My Years As a Car Dealer

Chapter 17

Chapter 17: : Sister Ji Has 2 Bold Ideas

Chapter 0017: Sister Chicken has two bold ideas

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no fans,

no clicks,

no reward,

no popup,

Nobody pays attention.

Sister Ji is worried, she can’t eat, can’t sleep, and lose a lot of hair.

Later, all the brothers were mobilized to find the answer, and an industry insider was invited.

Sister Ji pressed the industry insider to sit on the sofa in the private room of Tiandi Hotel.

More than a dozen strong men with bald heads, tattoos, and big waists surrounded them fiercely. After a while of intimidation and a promise of 50,000 Chinese coins, they realized that the live broadcast industry is deep and muddy, not as simple as imagined.

Although dirty broadcast is not a live broadcast platform that looks at the face, the appearance determines everything, but if you want to be popular, you must promote it online and offline, package it, participate in training, join a trade union, and be talented and able to interact with fans.

An industry insider asked Sister Ji: “Can you sing?”

Sister Ji shook her head, she could attract wolves by singing herself, so she said the truth in frustration: “No.”

“Can you dance?”

Sister Ji shook her head again: “No.”

“Can you call Mai?”

Sister Ji shook her head again: “No.”

“Will there be a talk show?”

Sister Ji shook her head almost crazy: “No.”

The industry insiders were also speechless, exhausted and asked Sister Ji: “What on earth can you do?”

“Can Erguotou drink two and a half catties?”

an expert:”…”

There is absolutely no potential for fire!

People in the industry are worthy of being in the industry. Under the temptation of 50,000 Huaxia coins and the intimidation of fists, he gave Jijie an idea.

Since Sister Ji knows nothing, she can be a chat anchor.

To put it bluntly, it is those who mainly talk about the mountains.

You don’t need to show talent or play tricks to be the anchor. Sister Ji is very excited and feels that it suits her very well, and she is eager to try it.

Before she was happy for two minutes, people in the industry were afraid that Sister Ji’s live chat would be frustrated, and then they angered themselves, so they began to vaccinate her.

He told Sister Ji in detail that chatting is not easy, and it is not a short talk among parents.

Not to mention that the anchor should know astronomy and geography, at least usually read more, pay more attention to the current hot news and other aspects of information.

You must have strong communication skills, high emotional intelligence, understand what fans say and respond quickly.

Even better if you understand psychology.

Finally, it is emphasized that chat-type anchors generally prepare some topics, actively guide the communication and interaction with fans, and communicate with fans generally from the position of the other party…

The lofty ambitions that had just surged up were smothered by people in the industry. Sister Ji didn’t like to study since she was a child. Letting her read books and newspapers was more uncomfortable than killing her.

Jijie’s fat face is terrifyingly gloomy. People in the industry know that he is in trouble. He is afraid of being beaten, so he quickly rounds up the scene, saying that the anchor who mainly focuses on chatting does not have too much talent, and it does not matter if he does not read books or newspapers, as long as he dares to speak It is very popular if you do it, don’t go out of your way.

Sister Ji breathed a sigh of relief, and started her live broadcast career with an uneasy heart.

Relying on his outspoken work and sincere personality, he has more or less won the support of some fans.

Later, after being around for a long time, after listening to other people’s introduction, she bought 60,000 Zombie fans, and with occasional activities, giving cash, mobile phones, and gifts, the number of her fans has been hovering around 70,000.

Well, that is to say, the real fans are actually only 10,000.

Giving gifts is too much to take advantage of, and Jijie is nicknamed, jokingly called the local tyrant chicken.

But now everything is different, a full 200,000 fans!

The live broadcast career has undergone earth-shaking changes, which is actually related to the young man in front of him.

I went to the car shop to meet Zhang Chen today, and her handsome appearance melted the heart of Sister Ji.

What is rare is that Zhang Chen speaks witty and humorous. When helping her anchor, he is very good at interacting and communicating with fans.

The number of fans is rising like a volcanic eruption, and the barrage and rewards are countless times more than usual.

Now Zhang Chen sings, and the singing is very good, and he gave himself a divine assist. The number of fans has broken through the 200,000 mark, and it is estimated that he will be able to reach the top rankings on the homepage.

Zhang Chen’s ability is exactly what Sister Ji lacks.

The current good situation is also what she hopes to see.

Sister Ji is happy, proud, and comfortable.

There is a feeling that a daughter-in-law has become a mother-in-law for many years.

Sister Ji looked at the handsome Zhang Chen, and even had two bold ideas.

The first bold idea was to let Zhang Chen and himself organize a live broadcast to advertise the Tiandi Hotel.

The second super daring idea, hee hee, Sister Ji thought it was a toad who wanted to eat swan meat and wishful thinking, but, if she didn’t try it, she would be a little unwilling.

