My Years As a Car Dealer

Chapter 343

Chapter 333: : Grass Head King

Chapter 0333: Grass Head King

Zhang Chen and others were very curious about Hardan Bartel’s SI car assembly workshop, and they went around for a long time, seeing a lot of the inside story of SI cars, and they came out after walking for two hours.

Hardan Bartel and the others were about to go home along the path by the village, when suddenly a dark shadow flashed by the dark side of the road and came to the side of the crowd.

The sudden situation frightened Jiang Fangyan and Mu Qing for a while screaming. In the blink of an eye, Zhang Chen dodged to block in front of everyone, watching the young man who appeared in front of everyone vigilantly, ready to act at any time.

The young man was blocked by Zhang Chen, but he was not angry. Instead, he smiled kindly, with a surprisingly good attitude, as if he knew Zhang Chen.

“Xiao Zhang? Why are you sneaking around?” Seeing Jiang Fangyan and a few people being taken aback, Hardan Bartel scolded the young man in front of him a little unhappily.

The young man called Xiao Zhang did not answer Hardan Bartel’s question across Zhang Chen, but instead asked, “Uncle, is this young man who saved the four babies of Uncle Chen’s family?”

“Yes, Zhang Chen not only saved Brother Chen’s four grandsons, but also his uncle’s life.” Speaking of Zhang Chen’s battle against the wolves that day, Hardan Bartel was both excited and scared. Old Zhang’s face was flushed red, and he was dancing and gesturing.

“Thank you, thank you brother.” Xiao Zhang reached out and grabbed Zhang Chen’s right hand, and thanked him excitedly, “If it weren’t for you, Uncle Chen’s family would be over.”

It turned out to be someone from the village, Zhang Chen’s tense nerves relaxed, and he responded politely with a smile.

“Hey, Xiao Zhang, didn’t you stay vigil today? Why did you come back?” Hardan Bartel suddenly remembered, “Are you being lazy and slippery again?”

“No, no, absolutely not.” Xiao Zhang waved his hands in panic, and in order to prove his innocence, he immediately stated his purpose of coming to Hardan Bartel, “When we were on guard outside the village, we suddenly saw a group of suspicious people. Approaching, Uncle Wang immediately called me back to report, and I happened to meet the old uncle.”

“A group of suspicious people approaching?” Zhang Chen’s heart was startled, and he instantly thought of the people who were inquiring about him that Father Maui Sig said.

Hardan Bartel also thought of these people, and immediately asked nervously: “Do you see clearly, how many people are there? What kind of people are they?”

“At that time, we were lying in the grass at the entrance of the village, and we could see clearly. There were probably twenty-three or four people in the group, all of whom were strong men with big shoulders and round waists, but they stopped outside the village and did not dare to enter the village. ”

After Xiao Zhang Ma Liu answered, he looked expectantly at Hardan Bartel and asked what to do next.

At the entrance of the village? Hardan Bartel was well acquainted with the geography around the village and knew that it was the only road leading to Chexian County.

Hardan Bartel slapped Xiao Zhang on the shoulder heavily: “Okay, you did a good job, go back and tell Pharaoh, send more people, and pay attention to labor and management.”

Xiao Zhang got Hardan Bartel’s order and turned to leave immediately, looking at the dark village head in the distance, Wang Keqiang lowered his voice and said to Hardan Bartel: “Although I don’t know what these people are looking for us for, I am afraid that these people come here. Not good.”

“In this third of the acre, the labor and capital are the king of grass. No matter who they are or what they want to do, it is the dragon who wants to be the labor and the capital, and the tiger who is going to lie down.” Hardan Bartel patted his chest, filled with righteous indignation. Said that as long as he is with Hardan Bartel, everyone’s safety will be guaranteed.

“We can’t wait for these people to appear, and find a way to seduce them.” At the critical moment of getting the car source, there can be no mistakes, Zhang Chen thought of a good way to take the initiative.

After hearing what Zhang Chen said, everyone agreed.

Hardan Bartel also thought it was feasible. The more he looked at Zhang Chen, the more he liked it. He said cheerfully, “My brother is smart and has a good head. I will let these grandchildren go for a walk tomorrow.”

Because of the sudden appearance of suspicious crowds, the original plan to go to Che County tomorrow morning was changed.

At noon, Hardan Bartel and Zhang Chen, carrying picnic food and fishing gear, walked swayingly towards the river not far from the entrance of the village.

While walking, everyone happily talked about interesting things in the mountains, and seemed very relaxed, as if they didn’t know that suspicious people were found last night.

When passing through a depression, Zhang Chen found that there were reeds and weeds everywhere. Surprisingly, not far to the east of the depression, there was a half-mu-sized open space. At the same distance, a half-meter-deep trench was dug. .

“Who is planting what in this wild country?” Zhang Chen asked Hardan Bartel curiously, looking at the uniform, clearly dug trenches.

“Hehe.” Hardan Bartel replied with a smile, but the corner of his eye was always alert to the situation around him, “People from the village often come here to herd sheep, and by the way, they reclaimed a plot of land to grow yam.”

