My Years As a Car Dealer

Chapter 147

Chapter 142: : 1 Train Service

Chapter 0142: One-stop service

Since he won, Jiang Dehao must honor Ruoyan and bet himself the 20 million Huaxia Coins he won.

Zhang Chen was going to go to Jiang Dehao to ask for an account. Sister Ji didn’t want his younger brother to offend Jiang Dehao and his wife to death, so he timidly persuaded him: “Little brother, forget it, Jiang Dehao’s family is very wealthy in the seaside market, it’s not you and I that can offend him. .”

“No.” Zhang Chen felt that he had won, and he had to get the money back. “Killing people to pay for their lives and debts is just right, so I have to get the money back.”

“Okay, I’ll ask you for the account.” Although Sister Ji was concerned about the power of Jiang Dehao’s family, as long as Zhang Chen decided to do what she wanted to do, she gave her 100% unconditional support with both hands and feet, and immediately turned into a ‘fudi madman’ ‘Even if he accompanied Zhang Chen on the mountain of swords and the sea of fire, he did not frown.

During the insurance period, Sister Ji shouted at the men who were present to gather, and a bald man wearing a black vest followed Zhang Chen and Sister Ji to the Jiang Dehao family in the distance.

The strong men surrounded Jiang Dehao’s family with three floors and three floors outside. It was almost impossible to leak. Jiang Dehao and his wife were stunned at first, and guarded their daughters behind them. When Zhang Chen stretched out his palm in front of them to ask for money, Jiang Dehao It was only a sigh of relief, it wasn’t just to find fault and fight.

The names of Jiang Dehao and Li Wen’s husband and wife are out, Jijie and Zhang Chen came to ask for the account, and they were ready to argue or even fight, otherwise they would not have called so many brothers to stand up.

In particular, although Zhang Chen felt that this was a bit despicable and shameless, but in order to make money to open the bar smoothly, he didn’t care about his reputation and wanted to make money.

“Okay, I’ll give it.” Unexpectedly, Jiang Dehao, who has always been arrogant, arrogant and domineering, was unexpectedly easy to talk this time, and he readily agreed to give the money without making Zhang Chen bother.

After the smooth transfer, Zhang Chen and Sister Ji didn’t talk to Jiang Dehao’s family, they turned around and left.

And Jiang Fangyan looked at Zhang Chen’s proud smile and the brisk steps after turning around, and then thought of Zhang Chen’s consistent behavior, she instantly thought of what was going on.

“It turns out that everything was a trap set up by Zhang Chen!” Jiang Fangyan expressed great indignation and strong protest against Zhang Chen’s shamelessness, especially for his practice of grabbing a sheep and scooping the wool from the dead .

With 30 million Huaxia coins in hand, with the money to build a bar, how can Zhang Chen care about the thoughts of Jiang Fangyan’s family? He happily dragged Sister Ji, Wang Keqiang, Xue Feng and others to discuss the bar.

A strong man who was in charge of the Tiandi Hotel stayed, and warmly greeted the rest of the people to enter the hotel for dinner, but only the three Jiang Fangyan family were missed, as if they did not exist.

Jiang Fangyan’s family of three foolishly looked at each other, you look at me, and I look at you.

Their eyes burst into anger at the same time, they nodded heavily to each other, and followed the crowd into the Tiandi Hotel with gnashing teeth. All the money that was blackmailed was eaten back.

Due to the large number of people, the banquet prepared by Sister Ji was not set up in the private room of Tiandi No. 1, but in the spacious hall on the first floor.

After everyone was seated, cold cuts, hot stir-fries, and main dishes were served like water. Every table was full of delicious dishes with fragrant aromas, many of which were the signature dishes of Tiandi Hotel.

Xue Feng, Zhang Chen and others sat together, but Jiang Fangyan’s family sat at a table far away.

Everyone who knows Zhang Chen knows that he can’t pour a thousand glasses, and everyone knows that Zhang Chen wants to talk to everyone about the establishment of the bar, and also ask them for their opinions, so there is no one at the banquet.

Everyone symbolically drank a glass of wine together, and the people at Zhang Chen’s table didn’t care about the people at the other tables.

Zhang Chen stood up in his seat and said to everyone, “Everyone here is my elders and friends, brothers, I don’t hide it from everyone, I’m going to invest the 30 million Huaxia coins I earned today. Jijie’s Tiandi Hotel has transformed the lobby on the first floor into a bar with a ‘wild nature’ style. As the saying goes, when everyone gathers firewood, the flame is high. I would like to ask everyone’s opinions and hear what loopholes and loopholes in my plan. insufficient.”