The private room of the Tiandi Hotel was boiling, and everyone applauded and cheered for Zhang Chen.

Except for Lai Wu’s sullen old face, sitting in the chair with his head down and sulking, everyone else surrounded Zhang Chen. The situation was like discovering an international big-name singer, and they all begged Zhang Chen to sing.

After a long time of commotion, everyone was stunned, as excited as a fool.

The banquet started, and everyone pushed Zhang Chen to the chief.

Zhang Chen shied away in every possible way, but he was really stubborn, but he sat down when he had no choice.

On the left of Zhang Chen is Sister Ji, and on the right is Manager Wang.

Lai Wu and the others took the initiative to sit far away from Zhang Chen.

The dishes in front of them were filled with huge dining tables, steaming hot and fragrant.

Jijie said at the time that she wanted to cook hard vegetables. The strange thing is that many of the dishes are familiar to everyone, and they are all ordinary home-cooked dishes.

Braised mutton, Jiuzhuan fat sausage, oily pork fillet, wrapped fried pork with different flavors…

Nothing unusual, eh?

What is even more shocking is that there is a plate of roasted bean sprouts mixed in it.

Lai Wu was originally going to eat a big meal, but now he has no interest, and his face is gloomy, just like Jijie owes him the money, he picked up a bean sprout with silver chopsticks, and slapped the silver chopsticks on the table in disgust. superior.

Sister chicken, please have dinner, it’s too much for you to slap your face like this! From the corner of Manager Wang’s eyes, he glanced at Sister Ji, afraid that she would get angry.

However, Manager Wang noticed that Sister Ji turned back to peek at Zhang Chen from time to time, and smirked, not paying attention to Lai Wu’s actions, he let out a long sigh of relief, glared at Lai Wu, and uttered a sound: ” I have bad teeth, and the bean sprouts are just in my appetite.”

“This plate of bean sprouts is 20 years old, how are you fooling the ghost?” Lai Wu was not afraid of Manager Wang at all, and his voice was a bit loud, which made Hao Qiang and Tang Hongbo burst into laughter.

Hao Qiang picked up the conversation with a slap in the face: “Who said twenty? Just this decoration, it’s worth 100 yuan a plate.”


The movements of Lai Wu and the others attracted Sister Ji’s attention. At the beginning, they didn’t realize what was going on. After listening quietly for a while, they realized the reason.

Putting on Sister Ji’s temper, these three boys fart in their own shop, and they will definitely beat them first, and then throw them outside.

But today’s Jijie didn’t want to get angry in front of Zhang Chen, but said with a smile: “This dish is more than 500 yuan, and there is no discount for the limit.”

“More than 500? No discount for the limited amount?”

“So expensive? Is it made of gold?”

“It’s just a plate of bean sprouts!”

Including Zhang Chen, everyone exclaimed for a while, and the incredible eyes instantly annihilated Sister Ji.

Sister Ji’s smile was not lacking at all, and she explained to Zhang Chen patiently: “This bean sprout dish first selects fat and strong bean sprouts, removes the head and tail, hollows out the middle part of the bean sprouts with copper wire, and then stuffs them into bird’s nests and shark fins. , steam it in a pot, a dish takes two people a day to cook…”

“Bird’s nest, shark’s fin? Five, more than five hundred?” Lai Wu stuttered a little when he spoke, his old face was in pain, as if he had been slapped countless times by Sister Ji.

Zhang Chen curiously pointed to the braised mutton in front of him and asked, “What about this?”

“This braised mutton is all lambs that were airlifted from Australia, and only the most tender part of the lamb was taken, served with ten kinds of seafood and condiments made of eighteen kinds of Chinese herbal medicines. Refreshing and refreshing, the price of 1,200 yuan is definitely worth the money…”

There are many things in ordinary dishes. The picky Lai Wu has nothing to say. Although there is an air conditioner in the private room, Lai Wu’s forehead is full of sweat, for fear that Sister Ji will trouble him.

The Quan Wuxing that Lai Wu was worried about did not happen. Today’s Jijie seems to be very talkative, so she easily let Lai Wu go and greeted everyone to drink and eat.

The wine is a high-grade wine, a ten-year Chen and fifty-three degree Maotai that Jijie has collected.

Sister Ji also carefully chose two taels of glass wine glasses, and did not take out the three or two glasses they often use for wine.

Sister Ji stood up, bang bang bang opened three bottles of Maotai, and then opened nine two-two glasses in front of her.

The sage once said: Tea is full of deception, and wine is full of respect.

Each glass was poured slowly, and Sister Ji brought it to Zhang Chen herself before turning the disc to let everyone claim the glass.

Seeing Sister Ji taking good care of Zhang Chen, Lai Wu’s eyes were red with rage, and he wanted to throw his hands and leave, but he couldn’t bear the good wine and food on the table. Embarrassing in front of you.

