -1000”

“Pleasure value from colleague Wang Qi: -1000”

“Pleasure value from colleague Wang Keqiang: 1000”

“Pleasure value from colleague Lai Wu: 1000”

After discovering everyone’s thoughts, Zhang Chen smiled and then said, “But the old A6’s shifting is not very good, and the engine burns oil very badly. If you don’t pay attention, ternary, sensors and a series of messy things will be broken…”

“Don’t talk about it.” Sister Ji’s strong heart finally couldn’t bear it anymore, her face turned from white to red, then from red to cyan in an instant, and then it was completely black.

After a while, she changed several colors, proving that she really couldn’t bear the troublesome common problem.

Sister Ji, who was gnashing his teeth, just uttered the word “retreat”, and there was a loud bang in everyone’s ears. Lai Wu knelt in front of Sister Ji, put his hands on the ground, lowered his head and cried non-stop.

At this time, Lai Wu was not acting, he was really crying, to be precise, he was scared to cry.

An old Cruze of 50,000 yuan, plus this old Audi A6 of 70,000 to 80,000 yuan, more than 100,000 Chinese dollars. It is impossible for a car dealer to pay this amount of money. Can you be frightened?

Lai Wu moved forward and hugged Sister Ji’s ankle. No matter how Sister Ji struggled, Lai Wu would not let go.

A donkey-killing mourning sounded, the one crying was heartbroken, and the turbid tears fell on the ground. It was really sad for those who heard it, and tears for those who heard it.

It was like a volcanic eruption, and Sister Ji, who was so determined to get out of the car, became soft-hearted. She didn’t know how to dissuade Lai Wu, as if she had done something wrong, and reached out to help Lai Wu: “Then what, after this matter. Besides, everyone goes to Tiandi Hotel for dinner.”

The matter of returning the car was not mentioned for the time being. With the help of Sister Ji and Manager Wang, Lai Wu, who was full of tears, slowly stood up, wiping his tears from time to time, and seemed to be quite frightened.

Lai Wu felt this hatred in his heart, and secretly greeted Zhang Chen’s family countless times, but he didn’t dare to make trouble to find Zhang Chen, after all, there was still a common problem with Taurus.

Lai Wu knew in his heart that the problems of Taurus were also not much better. If Zhang Chen was irritated, it is estimated that it would not be a matter of 100,000 compensation.

This grandson is so spineless and so cheap that he kneels down?

Everyone went to comfort Lai Wu, and the atmosphere at the scene reversed. Zhang Chen knew that he would be hated by Manager Wang and Sister Ji if he continued to fall into trouble. But the sound of the system prompt sounded in his mind: “The pleasure value from my colleague Lai Wu: -10000”

Damn, this grandson really still hates me, Zhang Chen regrets for losing the opportunity to kill Lai Wu, but he has no other way now, he can only remember the hatred in his heart, and secretly sigh: “Sister Chicken is not good enough. ”

Zhang Hu, Fang Wu, Hao Qiang, Tang Hongbo, and Wang Qi, who had been watching jokes all the time, saw that Lai Wu successfully passed the stage of Jijie, they all squeezed out their smiles and rushed to his side, comforting them with kind words, as if It wasn’t them who gloated just now.

Sister Ji even waved to everyone to get on the bus and go to Tiandi Hotel for dinner together.

There were still three hours before the end of get off work. In order to appease Lai Wu and not let the mainstay of the car dealership have any psychological pressure, Manager Wang announced loudly that the car dealership would now leave work early and go to Tiandi Hotel for dinner together.

There was thunderous cheers in the car dealership, each and everyone giggling happily like a fool.

Everyone first carefully cleaned the Viano that Sister Ji bought, and slowly drove out of the building in Area B, and stopped with the Taurus that Sister Ji had driven.

She spent hundreds of thousands to buy a new car. Sister Ji was as happy as the groundhog who found the food. She shook the 200 pounds of fat on her body, got into the car and sat on the driver’s seat, excited to drive home in person.

“Zhang Hu is going to drive the Taurus.” Manager Wang instructed the most honest Zhang Hu to drive the Taurus alone, and deliberately let Lai Wu sit in the co-pilot and sit in the back himself.

One is to make up for the relationship between Lai Wu and Jijie.

Second, he had something to ask Zhang Chen.

The others got on Viano in a lively manner, Zhang Hu was a little reluctant, he didn’t want to leave the group and drive alone.

But there is no way. Among the nine people, Jijie is a major customer, Lao Wang is the manager, and the remaining seven salesmen, Zhang Chen, who is the only one with lower qualifications than him, made a big splash today. Not only did he make the only big deal Shanzi also slapped Lai Wu in the face with his strength. Based on Manager Wang’s urgency, it is estimated that tomorrow he will adjust the order in which he receives customers.

Hey, people are more popular than people. Zhang Hu sighed and drove by himself honestly.

The black Viano and the silver Taurus drove out of the second-hand car market in the seaside city one after the other, heading towards the Tiandi Hotel not far away.

In the first row of the back seat, Manager Wang and Zhang Chen, who he deliberately pulled to sit next to him, were sitting next to him, and the rest of the people were all crowded behind.

“Zhang Chen, today’s performance is very good. On the first day I came to the car shop, I completed an order.” Manager Wang approached Zhang Chen who was driving in front of him without any scruples, and directly praised Zhang Chen.

“Ah?” Sister Ji was still sitting in front, Zhang Chen hurriedly winked at Manager Wang, reminding him that Sister Ji was still driving in front of him.