In Zhang Chen’s plan, the bar to be built must have its own characteristics. The style envisioned by Zhang Chen is to stick to the word “wild”.

From the interior decoration, to the dressing of the bartenders, to the various projects of the performance, they all revolve around the word “wild”. Zhang Chen even planned to perform on stage himself. He even choreographed dances and selected songs. Once imagined, it will surely surprise the customers and achieve the results they are satisfied with.

Zhang Chen stated his ideas and plans in their entirety, for everyone’s reference, waiting for them to raise objections and suggestions.

The number of Wang Keqiang and Xue Feng present here are very old. After they listened to Zhang Chen’s plan seriously, the two exchanged each other in a low voice with a smile.

Xue Feng and Wang Keqiang were very satisfied with Zhang Chen, especially that he was impeccable, Xue Feng said to Wang Keqiang: “Zhang Chen emphasizes loyalty, attaches great importance to friendship, knows how to advance and retreat, understands the world, is also very cautious, and what is more valuable is to maintain With a kind heart, I admire this kid very much.”

“Yes.” Wang Keqiang agrees with Xue Feng’s evaluation of Zhang Chen, “Zhang Chen has a flexible mind, is stable and reliable, and he has done everything to me properly. I am very satisfied. I guess this ‘wild nature’ Style’ bars would be successful too.”

“I don’t think so.” Xue Feng also wanted to help Zhang Chen in earnest, so he did not blindly agree with Wang Keqiang, but had his own views and assumptions.

As the owner of a listed company who has been in the business world for many years, Xue Feng is not optimistic about Zhang Chen’s idea of building a bar. Some young people are stronger.

Xue Feng believed that Zhang Chen had not grasped the golden opportunity of the bar industry in the shopping mall, and he did not know how to take advantage of the capital and the location of the Jijie Tiandi Hotel. Blindly choosing the wrong investment direction was a waste of time and energy, and it was completely worth the loss.

Zhang Chen and everyone quietly listened to Xue Feng’s objections, and no one interrupted him.

When Xue Feng finished explaining his views, at the end, Zhang Chen explained that his “wild” style was entirely aimed at attracting girls who were frustrated in love, failed in the workplace, emotionally lonely, lonely and cold, and young women as the main target. , to achieve the profit target.

“Nonsense.” Xue Feng is a decent person, Zhang Chen thinks that girls and young women are the main consumer groups, which makes him feel that it is simply whimsical, “The consumer group is too narrow, how can you make money?”

“Our bar is dominated by young girls and young women. I have done a long investigation.” Zhang Chen tried his best to justify his plan. After some research, I found a lot of data comparisons from the Internet.

In order to investigate the spending power of young girls and young women, Zhang Chen not only tried his best to inquire about the unit price of consumers in the bar industry, but also looked for big data on consumption in other industries.

For example, in the online text industry, the number of genuine subscriptions and rewards for paid chapters on women’s channels is not as high as that of men’s channels, but the percentage is much higher than that of men’s channels.

In addition, the loyalty of female frequency readers is very high, and the female frequency readers are more enthusiastic…

And the backbone of the female frequency subscription is the teenage to 30-year-old girls, young women.

For example, among the paying groups of various video sites, girls in their teens to 30s and young women are also the biggest customers.

It is with these surveys that Zhang Chen puts his customer base above women in this age group.

“Crazy.” Xue Feng reprimanded Zhang Chen for being chaotic again. He believes that even if the loyalty of women in this age group is high, the unit price of consumer customers is good, but the natural disadvantage of a small population base cannot satisfy the increase in total consumption, and it is not profitable to do business. When it comes to money, even the best ideas are useless.

“With them, are you afraid that the men won’t come with you?” Zhang Chen smiled brightly. He thought about this issue and quickly gave his explanation.

Xue Feng and Zhang Chen expressed their views to each other. The two exchanged fiercely with each other. The quarrel broke out for a while. The two even stood up and shouted loudly in order to convince each other, and they almost slammed the table. Stared and quarreled.

The smell of gunpowder on the scene was getting stronger and stronger, attracting all the attention of the other people at the table.

No. 60 or 70 people on the entire first floor of the Tiandi Hotel had no mind to eat or work. They were all dumbfounded. They looked at Zhang Chen and Xue Feng in unison, for fear that the two of them would make a move if they were not careful.

Wang Keqiang and others hurriedly stood up to dissuade the two sides, accompanied by smiling faces to tell Zhang Chen and Xue Feng not to get angry, not to get angry, everyone can talk about it if they have something to say.