Sister Ji picked up the glass and tapped the table top with the bottom of the glass, signaling everyone to raise a glass and go first, then raised her head and drank it cleanly, showing the bottom of the glass and passing it in front of everyone.

Zhang Chen is a real person, and drinking is more serious. He never cheats or cheats. Since Sister Ji is done, he gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and finished drinking.

However, Zhang Chen usually drinks with his classmates. He seldom drinks white beer. He likes cheap and refreshing beer. After drinking two or two high-quality liquor, his throat is on fire, and he coughs constantly.

“Drink slowly, drink slowly.” Sister Ji slapped Zhang Chen’s back with a doting face, which was completely different from her usual sturdy and fierce image.

Sister Ji, who was tested by alcohol, guessed that Zhang Chen was invincible to drink, and he was so considerate that he did not pass the level. He waved to everyone to drink delicious food.

At present, everyone throws off their cheeks and eats and drinks wildly.

After having three cups with Manager Wang, Sister Ji shared a bold idea in her heart with Zhang Chen: “Zhang Chen, my sister has something to ask you.”

“Sister Chicken, if you have something to say, you can help. I, Zhang Chen, will never be vague.”

“Okay, happy.” Sister Ji felt that Zhang Chen and her were too bad-tempered, and the more she looked at him, the more she liked him. She was afraid that Zhang Chen would disagree, but now she just said it directly, “You know I’m not a live broadcaster, I I want you to help me and live with me.”

“No problem.” Zhang Chen understands that Jijie’s Tiandi Hotel is not doing well. She is not doing live broadcasts for fun, but to advertise and promote.

Furthermore, Zhang Chen felt that Jijie was refreshing, sincere, and had the style of an ancient hero. Such a person deserves deep friendship, so he wanted to help her.

In this materialistic society, where everything pays attention to price, return, and money, Zhang Chen promised himself without saying a word. Sister Ji was moved with tears in his eyes, and the prepared remarks and promised benefits were swallowed. in the stomach.

Indeed, Zhang Chen is refreshing, if he is such a philistine, he will blind his good intentions in vain.

Without saying anything, Sister Ji made up her mind that she would not treat Zhang Chen badly. She picked up the wine glass and wished a happy cooperation.

Sister Ji and Zhang Chen had another drink, and Zhang Chen happily drank it. So far, the high-level liquor of forty-two-fifty-three degrees has been eaten.

His head was a little dizzy, his body was shaking a little, his consciousness was normal, and there was no confusion.

“Zhang Chen, drink some tea and sober up.” Manager Wang stood up with sharp eyes and poured tea for Zhang Chen himself. His caring and considerate appearance made the eating in the distance brimming with excitement, and Lai Wu, who was smirking. Very upset.

Lai Wu looked at Zhang Chen from a distance, and found that his body was shaking, his face was flushed, and he was obviously incapable of drinking. is on the verge of collapse.

Can’t drink? That’s great, the labor and management will put a fire on you and let you go out sideways.

Lai Wu’s eyes shot vicious eyes, his feet kicked Hao Qiang and Tang Hongbo under the table, swallowed his mouthful of food with difficulty, picked up the wine glass and a bottle of Maotai in front of him and stood up.

Hao Qiang and Tang Hongbo sat in their seats and didn’t move, but when they saw Lai Wu staring at Zhang Chen’s eyes full of hatred, they immediately understood what he meant.

The two of them also saw that Zhang Chen didn’t drink much, so they grinned and laughed.

“What are you doing?” Manager Wang was amazed by Zhang Chen’s ability today, and his opinion of him turned 180 degrees. Now Lai Wu suddenly stood up, obviously the comer was not good, and couldn’t help shouting loudly, warning He doesn’t mess around.

“Aiya, Old Wang, what are you yelling about?” Lai Wuzao thought about his words, tried his best to squeeze out a smile, and said to Zhang Chen, “I guess there is some misunderstanding with Zhang Chen, and now I’m here to make amends with him, why? Do you look down on me?”

The sage once said: Knowing the face, knowing the face, but not the heart.

Lai Wu’s tongue-in-cheek concealment and running, Manager Wang and Ji Ji relaxed a little, thinking that Lai Wu and the others really wanted to apologize to Zhang Chen.

Who are you fooling? Zhang Chen didn’t trust Wu’s nonsense because he heard the system prompt: “The pleasure value from my colleague Lai Wu: -1000”

Zhang Chen, who had a premonition of danger, secretly guarded himself, knowing that Lai Wu came to apologize to himself on the surface, but in fact there was something else tricky.

“Brother, it’s all my fault. I’ll drink one first, and I’ll make an apology for you.” Lai Wu didn’t give Zhang Chen a chance to refuse. The bottom of the cup was lit up for Zhang Chen to see, which was a hypocritical statement of his attitude to everyone.

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