“It’s okay, it’s okay.” Manager Wang smiled and seemed to understand Sister Ji’s temper very well. “Sister Ji is broad-minded and a hero in women’s middle school. We are very familiar with her and won’t care about it.”

“Yes, yes.” Hao Qiang, Tang Hongbo, and Wang Qi in the back came over and climbed to the back of the seats and said together, everyone and Sister Ji are really familiar with each other.

Zhang Chen didn’t say anything about Manager Wang’s praise, because two system prompts sounded in his mind:

“Pleasure value from colleague Wang Keqiang: 1000”

“Pleasure score from colleague Wang Keqiang: -200”

Zhang Chen understands that this thousand joy points are because he is happy that he successfully sold Viano on the first day.

Showing a negative 200 pleasure value is a little angry for being a fool for yourself.

However, the happy mood obviously outweighed the angry mood, proving that Manager Wang did not hate himself.

“Zhang Chen, when you first came here today, you obviously didn’t know any car knowledge, why did you suddenly become so hot?” Manager Wang was really depressed.

Sophie really said that Zhang Chen didn’t understand cars. Later, Manager Wang heard Zhang Hu say some things, and the two confirmed that he thought Zhang Chen was a layman.

However, when Zhang Chen and Jiji introduced Buick GL8, and Viano, including Wu Shi Lai Wu Shi, the level of display was only higher or not lower than their own. How could it be like a fledgling rookie?

While Manager Wang was shocked, a bold thought appeared in his mind: Zhang Chen, this kid is not a master specially invited by the group head office, right? What happened to the Bugatti Veyron that hit Mr. Mu, and the money for working compensation to repair the car is a nonsense to fool people, but to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger to investigate everyone’s situation undercover?

Manager Wang was a little confused about Zhang Chen’s identity, so he couldn’t wait to hear Zhang Chen’s explanation.

“This…” Zhang Chen really didn’t know what to say. Did he really tell them that he was cheating with the system in his head?

No, you must not tell the system’s affairs. Zhang Chen has made up his mind that he will not tell anyone the secrets of the system, and the province will leak it out and be known by others.

Zhang Chen was silent, but Manager Wang was anxious.

Hao Qiang, Tang Hongbo, and Wang Qi were also curious about Zhang Chen’s earth-shaking changes, and wanted to know how to improve their professional quality.

So the people in Vianoli, except Lai Wu who kept silent and peeked back from time to time, urged Zhang Chen to tell the reason.

In the face of everyone’s inquiries, Zhang Chen was anxious, and came up with a bold idea in his mind, that is to use the “God’s Gaze” that he often used in school to escape everyone’s inquiries.

Since he was in elementary school, Zhang Chen, who was used to being naughty and mischievous, used this trick almost every time he was brought out by his teacher to criticize education.

It is especially effective against young female teachers.

The thin-skinned female teacher even blushed with shame, and told Zhang Chen to get out of the way on the spot.

“Hurry up, Zhang Chen!” Manager Wang urged Zhang Chen anxiously, and suddenly found that the corners of his mouth twitched twice, and his big eyes were staring at him with hot tears.

Zhang Chen’s delicate and flawless face was full of resentment, helplessness and sadness, as if he had endured a huge grievance.

Manager Wang’s heart seemed to have been hit by a 10,000-ton hammer, as if he had done something humiliating, regret and guilt welled up in his heart, and he kept complaining that he shouldn’t have forced Zhang Chen like this.

“Don’t say it if you don’t want to.” Manager Wang patted Zhang Chen on the shoulder and tried his best to comfort him, “Oh, yes, you and Lai Wu seem to have misunderstood. We are all colleagues, so don’t have any grudges.”

Manager Wang is a good man. He is embarrassed to break the casserole and ask Zhang Chen’s secret. com then changed the topic, trying to appease Lai Wu, the mainstay of the car dealership, and Zhang Chen, a future star.

Only when they work together can the efficiency of the car dealership get better and better.

There’s no way, the Cosmopolitan used car dealership is at the bottom of the various departments of the Cosmopolitan Group in every evaluation. As the head of the department, Manager Wang really can’t afford to lose this person.

Zhang Chen didn’t say a word, glanced at Lai Wu who was also bowing his head in front of him, and snorted coldly in his heart: Humans are harmless to tigers, but tigers hurt people.

There is an old saying in Zhang Chen’s hometown, “green skin radishes have only one head and garlic, and a girl with a raised head bows his head down.”

The green skin and radish are spicy in the mouth, and the one-headed garlic is spicy in the heart. People with normal spirits will not eat them indiscriminately.

“Head-up girl, bow-headed man” refers to a woman walking with her head raised, her chin raised slightly, her eyes wandering around, like a cockfight looking for trouble at any time.

Such a **** must like to gossip about people’s right and wrong, daring and aggressive, arrogant, and unreasonable.

A man walks with his head down and thinks about things. He doesn’t necessarily see you when he walks in front of you, and he must be thinking about others at all times.

These four things are vicious and vicious. They are not good stubborn things. If there is no deep hatred, it is best not to provoke them.

Zhang Chen recalled Lai Wu’s walking posture, he liked to lower his head and not look ahead, and occasionally looked up at others with the corner of his eye.

And Lai Wu’s words and deeds have verified everything well, even if he wants to coexist peacefully, he will not let himself go.

Sure enough, a system prompt sounded in Zhang Chen’s mind: “Pleasure value from colleague Lai Wu: -10000”

At this time, Lai Wu, who was sitting in front of the co-pilot, had turned his head, and the smile he squeezed at Zhang Chen was uglier than crying: “Zhang Chen, it’s all my brother’s fault today, you have a lot, don’t worry. Comparing with my brother.”

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