Wang Keqiang came over, stared at the soil ridge and shouted loudly, “Yam is good!”

“What’s the benefit?” Of course Zhang Chen had eaten yam, but he didn’t think there was anything special about it.

“That’s because you were young before.” Wang Keqiang squinted his eyes with a female smile, lowered his voice and said mysteriously, “This yam, if a man eats it, nv people can’t stand it. If nv people eat it, men can’t stand it. ”

Even though Mu Qing and others are young, but now the information is so developed, they already know everything they should know.

Everyone immediately understood what Wang Keqiang meant, and they couldn’t lift their waists with a smile.

Zhang Chen stood in the depression without any intention of moving forward. He rubbed his sour cheeks with a smile and asked, “What if all the men ate it?”

“Eat all the men?” Wang Keqiang answered deliberately and earnestly, “The bed can’t stand it if the men have eaten it.”

With a “coax”, everyone laughed and leaned back, their faces cramped.

Zhang Chen still didn’t mean to go forward, and then asked: “Since it is so good, there must be many people who grow yam.”

“There aren’t many people who plant it.” Hardan Bartel shook his head unexpectedly.

Zhang Chen was stunned: “Why not many?”

“Why?” Wang Keqiang blinked his eyes narrowly, “There are so many kinds of yam, the earth can’t stand it!”

Laughter resounded in the crowd again. Hardan Bartel bent over and covered his stomach with a smile. He felt that he was with Zhang Chen, and he was a dozen or 20 years younger.

“No, no.” Hardan Bartel quickly explained with his hand, “It is best to plant yam in fertile, loose sandy land with convenient irrigation and drainage. Although the black soil in the northeast is good, it is not suitable for yam cultivation. not much.”

Everyone walked forward laughing and joking, and Zhang Chen suddenly remembered the young man named Xiao Zhang last night, and asked Hardan Bartel curiously: “I found that people in the village were very enthusiastic as long as they knew that we saved Uncle Chen’s grandson. , I went to the canteen in the village to buy things, but the shop owner refused to accept my money, and said that I saved four dolls, and I was the benefactor of the old Chen family and his benefactor.”

“Yeah, a few villagers were beside the tavern this morning, and they insisted on taking me for a drink. They were very enthusiastic.” Wang Keqiang also had a deep understanding of the enthusiasm of the villagers.

“Zhang Chen rescued Uncle Chen’s children, but the villagers are very grateful, as if Zhang Chen rescued their relatives.” Mu Qing was very curious about the villagers’ reactions, and didn’t know why.

Hardan Bartel saw that everyone looked at him, and smiled proudly: “This is because although there are several ethnic groups in our village, everyone gets along in harmony, like a family. Let’s just say that this time, Brother Chen’s child was lost, and the whole village went out to look for it.”

Listening to Hardan Bartel’s explanation, everyone thinks that the people in Shanwanzi Village are too united. Unlike the people in the city, although the material life is several grades higher than the people in the village, there is a kind of harmony and harmony between people. gone.

After passing this reed field, you can see the big river next to the road next to the village. It is surrounded by mountains and rivers and has beautiful scenery. It is really a good place for picnic and fishing.

Except for Hardan Bartel, who was injured, the other five were busy.

The two girls, Mu Qing and Jiang Fangyan, spread out tablecloths on the grass, Zhang Chen and Wang Keqiang packed a small barbecue grill, and Ling Zhenghao and Hardan Bartel took out the prepared fish food, ready to start fishing.

But before everyone was ready, he heard heavy footsteps not far away.

Everyone looked up following the sound, and suddenly found a group of people rushing down from the mountain and running quickly towards them along the river.

There are about ten people in this group, all of them are strong men with big shoulders and round waists, with a murderous look, it seems that the comers are not good.

“Come on.” Hardan Bartel dropped the fishing rod and yelled at everyone to quickly run back to the way they came.

However, before everyone rushed into the reeds in a panic, a dozen or so strong men appeared in front of them.

As a result, Zhang Chen and the six were blocked by the strong men who came, one after another, and two waves, and surrounded the reeds.

Among those people, a tall and strong man took out his mobile phone, as if he had opened some interface, his eyes kept moving back and forth between Mu Qing and the mobile phone, and finally his eyes showed a smile, and he finally determined that he had found his target.

“It’s her.” The strong man pointed at Mu Qing, the sneer at the corner of his mouth was fierce, and he immediately waved his hand to let his accomplices do it.

The encirclement of the brawny men shrank, and these brawny men smirked and joked, as if they didn’t take Zhang Chen and others into their eyes at all.

It’s true that Zhang Chen and the others are old, young, and the only one looking at Hardan Bartel, who is more capable of fighting, is still covered in gauze, and he is seriously ill.

The strong men didn’t intend to waste their time with Zhang Chen and others, and wanted to do it directly. Hardan Bartel was anxious and shouted at the strong men: “What do you want to do? Is there any king law in broad daylight?”

“Wang Fa? Labor and capital are Wang Fa, stay on the side honestly, dare to break the labor and capital affairs, and kill you.” The headed strong man glanced at Hardan Bartel sneeringly, directly ignoring him, and urged his subordinates again. Don’t waste time.

