Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 103 - data collection

“Mr. Liang, please explain why you want to do this?” Lockhart looked a little unhappy, after all, it was personally unhappy to be disrupted while trying to force.

“Uh, I saw that you played the War Werewolf too well, so I couldn’t help but want to applaud, and in the end accidentally fired magic.” Ryan quietly wiped a cold sweat after finishing the speech, and made a one in such a short time. Nonsense is not easy.

“Ah, I can understand your excitement when you see my heroic attitude, but I hope you won’t do it again in the future. After all, there are so many classmates in the class. It’s not good to disturb them to watch like this.” Lockhart turned and sorted out his expression to continue the performance.

Many boys gave thumbs up to Ryan’s ability to lie, but some girls looked at Ryan with angry eyes. No matter where the brain powder is.

After class, Ryan whispered his dissatisfaction with his homework (who actually wrote a poem or a fart poem, what is in Lockhart’s mind?). Then walked into the library with the flow of people.

After finishing his homework, Ryan began to look for books related to the Basilisk in the bookshelf.

It may be because the basilisk itself is scarce, so there are not many books related to the basilisk in the library. In addition to “Where is the magical animal” roughly introduces the basilisk, other books have only been carried by a few pens. The only gain is that a travel note of a Greek wizard states that the older the basilisk, the harder it is to deal with.

But the problem is that Ryan knew about it. However, after reading the entire travelogue, Ryan noticed something interesting. According to the wizard’s description, although the Basilisk can communicate with the Serpent, in fact, the Basilisk brain is still the brain of a beast, and there is no human wisdom.

This is good news. Attacking a beast is completely different from attacking a beast with an IQ. However, some things still need to be investigated on the ground.

While most people were doing their homework, Ryan slipped out of the library and ran into Myrtle’s bathroom. As soon as I pushed the door in, I saw Myrtle sitting on the sink.

“I know you, we have met a couple of days ago. But this is a women’s toilet, not where you should come in.” Myrtle said to Ryan after seeing Ryan entering the door.

“I’m here for you.” Ryan said.

“Find me?” Myrtle looked a little surprised. “You know, although I am dead, there are still a lot of people talking about me behind me. No one has ever thought that the poor Myrtle is also emotional. I am not as wide-ranging as Nick and not as passionate as a fat monk. There is no sea Lina and Barrow have noble identities, so … “

Speaking of this, myrtle fluttered violently to look at Ryan’s eyes: “I don’t know what you are doing for me? Isn’t it really to laugh at me?”

“It has nothing to do with mocking you, but you only know this question, so I can only come to you.” Ryan said sincerely, looking at Tao Jinliang’s eyes.

“Really, only I know?” Tao Jinniang happily made a circle in the air. “You ask, as long as I know, I will tell you.”

“It may be offending, but I want to know what happened when you died?”

“Ouch, it’s terrible,” she said remarkably, at this moment the whole appearance of Myrtle changed suddenly. It seems that no one has ever asked her such an honour question. “It happened here. I died in this toilet …”

After listening to Myrtle ’s statement, Ryan omitted the clear episode that she was crying in the toilet after being bullied by the campus, and asked a little unwillingly: “You really did not see what was attacked?”

“Yes, I only remember seeing a pair of scary yellow eyes. My whole body seemed to be caught, and then I floated away …”

“Then can you give me a rough description of where you saw the two eyes?”

“No problem.” After talking about Myrtle sitting on the toilet, Ryan turned out two light **** to represent the pair of eyes, and then moved the position of the eyes according to Myrtle’s instructions.

Obviously, Myrtle kept remembering what killed her. After five or six minutes after Ryan adjusted the position of the light ball again, Myrtle nodded and signaled that his eyes were looking at the position of the light ball.

According to the knowledge of the snakes in the library and the eye distance of the snakes obtained this time, Ryan can confirm the size of the snakes. Ryan quickly took out the book from his bag and took note of the data.

Myrtle looked at Ryan Fen’s book and asked curiously, “Is this important to you?”

“Very important, and may even be related to my life.” Lane said while writing.

“Ah, I am honored to help you.” Tao Jinniang looked very happy, this may be the first time she received such attention.

After taking notes, Lane made some soul chocolates on the spot and gave them to Myrtle as a gratitude gift. Myrtle took over the chocolate and said, “It turns out that the Nick banquet was made by you. Unfortunately, there were too many people squeezing at the table. I only ate a chicken wing. Thank you for your gift! Welcome to come again next time. “

After saying goodbye to Myrtle this year, Ryan found a place where no one opened a small space door leading to the world of Plants vs. Zombies ~ ~ and threw the notes I just took into it. These data help Ryan’s previous equipment to deal with Basilisk more effectively.

After doing all this, Ryan returned to the common room. Today the homework discussion group got together and did not write homework. Because tomorrow is the Quidditch match of the Gryffindor team, everyone gets together to prepare something like a banner to cheer up.

The knowledge that Ryan had learned through “Making 100 Common Potions” soon came into use. He formulated a magic flash textile dye that can only last for 36 hours (thanks to the raw materials provided by the Weasley brothers) . This way they can make banners directly from bed sheets.

After drawing the roaring lion, Hermione released a small magic on it to allow the lion to make roaring movements.

“This is a little craft I learned from the fat monk, isn’t it?” Hermione said to Ryan after she released the magic.

“It seems that you learned a lot of good things from ghosts yesterday.”

“Yeah.” Hermione nodded somewhat proudly. “I don’t know why, most wizards ignore those ghosts, they don’t even know that ghosts are also carriers of knowledge. When I chatted with them yesterday, I gained a lot of knowledge that I have never seen before, even lost. . “

“That’s because your attitude touched them. Those ghosts have been floating in the world for hundreds of years. Their experience makes it easy for them to distinguish the inner thoughts of the people who speak to them. The hunger for knowledge that came out moved them, so you have gained a lot. As far as I know, wizards who can learn from ghosts are very few. “

“It seems that I am not a nerd who can only read books.” Hermione said with a sigh of relief.

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