“I’m not angry, I just think Zhang Chen’s idea is too naive, and it’s a pity for him.” Xue Feng felt a sense of grief that iron cannot become steel. He even told Zhang Chen that if he really wanted to invest in a project, he could represent Sanfeng Group. Zhang Chen now has 30 million Huaxia coins. In order to support him, Xue Feng can even owe some of the goods on credit and let him be the general agent of physical stores in the whole province. If he does it well, Xue Feng in later provinces, and even the whole country Dare to give it to Zhang Chen.

Xue Feng’s bold idea completely shocked everyone. They understood that Xue Feng’s car accessories were very good. He invested in and acquired a very profitable car accessories manufacturer, with ready-made channels and users. The difficult stage of finding an agent for goods.

Everyone looked at Xue Feng and Zhang Chen’s eyes with jealousy, this was entirely because Xue Feng gave Zhang Chen money!

“Thank you, Teacher Xue, I understand your kindness.” Unexpectedly, Zhang Chen politely refused, because Zhang Chen told everyone that his goal of starting a bar was not to start his own business, but to help Sister Ji.

If it is for his own consideration, he has 30 million funds, and of course he will choose to be the agent of the physical store of Sanfeng Group without hesitation, not to mention the general agent of a province, even if it is an agent of a prefecture-level city , worked hard for five years and six years, and could successfully enter the ranks of billionaires.

As for Jijie, it is different. She and Ah Hu and others have a low level of education, and their planning is very casual and inconsequential. However, there are too many projects involved in the automotive accessories industry, and the types are too complex. Understand everything, and have been tortured mad by the complex professional knowledge that needs to be mastered.

In addition, I have to deal with all kinds of customers, dealers, distributors, after-sales maintenance, and government departments. It is estimated that with the characters of Jijie and Ahu, I have a few words with customers and a few times in the negotiation with distributors. The guy who can get mad and knock it on the door.

Zhang Chen’s analysis of Jijie’s weaknesses has been affirmed by everyone. She feels that Jijie is indeed a real entity, and it is not suitable to be a dealer of auto supplies. The most obvious example is the Tiandi Hotel, which has a huge investment and has been unable to recover the cost.

In the past, Jijie was very prosperous as a small street restaurant. After demolishing the old house and building a high-rise building, after expanding the scale, the original messy business has plummeted. No matter how authentic the taste of the dishes, the more affordable the price, the customers who come to the door every day There are not many. If it weren’t for the huge advantages in terms of employee wages and no need to pay rent, Jijie would have lost her money and had nowhere to go.

“Mr. Xue, I think my brother’s analysis is too right. Auto supplies are too complicated and there are too many types. Running this business is too labor-intensive. It’s really not suitable for me.” Sister Ji was very sincere and simply admitted herself to Xue Feng. It is not a material to be a provincial agent.

“You…” Xue Feng pointed at Sister Ji’s nose and was speechless, “You really can’t support the wall!”

Discovering that Xue Feng had a tendency to get angry, Xin Zhao hurried out to smooth things out. First, he didn’t want Xue Feng’s body to get mad. Second, he didn’t want the two sides to quarrel. One was his boss and the other was his good friend. one party is injured.

So Xin Zhao suddenly said to everyone, “I don’t think your methods are good.”


“Do you have any good ideas?”

“Brother Zhao, hurry up, hurry up.”

The suspicious gazes of the crowd instantly annihilated Xin Zhao.

Xin Zhao winked, raised his head and raised his chest, and raised his voice with a funny smile, his sharp tone was like that of an **** in the palace: “The plan to get rich that I thought of was, just let Sister Ji renovate the whole building,

The first floor sells Mala Tang.

The second floor sells health care products.

Open a hotel on the third floor ~ ~ on the fourth floor for painless flow of people.

The detective office on the fifth floor also investigates “extra-marital” love and three “angle” love.

On the sixth floor, there is a law firm that also handles divorce cases. ”

“Ah?” Person No. 67 had a black line on his face, and then burst into laughter at the same time.

Xin Zhao’s gag has achieved the goal of alleviating the awkward atmosphere. He still pretended to be honest and smirked and rubbed his hands together: “One-stop service, what a perfect plan! Thinking about it, it’s just a waste of money.”

The atmosphere in the lobby on the first floor of Tiandi Hotel finally became warm again with Xin Zhao’s joke.

Xue Feng smiled while wiping his tears with a tissue, and patted Xin Zhao on the shoulder.

Zhang Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Xin Zhao gratefully, thanked him for saving him, and finally no longer had to be taught by Xue Feng. Remember the website address, www. biquxu. Com, it is convenient to read next time, or you can enter this site by entering “” in Baidu

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