The brawny men laughed at Hardan Bartel’s self-control, and after hearing the instructions of the elder brother, they separated four people from the crowd. They stretched out their arms together and wanted to pull Mu Qing out of Zhang Chen and the others and take him away. .

“Hold on.” Zhang Chen took a step forward, blocking the front of the four strong men, and asked them coldly, “Does it rely on more people to bully less people?”

“The labor and management are bullying you, what can you do?” The four strong men laughed in unison, and their smiles did not hide their ridicule to Zhang Chenqiang.

“What can we do? Are there more people?” Hardan Bartel also raised his head and smiled. His smile was more cheerful than that of the strong men, but when he lowered his head to look at the strong men, he was full of smiles. His eyes became extremely cold, and a murderous aura rushed towards his face, and then he shouted, “All the labor and capital will come out.”

Before Hardan Bartel’s voice fell, there was a thunderous sound in the reeds behind everyone.

After a few seconds, a hula-la rushed out of a black crowd of people.

These people, old and young, male and female, carried long knives and sticks, kitchen knives and rolling pins, and colanders with brick cacti. starter

The crowd that burst out from the reeds rushed out and dispersed, surrounded these strong men like a tide, and the murderous aura shrouded the top of their heads.

There was an ambush? The strong men who were originally hunters were all panicked. How could they care about Zhang Chen and the others, they kept turning their bodies one by one to guard the Quartet, worried that someone would sneak a knife or a stick on them.

The strong man headed looked at the crowded crowd, his eyes widened in horror, and he didn’t understand how this dark crowd came out.

Is it a trick?

Or are you delusional about your dizziness?

After confirming the truth of the fact that he was surrounded, his heart was cold, and he was extremely remorseful. His legs were trembling, and he didn’t even have the strength to escape.

“Boy, playing with labor and capital on this acre of land? Tired of living crooked?” Hardan Bartel strode towards the strong man at the head, and when he reached the front, he stretched out his big fan-like hand and slapped him in the face.

The strong man never thought that Hardan Bartel would suddenly hit someone. He felt as if his head had been stepped on by an elephant. With a buzzing sound, he was directly beaten, and he didn’t even know that blood was flowing from the corner of his mouth.

“You dare to fight the labor and capital? The labor and capital are fighting with you.” The strong man is also a fierce man. After he woke up, he gritted his teeth and pulled out a dagger to go forward and fight Hardan Bartel.

Hula la, after a loud noise, countless long knives and long sticks pressed against the back of the strong man, and the cold stinging feeling on the muscles, needless to say, it was also a warning to the strong man, dare to move and give him a thorough treatment immediately. cold heart.

“Brother, don’t be impulsive, don’t be impulsive, say something well, say it well.” The strong man looked down at the sword tips, stick heads, and the accomplices next to him who looked down and pretended not to see him being beaten, knowing that today No one could count on it, so he immediately gave up. He dropped the dagger in his hand and shouted for mercy.

I can’t do it without begging for my life. In this wild country, I can’t even make a phone call. Maybe these villagers really dare to kill people.

“Now I know it’s called Big Brother, now I know to beg for mercy?” Hardan Bartel raised his head and looked directly at the strong man opposite Yue Hung. After sneering again and again, he slapped him in the face again.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

The old face of the strong man swelled up in an instant, but unlike just now, he didn’t dare to stab him, he didn’t dare to fight back when he was beaten, and he didn’t dare to fight back.

But Hardan Bartel didn’t spare him, his big fan-like hand raised again, and the old face of the strong man slapped loudly.

Hardan Bartel roared while fanning: “Didn’t you say that you are Wang Fa?”

“Didn’t you say you were going to kill the laborers?”

“Aren’t you more than people?”

Bullying someone who didn’t dare to fight Hardan Bartel also felt that there was no sense of accomplishment, so he quickly stopped after a few slaps.

Finally, he shouted loudly at the villagers: “Come here, tie all these grandchildren to labor and capital, and throw them into the river.”

“Throw it into the river?” Do you really dare to kill someone? The surrounded strong men were all stunned, but all the villagers were surrounded by darkness, and they had nowhere to run.

These strong men fell to their knees in unison, holding their hands high and begging for mercy. Some said that they were just passing by with soy sauce, and they didn’t know anything, and it was none of their business.

Some say that they have an 80-year-old mother and a baby who has not been weaned, and begged the merciful and merciful uncles and aunts to do good things and let them go.

Some also cried bitterly and angrily denounced the strong man headed by him.

The strong man at the head was also afraid. He couldn’t swim, and he was thrown into the river and drowned within three seconds.

He didn’t care about the long knives and sticks in front of him and behind him, and the burning pain in his cheeks that had been slapped into a donkey’s face. The strong man’s legs softened and he knelt down towards Hardan Bartel, begging to let him go. A horse.

“Let you go? It’s ok.” Zhang Chen stood up and looked at the strong man at the head coldly, “However, if I have to ask, what do you answer, if you dare not tell the truth, you will be chopped up immediately. Throw it in the river to feed the fish.”


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